Boundless Book Club!!!

You may have noticed a bit of a buzz going around this past week regarding BOOKS! Announcing:

Melody, and Megan had the awesome idea of creating a book club! Megan shared the information with Brooke, Autumn and I while we were hanging out for brunch two weekends ago.  One of the most amazing things about this community, is that we’ve been able to just talk about books, and pick up recommendations, OR, talk about books we’ve all read!

And thus: Boundless Book Club was born!

The way we see it:
Boundless Book Club is our name, since—through reading—we are not bound to anyone plane of existence, reality, persona, land, etc. Through books, we get to travel from Middle Earth; to outer space; to Hogwarts, to ANYWHERE with books. Through books we are poor determined orphans, escaped convicts; larcenists; wizards; heroes and villains!
While books may be bound in their format (be it a e-reader binding all the lovely machinery, or the tried and true book with pages and that glorious smell), they are--more importantly--tickets to any world imaginable!
And since the community is an international one, our love of nerdiness, and books, are things that BIND us together! Each of us incorporating a volume in this world’s very own collection! 

We are as people (at least to me) a veritable collection of stories and experiences. We’re all one giant collection. Like the people version of Encyclopedia Britannica. 

In the words of the 11th Doctor (and one of my favorite quotes):
…because we’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?
So, please join us at GoodReads here! Thanks to the boundless power of the internet (see what I did there) we can have a book group together!
Also, we're on Instagram, and throughout the twitter-verse under #BoundlessBooks!
Tell your friends, neighbors, classmates, baristas, barristers, waiters!

Heck! Tell your enemies too. Maybe you’ll become friends! I mean, we will be discussing books after all. What better way to build that bridge of friendship and commonality, than through literature?!
Join us September 1st with Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige our read for the month! And/or, join us for all this Fall in reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon!

Cheers, and see you behind those pages!