Weekly Intentions

Weekly Intentions #13

1). Cleaning & Organizing- On the 22nd we will be having guests and I want to clean, clean, CLEAN!!! And my husband is more of an organizer (confession: I'm a "hide-it-under-the-bed" cleaner). So I want to clean and organize. But as you may have noticed I get stressed/over-whelmed quite easily. So, I'll start now, and take it slow!
SOOO true!!! via

2). Paperwork - I have some paper work to fill, shred, and file. I guess that goes with number one, but...ugh! No one likes this. But...responsability, am-I-right?!

3). Valentine's - Not really into it, but I want to get my mom, dad, and, the Tenor a little something just to say I consider them special on this day for loving others (I don't thing it has to be a day for loving your lover, I think it's a great day to let your friends and family know they matter to you...otherwise...I have mixed emotions about the day).

4). Craft project - I have a craft that I started over the summer. I just need to work on it. It's almost done. It's simple. I just need to finish it. I'm so ashamed...

5). Puella Magi Madoka Magica - I REALLY need to just finish this. I keep post poning it, to make it last longer.
via Wikipedia

All right! Let's get this week started!!!

What's a goal of your's for this week?

Pre Preregistration Jitters

Let me just say I've watched this twice already.

I am so scared, and excited about tomorrow.

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you feel really stressed? That's been mine!
Because my week has been my thoughts about tomorrow are much like a tennis ball, bouncing between two opponents named: "Will-the-bad-week-continue-to-tomorrow?" and, "Surely-this-bad-week-will-lead-to-good-things-tomorrow"

I am worried and hopeful about badge sales tomorrow morning.

Things tend to work out ok...but I don't want to get too cocky. I keep reading The Nerdy Girlie's SDCC info, and trying to remind myself not to worry.

But putting this into practice? Oi Vey!

And the Starbucks Double shot I just had isn't helping LOL

So what to do? Here's some things to re-happy before tomorrow morning:

  • Check this 24 Hour Music Video! It's by Pharrell, but the song is really chipper, and I like the idea of a 24 hour video, mostly because I want to know if this is legitimately 24 hours.
  • Naruto! Sasuke! Goku!...Goku?! :D
  • Saban's opening theme and version for Sailor Moon (this makes me feel good because it DIDN'T happen!...Though at that time I was in elementary, and probably would have watched it anyway. Still glad). 
  • How adorable is Sandy?
Alright...see you in an hour or two!
Send me you prayers, good thoughts, and luck! 

I'm going for my Comic Con badge!


Weekly Intentions #12

1). Swim- Got to swim twice last week. Not bad, but not my ideal from last week, so this puppy is back up here! I want to improve my times too! Also, I feel really happy when I’m done.
2). Buttons- some for me, some for friends. Photoshop Extracurricular Activities!!! Also, practice for it too!
3). Learn Three NEW Words- This will be on these Intentions more than once. I want to both learn new words, and refresh my memory on others. Pretty excited to start doing this!
4). Do Three New Exercises- Whether they are brand new, or, new to routine, I’d like to try and do three new ones each month. No Plateau!
5). Listen More, Speak Less- difficult, because when I get really excited, or passionate…I pretty much turn into a puppy. I wiggle in my seat, even. But I do listen, but I want to listen more intentionally. And maybe work on being less of a puppy LOL. Seriously though, I like meeting people, and when I do I either clam up, or, I get really excited.

This week I will post a recap of the AWESOME time I had with some fellow geeky San Diego gals! It was so, so, SOOOOO fun!
I can without a doubt, and with all sincerity say: this is something I have been truly missing from my life! Thank God for the internet! LOL
I hope you have a wonderful week!

Weekly Intentions # 11

This week, let's try it: Countdown Style!!!

5). Water Polo- Classes at the local community colleges commence today, and I plan on crashing Water Polo. Even though I am a slow swimmer, I know I need the challenge, confidence boost, and calorie burn! Also, I just bought a new suit, and I don't want that to go to waste!
My Swimsuit pattern from Instagram
4). Drink More Water and Juice- I got a random case of the flu last week, and was sick (thus the "No-Post-Since-Wednesay" status). So I need to focus on maintaing vitamins and such so I don't get ill again.

