29 Days Left of Being 29!

Today is the 29 of January 2013.

In 29 days, I will move on to a brand new decade, one that I should not fear—mostly because I am


mistaken for a high school aged girl—but, as most women have before me I do fear it. My husband is two and a half years younger than I am, and for that first 6 months, we are three years apart. I feel like these next 3 years and 7 months are going to be a bit weirder. We will be in different decades.

But in all seriousness, that doesn’t matter as we know.

My friend


partner, Jason (who is my friend as well, but he doesn’t have a blog I can link to) just turned 38 Saturday, and you know what? I look forward to 8 years from now, when my husband and I celebrate my nearing forty. Seeing friends gather for games and comic book talk, and hearing them tell stories. Not to mention, the two of them are AMAZING hosts in addition to being awesome friends. Topher was also supernaturally AMAZING at

Pop 5

…seriously, he got Bridget Jones’ Diary…from a


. Jason was super stoked, and one of his gifts was Bacon Vodka!

Being able to party in a house of my own when I turn 38 is a definite goal of mine! I look forward to aging, especially since I have the right person by my side, and we will get to celebrate together.

While I don’t agree with Patton Oswalt with his birthday stipulations, I also look forward to making it to another decade after that: 40!

I also look forward to being an adult who treats young people (teens mostly) with respect and decency. Since I look like a

teenager, I find this annoying. And it’s especially horrible when you know why people think it is ok why they can act like douches.

As I age, I think the only thing I don’t look forward to is the weight gain.

And possibly the time when I don’t get carded anymore…maybe that is when the sadness of aging will actually hit me, eh?

Between now, and 30, I figure I should have a few goals!

These goals are for the next 29 days:

1). Take a photo a day (Instagram user Joie_Fatale)

2). Finish A Game of Thrones

3). Finish The Hobbit

4). Draw a photo day (perhaps, I can use my Instagram goal to post my pics eh?)

5). Not take anything for granted especially during these days—I am not guaranteed to make it after all!

6). Exercise! Nothing says HAPPY birthday, like a happy healthy me!

7). Act more grown up.

8). Use my planner more often

9). Have more fun, and not be so serious

10). Stand & move more often at my desk

All are accomplishable too…I was going to write 29, but…yeah.


Cold Front at Work

It's been burning cold-ok, not burning cold, but still nasty-at work these last few weeks.

Tomorrow, the heaters will not work at all, and I am so scared of catching another cold. It's been 50 degrees in our building. Not too bad for winter.<b>IF YOU ARE OUTSIDE!!!</b> For inside office work however, grumbling is ok to me in this instance, cause this freezing sucks!!!

Below are some examples of what is needed to survive at my building:

(1. blanket; 2. big jacket to block the wind from the back of my chair; 3. Heater; 4. scarf I have worn ALL DAY!):

What A Year for a New Year!!!

“It's a New Year and with it comes a fresh opportunity to shape our world.

So this is my wish, a wish for me as much as it is a wish for you: in the world to come, let us be brave – let us walk into the dark without fear, and step into the unknown with smiles on our faces, even if we're faking them.

And whatever happens to us, whatever we make, whatever we learn, let us take joy in it. We can find joy in the world if it's joy we're looking for, we can take joy in the act of creation.

So that is my wish for you, and for me. Bravery and [JOIE].”

~Neil Gaiman, one of my favorite authors, c. Dec. 31, 2012

Happy 2013 friends!

How was your new year’s eve? I hope it was spent being awesome, even if it was low-key like Reggie’s and mine. I got us some sashimi after work and made this “


” (see, Small concoction) from

My Pinterest



. I did change from regular string cheese to TOMATO AND BASIL String Cheese, which made it PERFECT! It was easy and combines two things my semi-French heart loves: Cheese and bread! I also made some yummy veggies cause lets be honest, sashimi, cheese and bread call for at least one other food pyramid item!

