Weekly Intentions #6/7

I didn't get to type out my Weekly Intentions last week, so the ones' I didn't do, will be on week seven. I actually write these down in my planner as a reminder to keep up on it. Without Further ado:

1). Appreciate the Tenor: I try to do this a lot. But this week I want to take special care to do so in a bigger way. We both have this Friday off, and I want to make sure we have an adventurous day!
2). 5 Days!- Five days this week MUST have exercise involved. Running the lake is my biggest activity, but I also like to do some weights with my Kettle bell. Also, since I have a Wii, and Wii Fit, it's time to incorporate some YOGA! It's fantastic for stretching too.
3). Holiday Cards - I still have enough time to write cards for the new year, right? :p
4). Photos- I need to take a few photos. First are my exercise journey photos...I feel a bit shy about this. Maybe it will be just on Instagram, but showing this journey should be helpful.
I also want to take some photos while the weather here is Late Spring status (seriously, it's 78 F...WTF mate?!?!).
Also, just take more photos of life in general. I don't seem to record it as much as I could/should.
5). Finish my book- Need to finish the third Percy Jackson book. Have you read this series? It's so good (I didn't particularly care for the film though).

Do you have any intentions for this week, or, the last two days of this year?