Today's Workout Cosplay is based on David Bowie's iconic role of Jareth the Goblin King from

Jareth the Goblin King from Labyrinth
As you may have seen in my
, I was a late watcher of Labyrinth, but thanks to
, I got to see it! It was Muppets! It was magical! And, it was Bowie! The movie's brilliant. I based the outfit on his from
scene (Magic Dance), with the sparkly blue headband as an homage to the ballroom scene!
This workout playlist is very dance-dance oriented! I wanted it to be something with David's influence, but, also peppy to run or dance or what-have-you to!
If there are any Workout Cosplays and Playlists you'd like to see, let me know in the comments, or, tweet me