3). Stress Less- Part of last weeks icky-sicky was stress has already taken quite a toll on my body. I might need to use some of my vacation time. I keep telling myself, but I still haven't picked any time frame. But, March is the Tenor's and my anniversary, so I might save until then.

2). Bleach More of My Hair- back in November I bleached some of it, but I am attempting to gradually bleach all of it, and white it out. I want to have it like Storm, or Elsa's!  (and if I could gain weather/ice manipulation like either of them, that would be a bonus!)
Always loved her with the mohawk! (via)
Elsa from Disney's FROZEN by princekido
by princekido
1). Birthdays Wishes- This is kind of a intention for the year actually. I want to text people I know on their birthdays, and not just Happy Birthday, but, let them know what they mean to me! I think receiving Happy Birthday is nice, but this year, I want to focus on those people too! Ideally I will send via a text message, or a phone call. And if that's not available, Facebook will suffice. But, I want me to be more appreciative of my friends and family this year! It's a totally doable goal too!

Now for something COMPLETELY different!!!
I'm going to be an auntie! OK yes I am already an aunt as my two of my Sister-In-Laws (SIL) have children. BUT for the first time one of my siblings is having a baby!

Wait, correction: she's having TWO babies!!! Twins!!!

They are fraternal twins so they might be boy and girl! (OK maybe we are all hoping so☺).

I can't wait to find out!!! So amazing!

I know its still early so if you could say a little prayer/some good thoughts for these future littles that would be groovy!

I'm excited.
But not as excited as my mum! Holy moley! She is stoked!

How about you? What are your intentions for the week? Exciting news?
Hope you have a wonderful week!!

Weekly Intentions #10

Last week was extremely difficult. The heat has picked up and so have the winds, and you know what that means my fellow marshmallows: ALLERGIES! I even had a very attractive eye-twitch to go with it!

But that's not why we are here, is it?
Here are Intentions this week:
1). Set up for the next day the night before: Our parents teach us this early on in school...elementary eh? But for some reason I have forgotten how to do this. So I've been scrambling in the mornings. It's not fun, and it's a bit frantic. I still make it on time, but, it's still anxiety inducing, and unnecessarily so. But on those nights (rare though may they be) where I do prep, I end up having a chance to breathe before jump in the car on the way to work. So, yeah, this is the must this week!
2). Swim!: I've been telling the Tenor that we should be swimming, and there's a pool about two minutes walk from the school we've been walking/jogging at! I used to play Water Polo (not well, but if you want to lose 10 pounds in one week: do a water polo "hell week" trust me!), and I prefer water cause it's easy to think and just work out. Also, full body workout.
3). Organize my Comics: The Tenor and I really need to organize our comics. I had organized them before, but well, it's gotten bigger! And so that means...upgrade for organization!
4). Groceries: this goes with number one, but, also with what I was stating on number two also.  I need to have a game plan for meals. And packing for lunch, and having easy to eat post-swim snacks is a good idea I think.
5). Girls' Night and/or B-Movie Night: I think it would be fun to do a "B-Movie Girl's Night" best of  both worlds...I wonder? Either way, hopefully this will generate some interest among my local lady friends!

What are your goals this week? I know some of you have started school, and to you I wish Good Luck! Ace those tests and classes!!!

Weekly Intentions/Goals #9

1.       T-25- Keep up the good work! Keep on doing it!
2.       Animal Crossing: New Leaf- kind of afraid to look at my town. Need to get down to business on this!
3.       Hang-out day- The Tenor and I just need a good old fashioned, no-Telly included hang out day together! I want to make sure this happened Thursday, and so, it’s in the calendar. Oh, and life: “you best not be getting in the way”
4.       Lost & Found- lost some washi tape (literally disappeared on me dude). Need to find that sucker!
5.       Arms- so it’s going to be a freezing(sarcasm) 80 degrees Fahrenheit **eye-role** here in San Diego tomorrow (seriously, is it January? Or is this a practical joke?). as much as the “winter” is acting like late spring, I guess it’s good as it will remind me to workout my arms for tanks and tee weather…especially since the temperature will a reminder.
On a side advertisement note:
Winter weather getting you down? Cold snow and torrential flurries bumming you out this winter? Well, visit sunny San Diego—America’s Finest City—and escape it all this winter!
San Diego is experiencing a bit of late-summer/early spring, and the water is pretty warm at the beaches!
Ok, just kidding—unless you are looking to escape, then by all means, this place is fantastic. I love my town…just not our “winter.” LOL
Do you have any mini goals for this week?