Yesterday, just so I wouldn't “wait until the new year” I decided to kick off my resolutions…NOW (well, then since technically it’s past tense).

Resolution 1: Health and Physical Wellness

Ok, so this is likely to be EVERY woman/girl’s (and of course, some guys) resolution this year and every year for that matter.

Sadly Reggie appears to be closing at his work for a while, and that leaves us as weekends-only work-outs and time together-and even that time is governed by his work schedule as he ALWAYS works weekends, and both days.

To kick things off I am starting by Running with my Sisters! My awesome “baby”-Sister Sarah (we are only 16 months apart), I am trying to rope in on a set schedule, & I want to run with my Sister in Law Ashleigh too. Since they live in the same neighborhood, we could schedule it altogether…start a running club (cause I’m seven and literally want to start a club for EVERYTHING I do with ANY group of people LOL). I have running plans for Wednesdays and Sundays with Brunna (Ben’s—best man at Reg’s and my wedding & my good friend who consider and adopted little brother—wifey) to run after work and church. We live closer to each other and she lives on the way to my current favorite running spot). I also have been trying to get my brother to commit, because he wants to work out more too. Lastly, and most concernedly are my parents. My dad and mom work near or on the way home from my house and get off of work around my hour. I have proposed that they meet at my apartment and we go exercising. They can walk, which my dad hasn't done since October, before they had to put our boxer dog Ali to sleep.

                Since it’s rainy season, running will not always be an option because I am not going to catch a cold. So I have also decided to do some video workouts…and mean it! While I hope to eventually move on to Insanity (this will be my second attempt) and P90X first I am starting with Jillian Michaels’

Shed & Shred

[頑張れる (Ganbareru: I am able to do my best)]

I like this work out, and I like her as a video “coach” goes.

                Thinking about, I don’t think I want to do Insanity…I will skip to the Asylum…I REALLY don’t want to see Tanya (if you have seen it, you know what I mean).

                Also, I am trying to eat better for the last month, it’s been helping I have seen a difference. But I am going to step it up notch. No more desserts.

Resolution 2: Blog More

It’s not often enough currently…well last year, it wasn't.

I want to change that. This is such a therapeutic endeavor and it makes me feel good to get stuff off my chest, AND it’s great for an autobiographical time capsule.

Resolution 3: Cosplay

This resolution goes hand in hand with number 1!

                This year, at Comic Con, I want to be dressed up, at least one day (and since my current main 2 choices have the same hair color, maybe both!)

I would like to be one of two X-Men Characters:



Or, Blink (From Age of Apocalypse)

200px-Blink 012.jpg

(This is her with shorter hair and sans the parting…)

It would be nice to not be so…wobbly in a costume.

But it would be cool! My awesome friend was Hawkeye last year and his partner was a Zombie fighting for equal rights! I want to dress up I think. Problem is, if I am Blink it will require face paint…which I am likely to rub off.

Resolution 4: Read MORE Books! Including the Bible

                According to my GoodReads Account I only read 19 of my 30 goal. I will try for 24 this year. Two a month…not too hard. And I need to read more of the bible, cause I haven’t really been reading it lately.

I think I will block of chunks of time…for everything. That way, things get done!

Resolution 5: Travel

Los Angeles to see my bestie and grandparents.

Oregon to see my sister-in-law, brother-in-law and new baby niece, and hopefully some old friends.

It would be nice to go somewhere new!

Resolution 6: Crochet

I need to finish a project I started in September. I can do this. Reggie finished a scarf.

I can do it too!

Resolution 7: DRAW! DRAW! DRAW!

I haven’t even been doodling…I need to do something! Period! This will be my year challenge. A drawing a day. Even if a small doodle!

Those are my little resolutions.

But 2012 has been the best year of my life thus far. And positive, cause when I think about it, even before this year, I have had some pretty good ones. I need to not let me get in my way. I did something I


thought would happen and that was marry the love of my life, and me, being the love of someone else’s life! It’s the best  you know that?

