
Bought a planner…a MOLESKINE planner.

Not mentioning for the sake of the brand’s name. Nor did I buy it for that reason. BUT I do mention it cause did you know, these guys make cool THEMED journals? I just found this out while on an adventure at Barnes and Noble!

~Book review journal
~Music review journal
~Beer review journal
~ Wine review journal
~Tea review journal
~Movie review journal
~Wedding Planner (I want one now…even though I am done lol)
~Wellness Journal
~Baby journal (scurred!!!)

So, if you don’t know, I actually LOVE notebooks and stationary. There are a few problems with this:

1). I write letters, but forget to stamp and send them, and when I DO remember, it’s way past the point of the information in said letter, being of any pertinence.
2). I am always afraid someone will read my journals. Live Journal it’s ok…But my journal, journal…I need to find how to read with a password (SAPPHIRE!!!)
3). I have a few not full journals currently. I think the husband is perhaps overwhelmed by this.

Any who, I bought a planner, by said group of people. It’s purse AND pocket sized, so I am able to take it everywhere!!! No more “I think I have something that day” it yes, or no.

Also, Like my successful 2012 planner, it has a pocket!!! Coupons, notes, things like that go in there, this way, I remember my coupons, and my planner. See? Good right? A step towards grown-up-ocity!

Kick Ass 2 starts Friday. Going to see it with the Chefs! Also, I want to Austenland. I know that it will be of no “merit” but, knowing some Austen-philes, and being a bibliophile myself, well, I just can’t help myself.

I don’t expect too much from chick flicks. But I like a laugh, and this one has P&P jokes. So I am in.

I want to go to Old Town on Friday. Get my mom her birthday gift. But I need to get The Husband’s first. His birthday is the 23rd.

So many birthday’s this month, it’s hard to keep track.

Oh wait! Not it’s not! Thanks to my handy-dandy Planner yo!
