First, FINALLY Dexter is back on Netflix (or at least back to being advertised in my queue)!
I can't wait to complete this series.
Next, is Arrow.
I sadly am NOT (thus far) a fan of Stephen Amell.
But, John Barrowman, Alex Kingston, Summer Glau, Tahmoh Penikett all make appearances. And the rest of the cast ain't so bad. So, I think I just need to swallow my pride, and do this!!! (Also...HUNTRESS!!!)
New episodes of Nikita as well. I was apprehensive about this show, but I got to quickly snap a pic with Maggie Q this year at Comic Con, and even though she was in a rush to a party, she took the time to ALSO take a picture with my brother who has missed the last 4 cons (09, 10, 11, 12) while he was serving our country. She is genuinely pretty!! And she is such a bad-ass on the show!
Just in time for the upcoming ChrimboHols:
NATIONAL LAMPOON'S CHRISTMAS VACATION!!! I consider November 20 the "OK for Christmas" time. I do think AFTER Thanksgiving is better, but in our consumer driven lives, I think there is another, better time that isn't THE DAY AFTER HALLOWEEN. Compromise.
Last, but NOT least, the show I am most HAPPY to see: Chuck.
I wish I could fully articulate my sincerest love for this show. But, I can't, so, I shan't.
It's just GREAT. That's all I have. Sorry.
So, that's it for now!