Finn (Stormtrooper) Workout Cosplay

Stormtrooper Finn Workout Cosplay

Stormtrooper Finn Workout Cosplay



Back on track!

I need to finish out my Star Wars theme, and give some love to Finnie-Finn-Finn! I really loved The Force Awakens, and Finn was that perfect blend of familiar, and yet fresh! And I REALLY wanted to do a Stormtrooper outfit, but needed it to be Finn too! Also: that


is so cool! It's available through

Chicky Bands

! I want a few more from there (especially the Rey one 😍).

Here is a Finn inspired playlist!

Is there a workout cosplay you'd like to see? Maybe just a character inspired playlist you'd like to sweat, or dance too? Let me know in the comments, or on twitter

