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I am indeed still alive! I have been in the moving process and in this particular process I am going through the beloved internet is currently a "Library Only" thing.

Not a bad thing...except the walk to la biblioteca is quite far and it's quite's bloody hot!

But free internet is reason number...well, it's in the top 50 of "Reasons Joie Loves Libraries"

Alas, I digress.

Here in the state of Florabama It is quite humid. But, I'm liking it so far (with the exception of the aforementioned "lack-of-webbage")

The Tenor and I found a great vegan/vegetarian place (they have both types of dishes) and a great seafood/cocktails place. We have yet to visit the comic book store, but that's the plan for Friday. Saturday we shall venture to the local farmer's market.

I've been working out at the gym near our house though! It's within a reasonable walking distance that is also primarily shaded. So I'll be sharing some of what is in my gymbag soon, as well as (FINALLY) some of my personal Workout Cosplays in the next few months!

Well, I'm off to try and catch up on you guys much as possible! Thanks for hanging around, and I encourage you to do so, as this year I will have a lot more I'm hoping!