Weekly Intentions #8

Weekly Intentions this week finds me at wanting to really just getting some things done!
1). Read, Read, and READ SOME MORE!!!- I devoured the first two Percy Jackson books...and part of why was I have the Kindle app on my phone, and that's convenient. But I used to carry a book everywhere before, and dang it!!! I can do that still! No excuses!
2). More weights- part of this relates to my Sunday post, because I would like to be able to do FIVE push ups (good ones) by the end of the month. Also, I only did one weight based exercise last week, and one the week before. Weights burn more calories, but more importantly build more muscle.
3). Squats and Lunges- I hate them. I wish there was something else I could do that would magically give me their results...but until then, I need to push myself to do them (**sigh**)
4). RUNNING...again- I've been speed walking--which is still really great for you--but I want to get some more running done and improve my time.
5). Create more Space- I was blessed with some FREE shelves from my co-worker, and since apartments are tiny, the extra space it will create some much needed space!

Any way, here's to this week! Hope yours is:

What are your goals for this week?

Weekly Intentions #6/7

I didn't get to type out my Weekly Intentions last week, so the ones' I didn't do, will be on week seven. I actually write these down in my planner as a reminder to keep up on it. Without Further ado:

1). Appreciate the Tenor: I try to do this a lot. But this week I want to take special care to do so in a bigger way. We both have this Friday off, and I want to make sure we have an adventurous day!
2). 5 Days!- Five days this week MUST have exercise involved. Running the lake is my biggest activity, but I also like to do some weights with my Kettle bell. Also, since I have a Wii, and Wii Fit, it's time to incorporate some YOGA! It's fantastic for stretching too.
3). Holiday Cards - I still have enough time to write cards for the new year, right? :p
4). Photos- I need to take a few photos. First are my exercise journey photos...I feel a bit shy about this. Maybe it will be just on Instagram, but showing this journey should be helpful.
I also want to take some photos while the weather here is Late Spring status (seriously, it's 78 F...WTF mate?!?!).
Also, just take more photos of life in general. I don't seem to record it as much as I could/should.
5). Finish my book- Need to finish the third Percy Jackson book. Have you read this series? It's so good (I didn't particularly care for the film though).

Do you have any intentions for this week, or, the last two days of this year?

Weekly Intentions #5

Weekly Intentions #5
1. Ambition- Sunday I got to hang out with my amazingly talented musician friend Hellking, and his lovely girlfriend (she calls herself Childmouse online) who is also talented and an illustrator. I had such a great time with them. I am actually very blessed to know so many talented people. I will admit, I envy them a bit. Not in a covetous way, but in a “I need that too” way. I am working on finding my thing. I have a lot of things I like though. I’m not even sure where to begin. So I want to write out a list of “What I want to be when I grow up” even if I am already a grown up. LOL

2. Be appreciative- I need to keep in mind how good I do have it. I know that with ambition, I could easily fall into ungratefulness, but I don’t want that. I need to appreciate all the cool people that are in my life far and away, or close by. Most importantly, I want to take time and treasure my husband sometime this week. I try to do this, but I know that something special every now and then can really make someone’s day.

3. Christmas cards- I know I am late, but I have a box full that I really just need to take care of. If not that, than I will work on a new year’s letter.

4. Read- I have two books that I don’t know why, but I really feel I should finish them this week. They are perfectly easy to do, so really, I have no excuse.

5. Focus- be it T25, running, work, this blog, whatever it is, I need to focus on setting my goals and making time to accomplish them (ambition list!!!).

