Harper, of Harper Honey, nominated me for another Liebster Award! Sorry I took so long, but I AM doing it :D
Liebsters are a fun way to get to know new bloggers, and, the blogger who has nominated them, and who nominated them, and so on! Like a ripple in a pool of water...even in reverse!
Here's how zeh Liebster Award works:
1). Link back to your homey who nominated you.
2). Answer the questions the nominator asked you.
3). Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
4). Create 11 questions for the 11 folks in step 3
5). Notify your nominees!
It's like the blog world's Oscars...well, Tony's (cause Tony's are more awesome)!
Here are my questions from Harper:
1). Link back to your homey who nominated you.
2). Answer the questions the nominator asked you.
3). Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
4). Create 11 questions for the 11 folks in step 3
5). Notify your nominees!
It's like the blog world's Oscars...well, Tony's (cause Tony's are more awesome)!
Here are my questions from Harper:
- What movie best captures how you see the world? I feel like the movie that best portrayed how I view the world is Studio Ghibli's Howl's Moving Castle. While it differs from the book completely, the movie's Sophie is very dear to me. I'm consistently afraid I'll be an old lady before I see anything of the world. And when he movie came out, I thought I would be a woman who never had a significant other. I was kind of fine with it at one point. But HMC showed me that Sophie only learned how to make her stuff happen once she started making some things happen for herself. Now, I realize there's circumstance that prevent me from doing everything I want to do (lack of money, privilege, means...mostly money) but, I can make some of what I want to happen, and, hope for help on the rest. IDK if this describes this well, but that movie to me really changed my outlook, and, helped me be OK with me and, work on the parts of me I wanted to change. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Is there anything you really loved as a kid that you really dislike now? My Little Pony...the 80's one. I LOVE the new MLP: Friendship is Magic. But the old one...well, let's just say I tried to watch it again, and it was unbearable.
- What's something you wish you knew earlier? I wish I had known more about...let's just say economics for the successful.
- What do you hope to be doing when you meet the person you next fall in love with (or for those currently in love, what were you doing)? Whoa! Hard question. I'm currently married, and we are in a HUGE transition stage as we are now military-lifestyle people. But we're in the beginning stage, so it's kind of a preschool/limbo type of thing. I am swimming though...and dammit that makes me happy!
- What do you like to do when it rains? open the windows, read, type, go outside...and sleep. I find the rain comforting!
- What do you dream about? I still have nightmares about being late, and, being yelled at by my old supervisor. That, and San Diego food.
- What game/reality competition show do you think you'd be the most fun to watch on? Wheel of Fortune, or Price is Right...but this is because I'd try and do my best possible Orin (Parks & Rec) impression!
- What game/reality competition show do you think you'd have a decent shot at winning? Beat the Geeks (a comedy central game show back from when I was in HS...or college...I did well when watching it). That or: Jeopardy: Random S**t Edition...
- What pokemon are you? Squirtle!!!!!! #WaterType!
- What are some of your favorite song lyrics? Dang...um...off the top of my head: "And sometimes when you're on, you're really f**king on. And your friends they sing along and they love you. But the lows are so extreme, that the good seems f**king cheap, and it teases you for weeks in it's absence. But you'll fight and you'll make it through! You'll fake it if you have to. And you'll show up for work with a smile..." TBH, this whole song!!!
- What songs/artists/composers would make up the movie soundtrack of your life? EASY! John Williams on the score! I'd love for an epic collaboration of Billie Joe Armstrong, Jenny Lewis and Tim Rice on lyrics. (maybe I have actually thought about this before).
My Nominees are:
- Travis Grimm
- Gwen of Like Gwen Stacy
- Usagi in Wonderland
- Cateclysmic
- Christa Mae (of Obsessive Girl Fan)
- Pepi
- Brookenado
- Sarah of Oh So Kawaii
- Barb of You Fancy Me Mad
- Steph of Oh, Nerd Joy
- Angie of A Life More Kawaii
And here are your questions:
1). If you had a auto-/biography, what would your pun-filled title be?
2). What would your "last meal" be (beverages too)?
3). What other languages do you speak, study, or, wish you could?
4). What music album best describes your adolescence?
5). What is your favorite quote, from your favorite 90's movie?
6). What Pokemon are you (stolen from Harper)?
7). Admit it, your animated/illustrated crush is...?
8). What is your dream hair color (if it could permanently be ANY color)?
9). What form would your patronus look like?
10). What natural "disaster" best describes you (tornado, Sharknado, Beariccane, earthquake, etc)?
11). What is your big summer goal this year?
Hope you enjoyed my answers! Be sure to check out the other bloggers, for theirs!