I am so grateful for this year, from time with friends old and new, to time just my hubby and I or just me, it’s been a good one!

Here’s to 2013 being as good as, or better than last year! To it’s new traditions, and accomplishments yet to be made!

“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget 


make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”

~Neil Gaiman, author extraordinaire c. Dec. 31, 2011



Yesterday was December 12, 2012. 12/12/12 no matter which way you date things!

Yesterday was quite eventful:

1. Rainy season has started

2. FINALLY got to have a Build-a-bear date! We made the 10th doctor…we are dorks!

3. Reggie’s work party! It was super fun

4. We went to Downtown Disney: a shopping inlet outside of Disneyland where Anaheim-ers, I.E. (Inland Empire) residents and those within a not too bad of a distance, as well as Disneyland/California adventure tourists got to hang out.

5. I took the day off!

6. Got some much needed sleep

7. Dressed up for party: dress, heels and all! Make up too!

8. Was like a little kid in a candy store at World of Disney, which is like the ULTIMATE Disney store, and is in Downtown Disney.

9. Caught a small cold I think. I can feel it in my bones…literally. I am so sore!

10. Bought lots of accessories for a bear that will belong to:

11. BRYNLEE BOBBI SMITH! My brand new niece! She lives in Oregon with Reggie’s sister, and our brother-in-law! She was born yesterday! 7 lbs 7 oz and 20 in long!

12. I have a niece to dote on, who will take care of her things, and will not have her things sold because they are “objectionable”. (we made her her first bear! We called it Rose Tyler…we are SO going to nerd this girly out!)

Anyway, that was yesterday in a nutshell.

But let me add two lists of twelve! 12 Awesome Happenings in 2012 (thus far)

12. Secret Life of Timothy Green (LOVED this movie), & The Avengers

11. Though not awesome, but sad, the Ponds leaving the Doctor. It was still an awesome episode, and it gives me goosebumps thinking about it.

10. Making new friends this summer such as Jake and Alyssa

9. Old friends being just flat-out awesome

8. Prop 8 being over-turned!

7. Reggie and I coming into



6. Wreck-It Ralph (seriously…I went to see it 3 times! I want to see it nce more before it leaves theaters)

5. Comic con 2012

4. Sunday at Comic Con: Fringe, Supernatural and Doctor Who back-to-back

3. honeymoon

2. My new baby niece Brynlee Bobbi

1. Marrying the man I love who is also one of my best friends!

There are other great movies, INCLUDING Dark Knight Rises, and I hope The Hobbit (I am 99.9999999999% sure it will be great) and the forth-coming Les Miserables musical. Also, other happenings, but that’s an end of the year entry to work on.

12 Things I want for Christmas! (These are the things I would like, but just kind of wishing!)

12. Legos! Ideally one of the three sets here. But definitely NO Ninjago or Bionacle bull crap!

11. Doctor Who Monopoly

10. A WiiU!

9. Assassin’s Creed III (its kinda cool)

8.Batman Arkham Asylum or Arkham City

7. A Manchester United Scarf!!!

6. Manchester United Track Jacket! (seriously, I have been wanting this for like, 10 years)

5. Gift cards!

4. Sailor Moon Anything!

3. Lingerie (LOL)



This beauty right here!

When I went to the Lego store in Downtown Disney, and I felt like a little kid! The sets this year are AWESOME!!! I still love, and will always love Lego! They are fun, creative, and just plain old relaxing! What are you wishing for this Christmas?

Caffeine Addict

I have been hiatus like for a while.

Work has been BUSY and strenuous! But, I am grateful to have one.

But I have an early day as I start at 6:30 am.

And so, for that reason I am a caffeine addict!

While I love me some Starbucks, its a bit pricey.  A few weeks back we went to go see The Dark Knight Rises at the drive in. We went to the 1:45 am showing, and needed something to keep us awake. Since the 'Bucks was closed, we went to 7-11!

And I got to try my new custom drink.