Hope your week goes well, and make sure you plan out your goals. Go ahead and get into the swing of things for the new year. 

Weekly Intentions Numero Quatro!

1). A running day!!! I NEED a running day! The Tenor is off on Friday, so hopefully it is not pouring rain, and this can be it! Also Saturday and Sunday mornings?
2). Magazine Purge!!! I need to go through, and get the clips I want, and toss the crap I don’t need.
3). Draw the SDCC 2014 costumes concepts: our crew is doing a theme…I still haven’t done any concept art. While we will all be doing our own thing, I REALLY wanted to draw this. Like, a lot! Hell, I’ve been meaning to do this since 2005 when my first sketch was done in my Rule 63 of…well, that’s a surprise! ;) I have been drawing some other stuff, and going through my previous art, so that's good right?
4). Finish my Christmas Special Extravaganza post Narrowing down, and knowing how much to write has been…daunting LOL. But this should be fun!!!
5). Practice Japanese I am soooo out of practice, but, we were talking about this at Boomerang’s yesterday, about how my brother and I took Japanese together. I want to learn it again. I need to study. Actually, I need to clean my apartment, as I can’t study with distractions about! If I even study once this week, it will be an accomplishment!

I guess that’s it for this week’s intentions.
Hope the cold weather is treating you well!
Dont't give yourself brain freeze!

Weekly Intentions #3 12/2/2013

GAH! So late on posting!
Holidays, am I right?

Anyway, here are the things I need to do/work on this week:

  1. Stand at my desk: Rather than just sitting all day at my cubicle, getting...well, getting Pancake-Ass, or the Secretary Spread (where one's bottom fatty cells shift to the hips) I need to working on standing as much as comfort allows for at my desk. Also, it will be grand for circulation, and keep me fitness minded!
  2. Christmas Shopping: While the Tenor and I are not too sure about gifts for everyone (we kind of stopped counting at 20 people) I DO want to get at least a little something for everyone, and, something nice for his mum, and my parents.  And the ambitious goal? I want to finish it all up by Sunday. Thank God for the interwebs!
  3. Look for a Water Polo team: I played this sport when it was brand new to my High School. It was fun. I was JV the whole time, but, I had fun, AND let me tell you swimming is a GREAT metabolism booster. Like, you could eat crappy and still lose weight. While I don't plan on doing the crap-eating (and highly advise against it) I recommend this sport as a confidence booster, like Roller Derby (hmmm...that's going on a future list). Seriously, I--like many women--have body image issues. But I am not afraid to be in a swimsuit. I am grateful to this sport for that, and, as a result recommend it to people of all sizes. It's also hecka fun, and graet for getting out aggression, and if you have problems sleeping, this may be a cure, cause your whole body will be in motion, and tired, so you will be out like a little baby kitten!
    School of Thrones will have me saying "GREYJOY" randomly though...
    GREYJOY! (watch this Awesome web series here!) But for the record, I do not like Theon...
  4. Work on posting: I have a few things I want to write...I am working on them as you read this in fact! I look forward to sharing them! 
  5. Measurements for T25: I can not seem to find my measuring tape for the life of me! But I need to as Saturday's for T25 calls for measuring parts of your body. I have seen some results. Unfortunately Turkey day preparations did get in my way!
Speaking of Turkey Day, a quick recap of my holiday is that: IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!
I got really paranoid about things...per usual. But I had fun at both Thanksgivings. We played Apples to Apples both nights. My brussel sprouts were well received, and the Jell-o shots turned out well despite a replacement ingredient! It has been fun bonding with family, and my nieces and nephews are adorable!

While I worked M-F (omitting Thurs.) last week, it was nice and quiet!!! Many people took vacation on Friday, so only 5 of us were in office! I got soooo much done!

I am excited for this season, and am working on a playlist/Mixed Tape CD for Christmas! 

Any goals set for this week or month for you?

Weekly Intentions #2 : Thanksgiving Edition!

