Weekly Intentions #5
1. Ambition- Sunday I got to hang out with my amazingly
talented musician friend Hellking,
and his lovely girlfriend (she calls herself Childmouse online) who
is also talented and an illustrator. I had such a great
time with them. I am actually very blessed to know so many talented people. I
will admit, I envy them a bit. Not in a covetous way, but in a “I need that too”
way. I am working on finding my thing. I have a lot of things I like though. I’m
not even sure where to begin. So I want to write out a list of “What I want to
be when I grow up” even if I am already a grown up. LOL
2. Be appreciative- I need to keep in mind how good I do
have it. I know that with ambition, I could easily fall into ungratefulness,
but I don’t want that. I need to appreciate all the cool people that are in my
life far and away, or close by. Most importantly, I want to take time and
treasure my husband sometime this week. I try to do this, but I know that
something special every now and then can really make someone’s day.
3. Christmas cards- I know I am late, but I have a box full
that I really just need to take care of. If not that, than I will work on a new
year’s letter.
4. Read- I have two books that I don’t know why, but I
really feel I should finish them this week. They are perfectly easy to do, so
really, I have no excuse.
5. Focus- be it T25, running, work, this blog, whatever it
is, I need to focus on setting my goals and making time to accomplish them
(ambition list!!!).
Hope your week goes well, and make sure you plan out your
goals. Go ahead and get into the swing of things for the new year.