Fandom Friday: Comfort Foods That Make Me Dance and Sing!

This Fandom Friday post is brought to by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and the letter S for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you!  
I don't know about you, but I totally believe/suffer from "hangry"! I know how Bruce Banner feels as the fourth hour between a meal rolls around. Hell, I think the main purpose of my purse is to prevent this from happening, via a Quest Bar or another snack being nestled in it.

But then, there are foods that not only take me out of Hulk-smashing-stuff-up-mode, but, into singing and dancing (even if only at the table).

That dear reader, is that list..for me!

5). Pho

via Pho Across America
Whether in sickness, or, in health: Pho is great! Well, to be clear, great pho, is great! I grew up in a neighborhood with an average of two pho restaurants  at every intersection (science!...not really). I'm still looking to find a a good pho restaurant here in P-Cola!
If you don't know what pho is, check out my friend Victoria's handy guide HERE

4). Spicy Cha Cha from Loving Hut!
There are two things you should know about me: (1) I'm not vegan, but, (2) I LOVE vegan food options! And Loving Hut is a vegan restaurant that has franchises all over! They have amazing desserts, soups, and sandwiches. But the Spicy Cha Cha is hands down my favorite. It's skrimp (not shrimp?) and has delicious seasoning and brown rice...I love it! when my hubby and I had a "One Night Only" stint in San Diego last week (this post to come) we made sure to eat at Loving Hut! It's OUR place! Alas, the closest Loving Hut is in Tampa!

3). My Mom's Mac 'n' Cheese
Picture by Bored Inc.
This is a meal is only available seasonally. Every Thanksgiving my mom makes Mac 'n' Cheese, and it is literally a gift from above. I swear, Thursday evening, after grace, and everyone is served, the clouds open up, and moonlight shines in through the window upon this most delicious of food! I don't have a picture of it because I am always too busy eating it!  One year, my mom didn't make it. I told her that I would forgive her that one time. If it happened again, I will not be doing "the whole Thanksgiving thing."
It IS the holiday to me. Judge me if you must. But you'll have to try it for yourself to judge fairly.

2). Cake from Edelweiss Bakery
via the Bakery's Website
"I love cake!" And when I say that, I mean cake from this bakery. I LOVE their icing! I love their cake! I love their whole bakery! When people ask if I want cake, I always hope it will be from them! I'm often disappointed slightly when it's not though because this cake makes me happy beyond belief!

1). Sashimi
I like sushi rolls. But I LOVE sashimi! I am not sure how but my mom got me into sushi early on in life she says (I don't know why either, cause I don't know if I could share my sushi with a little kid #sorrynotsorry). But I will always say "yes" to a sushi invite!

And an honarable mention to...
a). Coffee
Ok, not technically a food, so not technically on the list. But I couldn't not menction it as I'm a coffee addict, so much so that it could be 2 am, and I could be in a desperate need of sleep; but if I so much as smell that delicious brown gift from God...well, I'm getting me a cup of coffee--in the words of Debbie Harry:-- One Way or Another!!!

Those are foods that not only keep me in Bruce Banner mode, but a singing dancing with Thor and Loki, Bruce mode!

What are your comfort foods?