Weekly Intentions #10

Last week was extremely difficult. The heat has picked up and so have the winds, and you know what that means my fellow marshmallows: ALLERGIES! I even had a very attractive eye-twitch to go with it!

But that's not why we are here, is it?
Here are Intentions this week:
1). Set up for the next day the night before: Our parents teach us this early on in school...elementary eh? But for some reason I have forgotten how to do this. So I've been scrambling in the mornings. It's not fun, and it's a bit frantic. I still make it on time, but, it's still anxiety inducing, and unnecessarily so. But on those nights (rare though may they be) where I do prep, I end up having a chance to breathe before jump in the car on the way to work. So, yeah, this is the must this week!
2). Swim!: I've been telling the Tenor that we should be swimming, and there's a pool about two minutes walk from the school we've been walking/jogging at! I used to play Water Polo (not well, but if you want to lose 10 pounds in one week: do a water polo "hell week" trust me!), and I prefer water cause it's easy to think and just work out. Also, full body workout.
3). Organize my Comics: The Tenor and I really need to organize our comics. I had organized them before, but well, it's gotten bigger! And so that means...upgrade for organization!
4). Groceries: this goes with number one, but, also with what I was stating on number two also.  I need to have a game plan for meals. And packing for lunch, and having easy to eat post-swim snacks is a good idea I think.
5). Girls' Night and/or B-Movie Night: I think it would be fun to do a "B-Movie Girl's Night" best of  both worlds...I wonder? Either way, hopefully this will generate some interest among my local lady friends!

What are your goals this week? I know some of you have started school, and to you I wish Good Luck! Ace those tests and classes!!!