5 Nerdiest, Fangirly Things I've Done

This Fandom Friday post is brought to you by the letter M for Megan Elvrum and the letter S for Super Space Chick!

1). Harry Potter Engagement Photos (taken by Brooke Aliceon)

courstesy of Brooke Aliceon

See the WHOLE shoot HERE!

Our lovely photographer Brooke Aliceon and her husband are a photography duo, and (like the Tenor) are House Ravenclaw! Upon our first meeting we KNEW that one of our photo shoots had to Harry Potter themed! She also took my blog icon pic (which is from this same shoot)! The main reason I have a pinterest was because a friend found me on there! I was really excited! Brooke is such an amazing artist, and you should check out her photos! (I have MAD respect for photographers)! #Slytherin!!!

2). G.I.R. Tattoo

You know, there's actually a funny story about this tattoo: my friend and I have a matching one! She has G.I.R. with the red eyes on her calf! And when I have enough money I want get a robot sleeve! I need R2-D2, Optimus Prime, Bender Rodriguez, Baymax and more!

3). Theme Song Playlist


Yes! This how I start my day! I listen to this (or, one of my favorite podcasts) when I get up in the morning, and while getting ready. Also, I'm feeling especially stressed, I listen to it in the car! I highly recommend it. Also, blasting tv themes from your car brings joy to other people cause they know the words too ;-P

4). Fanimals

Please note: Thorin is NOT in a muzzle, but is wearing a Gentle Leader!

Much gentler to walk him with then using the collar! He can eat and drink, and serves merely to guide!

All our pet's are named after a fandom of some sort! Thorin Gallifrey (Tolkein, & Doctor Who) the puppy! Imogen Lovegood (Shakespeare, & Harry Potter) the grey cat! And our newest Friday Noir (Thursday Next, & The Mighty Boosh)! These are my fur-babies! (Friday wasn't here when I we took this photo).

(Again: Please note-Thorin is NOT in a muzzle! He is wearing a Gentle Leader, which is much safer than a collar alone for walking!)

5). Meet Ups, Geek Out Together, & Geek Girl Brunch

art by Allison Kim

Last year, I had the pleasure of meeting some lovely, wonderful, and AMAZING geek girls in San Diego! Megan (The Nerdy Girlie) put together a hangout and I made some amazing friends (who, thinking about, I have no shame in admitting, I'm getting misty-eyed cause I miss them)! I can't wait until July for so many reasons! Getting to see these ladies again is one of them!

The other, is meeting my #PeggysPeeps: Gladys, Gwen and Travis at SDCC! We are doing a podcast together in association with Agents of Geek called Geek Out Together! I'm so excited...I think SDCC needs to be a little longer LOL!

And, since I had such a wonderful time making geeky girlfriends, when I moved to Florida, I knew the love had to continue! I'm now one of the GGB Brunch officers for Pensacola, and am looking forward to making more friends, especially fangirl friends!

The reason these three make it on this list is because I used to be incurably shy...like I didn't talk to anyone. My husband brought out my inner extrovert, and, helped me embrace allowing myself to feel (thus why I now cry even when I'm happy...I blame love for unlocking my emotions ;-P).