Garnet Workout Cosplay

If you've been hanging out here with me, you knew who today was going to be!

And you know what? Garnet was the most difficult! I LOVE all of the Crystal Gems (you can't make me pick a favorite! YOU CAN'T!!!) but Garnet is


 and stoic, and just amazing!

She's such a strong character: physically, and, as the leader of the Gems! Also, if you've seen the show, you know she's got super Gem abilities (**spoilers**)!

This show is so fantastic! And one of the best parts is the music, which creator Rebecca Sugar created (she did the music for Adventure Time too). Also, for Garnet in particular, she is voiced by musician Estelle!

Be sure to check out my




Workout Cosplays as well!

Have you seen Steven Universe? If not, can I encourage you to change you mind ;P heehee?

If there is a workout cosplay you'd like to see, tweet me at

