Homesick Happens

I'm sorry if this comes off as a's not meant to be one. Just, more of a getting it off my chest, and if you want to send out a little prayer, or good thought for me, I'd appreciate it.

I'm on the opposite side of the country from people I've known and loved for nearly all of my life. It's a weird adjustment because I am still, fighting how different this is (even it's been long enough to not be doing/feeling this way). While I'll joke about missing food places such as Mexican food (it's not good here...#SendHelp...#SendBurritos), Korean food (#SendBibimbap) and of course, my beloved In-N-Out (#SendDoubleDouble #NoHouseSaucePlease). There's some weird vegetables are more expensive than meat...and there's a lot of up-charging that goes on out here.

On the plus side is, it's a new experience, and I've made some great new friends. I've been working out a lot (five times a week). I am with my husband and we are in a house, versus a sardine-can-sized apartment. We have so much more space, and we have Imogen and Thorin--which in CA, we couldn't really afford a place where we could have a big dog!

But I'm missing my family and friends. My sister had twins one month before I left, and I miss just hanging out with her and my youngest brother and my parents. I miss my car (which I plan on having shipped soon).

I miss driving/walking down the street to things too. It seems like things are so far away from our house. I miss the ocean with waves. OK, I can walk to the beach here, which is pretty awesome...but there's no waves...can't win 'em all, right? ;)

I also miss the oppurtunities that Southern California has to offer. There's more variety.

P-Cola isn't bad though...but you know:
Homesick Happens