This Fandom Friday post is brought to by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and the letter S for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you!
Today's Fandom Friday are things I'd be willing to traverse the madness of Black Friday to acquire!
1). Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (ideally in pink!)
I like pink on electronics! IDK, but I do! As I've gotten older I've started to appreciate pink a bit more. And I think this one is just cute! I like the pen and the larger screen! I want one so bad!!! But I haven't seen it on Best Buy just yet. I might settle for the Note 3
But seriously...the pink one!
2). Wii U (Mario Kart 8 Bundle)
I want it so bad! I love Nintendo and I like that it will play my Wii games and I don't have to start all over with my game collection (PS4 and Xbox One: Y U no do this 2?). I don't know if I'm a gamer or not...but I like the video games I like...and those are usually the easy ones (and Assassin's Creed!!!)!
3). Copic Markers Figure Drawing Wallet
If you like to draw, or doodle, or even color, there is a good chance these mutha-truckers are on your "Treat Yo' Self" list somewhere! Seriously, they are great and as a person who has to mix crayons/pencils/marker consistently to get something even resembling (but still not exactly matching) my skin tone! I would love to get--at the very least--the skin tone set! (But expensive!)
4). Sailor Moon Season 1 (part 1 & 2)
Truthfully, I'd save this for "Cyber Monday" but, still, Sailor Moon!!!! Do I need to go into this any further?
5). Disney Infinity Super Heroes Starter Kit
I like Disney infinity's open toy box and mini games and the overall appeal! It's cute, and the collector in me loves the little figurines (though, I really hope they go down in price sooner than later). I actually did get this from Wal-Mart, as it was $37 and that's just great!
Today's Fandom Friday are things I'd be willing to traverse the madness of Black Friday to acquire!
1). Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (ideally in pink!)
But seriously...the pink one!
2). Wii U (Mario Kart 8 Bundle)
3). Copic Markers Figure Drawing Wallet
4). Sailor Moon Season 1 (part 1 & 2)
Truthfully, I'd save this for "Cyber Monday" but, still, Sailor Moon!!!! Do I need to go into this any further?
5). Disney Infinity Super Heroes Starter Kit
I like Disney infinity's open toy box and mini games and the overall appeal! It's cute, and the collector in me loves the little figurines (though, I really hope they go down in price sooner than later). I actually did get this from Wal-Mart, as it was $37 and that's just great!
What are your Black Friday desires?