Joie Fatale's Blogging Resolutions (Fandom Friday)

This Fandom Friday post is brought to by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and the letter S for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you

Today's Fandom Friday is about our blogging resolutions for the new year!

Over this last year, I have learned a few things, that I would like to implement into my blogging-style/resolutions. I have 6 technically, and since I want to do them, I'm posting them, so I will truly hold myself accountable. Here they are for all to see (in no particular order):

1). Be ahead of Schedule/Steward of my Time- Since moving a few month's ago I've really had this resolution be the biggest, and most important! If I had been ahead of schedule, I would have had a few posts up for you all to read. I'm sorry for that. I love my little blog, and am really grateful to be doing it! Thank you for hanging out here! For this resolution, it's not just about planning my posts--which I do--but also having them outlined, typed, and scheduled for posting, in a rotating order. Like one would in college where you have a bunch of papers to write. Work a little at a few, and be ahead. NOT last minute.

2). Not to worry/stress so much- I have a hard time not stressing about anything (literally, anything...I'm like a mouse...I stress over everything). Spelling; images; sourcing; etc.

3). Weight-loss progress- I've actually been making this more of a priority and I have been going to the gym five days a week for the last two weeks with my friends. It helps that we are going together, and, that we go early in the morning. Since I am, I should also have more progress, as this year has been so insanely stressful, that I didn't have much progress happen.

4). HTML/Design basics- I want to learn how to jazz up my blog be it via the banner, or background, or, entry title font. I want to be able to do that.

5). Crediting the Artist- I already try REALLY hard to do this, but I'm hoping to have all pictures I use (or have used) on this blog sourced. Having gone to many places, where I see a cool piece of fanart/gif/craft/etc., and, I want to see more by the artist, but, there is NO information gets a bit frustrating. I want to never do that. I got a little lazy when it came to Pinterest was getting crazy difficult on my phone! Luckily, Mariko from GamerWife made this AWESOME post about How Not to be a Jerk on Pinterest which I think will help me! I'm not perfect at this (or anything for that matter) but I truly want to be a courteous blogger, and, person anyway. Plus remember in college/grad school how if you didn't quote your source, your grade got knocked down a s**t-ton?! Yeah...that wasn't fun!

6). Product/Book/etc. Reviews- I've been mulling over this since I started. Like my "paper" writing, and many of the drafts I have for this blog ('s sad). I have a few reviews milling about in my drafts, my head, and my notebook. I've been horrible reading this year! So many life events, plus my tendency to stress made reading hard to sit and do. But for 2015 I've set a new goal, to read and look forward to accomplishing that!

Do you have any blogging resolutions? Or New Year's resolutions?
Share them in the comments!
Thanks again to Megan & Kristin for Fandom Fridays! These have been a blast!