Cafe de Fatale

1/2 vanilla latte

1.5 pumps of honey syrup

Fill to top with Blueberry coffee

Add mallow sprinklings or others to your desire.

Perhaps this is also a sugar high? I reeally want it, and really need it to get by.


The cup o' Joe  is not bad and is my new pick me up.

I really hope they start a punch card program or something!

I would love to hear about other coffee shop alternatives, even if they are exclusive to one's township.


Albums of Awesome Part 2 - Dookie



by Green Day

While this is my favorite album, of all time, this get’s #2, as the album above I feel has a slightly better track listing and theme.

Ok, technicalities out of the way:

Dookie is the album that shook my world and being. Good or bad—I like to think it’s mostly good—but on the cusp of teenager-dom (maybe this should be: teenager-dumb, as I was heading to junior high when I first heard this) this album had questions that mirrored my own growing pain questions.

The inevitable onset of teenage angst was somewhat subdued by this record too. This probably made my parents somewhat happy. I did however keep things inside to bubble…eh, who knows the correct way to handle things…ok, never mind, we know these things, but who can execute all of that…really?

Anyway, my favorite songs by and far are:

Having A Blast


Basket Case


When I Come Around

, and

Coming Clean

. But overall, it’s a SOLID offering of self-analyzing love, and confusion over what we are supposed to be, who we


we are, and who we really are and who we will end up being.

A few excerpts:

1). Burnout: “

Apathy has rained on me

”, “

I’m not growing up, I’m just burning out, and I’ve stepped in line to walk amongst the dead

2). Having a Blast: “

Do you ever think back, to another time? Does it bring you so down that you thought you lost your mind?

3). Chump (this song became most poignant in 2009): “

I don’t know you, but I think I hate you. You’re the reason for my misery. Strange how you’ve become my biggest enemy and I’ve never even seen your face. Well, maybe it’s just jealousy, mixing up with a violent mind a circumstance that doesn’t make much sense. Or, maybe I’m just dumb.

4). Longview: “

Peel me off this Velcro seat, and get me moving. I sure as hell can’t do it by myself.

5). Welcome to Paradise: “

Dear Mother can you hear me laughing!

7). Basket Case: The entire song…It’s my favorite. One of my theme songs!

8). She: The entire song. Also a theme song!

10). When I Come Around: “

I’m a loser and a user, and I don’t need no accuser, to try and flag me down because I know you’re right

This album changed my life. It’s my favorite of all-time, but my favorite band of all-time. Dookie was my perspective changer.

Up until that point I had been trying, REALLY trying to like R&B and other music, that—up until I first heard Billie Joe sing; “

Do you have the time, to listen to me whine?

” —I had never even realized I felt I NEEDED to fit in to some concept that race was not only my defining element, but also the guide by whom I could choose the things I liked. It was that moment, at a 6


grade “promotion” (from elementary to junior high) party that I thought: “why am I trying to fit this mold? I like this way better than Toni Braxton!” (I brought my mom’s Toni Braxton CD to said party, because I didn’t own any of my own music, or own any of me).

Maybe that’s it too.

Dookie is where I first took ownership of me. As stated previously, I first heard it on the cusp of teenager beginnings, and so its timing was perfection. When I listen to it, I think in part I get nostalgic. I feel like it’s taking me back, but at the same time, the ideas on the album became more important, because I understand the words more, or the words change



, because it’s something I feel I need to hear, and it always applies.

Albums of Awesome: Part 1- How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Yesterday I was feeling VERY down—the day before, and for quite some time actually.

And so, I listened to one of the albums, guaranteed to cheer me up. As I was driving home I came up with this idea for a post. And, I kind of wanted to tag others in this.

So Let me start with Number 1:


How I Spent My Summer Vacation

, by Bouncing Souls (2001)

By far, this album, above all fills me with peace, joy and just, the desire for fun. The album came out


before I graduated from High school (less than a month before) and was one of those pivotal moments in my timeline.

