Workout Cosplay: Mega Man X (Guest Post by Dave)

My brother Dave was kind enough to help me in this month's Guy-vember Workout Cosplays!

In fact he even chose a video game character--which I have yet to do (new goal)! He chose his favorite video game character, and, overall bad-a$$: Mega Man X!

You might recognize Mega Man X as Mega Man, but there is some variation! Mega Man X's story (and consequentially, his video game series) goes a bit more in depth thanks to the Super Nintendo (SNES) system!

Dave writes: "X (aka Mega Man X), the final creation of Dr. Thomas Light and the first of the new wave of free-willed robots called Reploids. A pacifist at heart who is the Saviour of both mankind and Reploids."

X has a lot on his plate, and being the saviour we know he has to be in shape to defeat villains that would otherwise enslave us all, right?

Here is a compilation of Mega Man X (the initial armor) workout gear:
Mega Man X Men's Workout Cosplay!

And one thing Dave & I have in common is a love of music. We especially like punk and ska! If Dave's list doesn't have you bouncing & skanking around the living room, then it will definitely have you ready to kick major evil reploid butt while working out!!!

Have you ever played Mega Man X, or any of Capcom's other Mega Man titles? What was your favorite SNES game?