Today is the 29 of January 2013.
In 29 days, I will move on to a brand new decade, one that I should not fear—mostly because I am
mistaken for a high school aged girl—but, as most women have before me I do fear it. My husband is two and a half years younger than I am, and for that first 6 months, we are three years apart. I feel like these next 3 years and 7 months are going to be a bit weirder. We will be in different decades.
But in all seriousness, that doesn’t matter as we know.
My friend
partner, Jason (who is my friend as well, but he doesn’t have a blog I can link to) just turned 38 Saturday, and you know what? I look forward to 8 years from now, when my husband and I celebrate my nearing forty. Seeing friends gather for games and comic book talk, and hearing them tell stories. Not to mention, the two of them are AMAZING hosts in addition to being awesome friends. Topher was also supernaturally AMAZING at
…seriously, he got Bridget Jones’ Diary…from a
. Jason was super stoked, and one of his gifts was Bacon Vodka!
Being able to party in a house of my own when I turn 38 is a definite goal of mine! I look forward to aging, especially since I have the right person by my side, and we will get to celebrate together.
While I don’t agree with Patton Oswalt with his birthday stipulations, I also look forward to making it to another decade after that: 40!
I also look forward to being an adult who treats young people (teens mostly) with respect and decency. Since I look like a
teenager, I find this annoying. And it’s especially horrible when you know why people think it is ok why they can act like douches.
As I age, I think the only thing I don’t look forward to is the weight gain.
And possibly the time when I don’t get carded anymore…maybe that is when the sadness of aging will actually hit me, eh?
Between now, and 30, I figure I should have a few goals!
These goals are for the next 29 days:
1). Take a photo a day (Instagram user Joie_Fatale)
2). Finish A Game of Thrones
3). Finish The Hobbit
4). Draw a photo day (perhaps, I can use my Instagram goal to post my pics eh?)
5). Not take anything for granted especially during these days—I am not guaranteed to make it after all!
6). Exercise! Nothing says HAPPY birthday, like a happy healthy me!
7). Act more grown up.
8). Use my planner more often
9). Have more fun, and not be so serious
10). Stand & move more often at my desk
All are accomplishable too…I was going to write 29, but…yeah.