Workout Cosplay: Zombies! Zombies! AHHH! Zombies!

Want to know a fact about me? One that we (you, dear reader, and I) know is rather silly & embarrassing?

I'm irrationally afraid of zombies.Yes. Read that sentence again, if you must--it's a fact (it's not my biggest fear though...anymore).

That's why back in 2002 the trailer of 28 Days Later haunted me. Why I enjoy The Walking Dead as a "radio show" versus watching the screen (except when my favorite MacManus brother is on screen, or I hear sword-slashing-sounds cause #MichonneIsAWESOME); and why Ghoul Yelps is adorable yet it took me a while to get one of her dolls (for the record: no! I don't think she'll come to life...I just took forever)! I have a conundrum because I can't seem to stomach zombies, yet, I am rather curious about anything zombie related.

Additionally, one of my primary motivations for running (in addition to fitness and, you know, wanting to live through the Hunger Games) is zombies as well: They can't eat what they can't catch!

And with that, today's workout cosplay (just in case I need to blend in)!

I want to thank you again to Travis, and, Dave for being such awesome guest posters last month! It was great!!! Thank you for making November so much fun!

Also, have you seen IGGPPC's #igglefitness for December?

Check it out here!

Do you have any "irrational" fears...that may--or, may not--inspire your fitness goals?