This will be a brief post, but, this week is CRAZY!
  • Enjoy time allowed with friends! What little time that will be allowed outside of family obligations...such as tonight when we watch the 50th Anniversary Special of Doctor Who in theaters! We bought it on the Xbox 360 already to avoid SPOILERS but I still need to see it on the big screen!!! Also, Turkey bowl on Thursday morning. Not a fan of American Football (The Anti-footbal as I often call it). But it should be fun.
  • DOUBLE THANKSGIVINGS!No panic attacks! You read that right. This week we have two thanksgivings. But these are already scheduled. However, my intentions for these two events is to enjoy them, rather than be stressed out by the social pressures of all this. Seriously...the cray-cray has already happened!
I am assuming this is how I will be feeling at one point, or another, or by the end of the week!
           Pretty sure things are going to be fine though...Just a bit anxious!
  • Write a "Thankful" List with the Tenor! I think we should each write one, and then, maybe write one together. Maybe I will post them here too?
  • Take a breather. With all the family (and maybe future family) coming in this week, it gets a little stressful. I need to make sure to take a time out so I don't make myself anxious and...well, avoid being the "Eeyore" of the group.
  • Be Health Oriented. With all the food out this week, I need to make sure to avoid what's bad for me. I need to be sure to exercise NO MATTER WHAT, and make good choices. And with the two thanksgivings going on, I can't cave into family members' cries of "oh, but it's only once a year." TBH, I am really stressing this time around! And unfortunately my FAVORITE item is my mum's mac n cheese...It's a once a year dish--with good reason; CARBS+CHEESE?!?! Sooo bad!--but dang! It's SOOOOOOOOOOOO delicious! I'm telling myself one serving. And not "one plateful" as my serving, but one serving of a proper size! Also, I need to post pics from last weeks T25! Monday's pic, and Friday's picture of my self...I could actually see a difference! That is uber motivating!!! Yes, in friday's pic i am in a dark shirt, but I could tell without the shot! And I feel confident in possible success!!! :-D
  • BONUS INTENTION: B-Movie Night! Last month, we had a B-Movie night featuring the surprise "hit" Sharknado! I want to have one this week featuring FDR: American Badass...wherein FDR contracted polio from a werewolf bite. "FDR and a team of historic figures seek victory in World War II by defeating an army of Nazi Werewolves." How could one NOT feature this...this GEM, on a B-Movie night? But I am open to suggestions! Hoping this happens though!
Well, I hope your Thanksgiving week is a groovy one! Stay healthy while you enjoy! And remember, if your family has crazy drama, it will make a GREAT book or movie!
Also, books are wonderful friends to take to family functions! Have one ready if this week is not your thing!

Weekly Intentions #1

I am super inspired by this post.

I am sure some of these items will be on repeat, but that's not too bad eh? If it needs to be done, it needs to be done!

And with that, here are this weeks:

  • Exercise!!! Like I said, I am sure some items will be on repeat. But, this is a list for my better-ment. And this one is important.
  • Go on a nature hike this week: I live near canyons and the beach. Friday is my day off, and TBH I think a jog in the sand in the sun (huzzah! ties in with the above goal!) would be incredibly challenging, and good for me!
  • Draw I can't wait to use my supplies again. I spent all of Saturday cleaning our tiny California apartment so that we can have things in a proper place. I put hanging file folders up for my comic books, and, designated an "arts-and-crafts" drawer as well.
  • Eat at least one meal at the table! As I mentioned, we have a tiny apartment. We can call it cozy, but, damn it is small! This past cleaning on Saturday I cleaned off all the mail, books--we have more books than we have room for, but I don't think that's a bad thing (I am a Book Pimp, eh?)--and receipts off the table. I filed them all appropriately, and the Tenor and I ate at the table my mum purchased us. It was surprisingly exciting, and tbh I actually want to do this for every meal.
  • Super Weekend! The Tenor, my brother, and I (and maybe Cheech if he is in San Diego in enough time) are going to Riverside for the Hunger Games traditional viewing with our friends Topher & Jason! We are also likely to play ROCK BAND! Also, we need to talk about costumes! Also in Super Weekend is the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special.  I am quite literally making "squee" noises over it. Can't be helped. 

Well, that's this list. Hopefully I will have a new one for the next week!