Hope your Christmas was brilliant! Mine was tiring, but fun,
and went WAY more smoothly than I hoped (and yeah, I was hoping for a good
So, I guess first off, I’ve lost 2 pounds this week! YAY!
This last week + a day (12/20-12/28) I have been the most serious!
I had started with T25, and I had even started off VERY
strong…and I stumbled with Thanksgiving. In my defense both my immediate
family, and my in-laws made some amazing food, but, more than anything I just
got lazy with T25. Work got intense, and I was tired, still not a good enough
This week however, I’ve been stepping it up. I am using my
days/hours of off time (for the holidays), to do the sport I am most horrible
at/like the least: running!
I was once a naysayer of running*, until 2009. *(to clarify, know that my
running/ran/run word usage is in
actuality me jogging/speed-walking.
I’m not that fast, and am klutzy. But I’m trying to increase my pace to burn
more calories!).
In 2009 over the course of a year, I lost 50 pounds. I also ate right, and stopped drinking soda (which is easier the more you stick with it, and more importantly, the more people actually support this decision…withdrawals are a b***h though). But yeah, I ran around 15 miles a week (3 miles, five times a week). And let me tell you, early morning weekend runs are surprisingly the easiest, because they are done and out of the way, and, BONUS: you don’t waste your Saturday and Sunday sleeping in! That means, after running, I can watch all my fandoms, and not feel guilty or lazy! (logic)
To help with the running, I also splurged on some newer,
better fitting exercise items: new sports boob-container bra, black and
purple fleeced leggings (which I got cause it was cold), and some light-weight purple and green capris/spandex (?)
“leggings” (because since Sunday, it’s been 78 degrees farenheight Fahrenheit
here in San Diego…not even a grey Christmas). Also, I got what I am calling my
flashy Joker-meets-GIR running jacket!!! It has thumb holes, and is purple and
green—thinking about it, all my running stuff is purple, green, black and orange
(workout shirt) for this reason.
For Christmas, my parents got the Tenor and I a Wii. In
2009, I used my parent’s Wii, WiiFit, and the board (scale/balance checker) to
help me lose weight. It was rather inspiring seeing my fat Mii lose weight
along with me. In fact, it was a nice reality check as to the weight I was
losing, since it showed the weight loss when I had a hard time seeing it for
myself. The Tenor and I have weighed in since we’ve got it. I really like
Nintendo games, and I can FINALLY play my Animal Crossing: City Folk again!
I am also upping my game in the kettle bell workouts! I need
to build some muscle to help metabolize and burn fat, in case there are days I
can’t exercise. Especially for those
days actually. Also, burns a bit more too I hear. I am actually afraid of
bulking up though, which I am told is irrational.
So far, I have been eating light, not drinking soda (typing
this gives me Pavlovian feelings for Dr. Pepper though…), avoiding bread. I should avoid cheese, but, I don’t think
that’s happening just yet.
I don't have a New Year's Resolution per se, other than to keep this up.
What do you do for your health and wellness?
Any resolutions?