I had listened to Hopeless Romantic by the Souls, and really liked it. But it was this album that cemented, nay!


them to my heart. While Green Day is my favorite band, the Bouncing Souls…well let me give you a different song, that they helped (in part) answer a question I knew nothing about:

“I want to know what love is!!! I want you to show me!”


The kick of the Mike’s drum, the strum of Pete’s guitar, Bryan’s bass-line matching my heart beat, and Greg’s easy-going, sing-a-long voice. To me, it was pitch perfect! The songs seemed like everything I had and would experience at that point in life were put into words, JUST FOR ME!!!

From the first song,

That Song

it says the very line I am thinking in these times:

I put that record on,

just to make a sound…”

Some of the songs that are highlights for me are

That Something Special


True Believers

, and

Late Bloomer

; though part of


I am writing this is because the idea of album. As a collective idea and concept,

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

 is what I call the perfect album. Songs are in proper order, I cannot skip any of the tracks, as I feel like there is something missing from everything, it fluctuates between mellower parts, and faster pace, with enough anthems that by track 3 and 8, you’re ready to hug someone standing next to you in the pit!

This album gives me goose-bumps, the way great motivational speakers and love does. It’s just…Ok, so you know when you are feeling ill, and the only thing you want is chicken noodle soup?

And then, you have chicken noodle soup, and your insides go from that icky-cold-flu feeling, to being warm and happier?


How I Spent My Summer Vacation

is the chicken noodle soup feeling, but 100 times better, and not only do you feel better, but it


your cold!!!

Here are my favorite lines from some of the songs:

1). That Song: “

I put that record on, just to make a sound…The soundtrack, of what I want to be

” and “

…the music shaped our lives. So tell me why, our movement’s out of time. Are we so out of line?

” and finally, the last words:  “

…We stand tonight hearts in our hands!

2). Private Radio: “

I like to rock, and I love to roll, when the music’s running through my soul! I got no, no place to go but my own private radio!

” (Get the mp3 FREE here:



3). True Believers: …actually, the whole dang song to be honest.

5). That Something Special: “

I managed to be a jerk anyway. It doesn’t have to be this way. Forget about the things I said. I make no, excuse for me. I want to start again!

6). Broken Record: “

I love you all, but I got to get out and change this scenery. I’ve got to find what I’m living for. I’ve got to change this life that I’m living.

” “

I’ve learned the hard way, when you give yourself away, you give away, your life too!

” “

I tried to find someplace, that seemed right for me, I walked the streets, until lost my mind. And that was the best place to be. When I lost my mind the truth set me free!

”And the chorus: “

Nowhere to run, from myself, nowhere to hide, from the truth!

8). Manthem: “

He’s my friend, he’s my alibi. My accessory to the crime. A bond that will never die, until the end of time!

9). Break-Up Song: “

Sometimes when I just can’t sleep I hear the words you said to me. Sometimes it takes a painful loss to realize you weren’t free. How did you get so deep, inside of me?

11). Late Bloomer: “

smoking cigarettes, your girlfriends by the pool. Your smell I could not forget, that's as close as i could get you were so fucking cool. I'm no good, you're no better, wouldn't we be perfect together? All I wanted was a piece of your heart, you left me torn apart. F**k the rest before me and their crimes, for your love I'll serve their time I'm no good, you're no better wouldn't we be perfect together?

13). Gone: “…

I felt so lost, I couldn’t say why. I needed strength to change my mind, but those ghosts stick to me like glue. Hating life, believing I was no good.”

It was a darkness all my own.

a song played on the radio.

it went straight to my heart.

I carried it with me.

Until the darkness was:


Seriously, I frigging LOVE this song!

You can love it too! Download it here: for free:


Slytherin Manifestos...

This is the part of the blog I am calling Slytherin Manifestos. I know I am not exactly using the word manifesto correctly, but deal with it. Any who, this is where I will write quirks I feel are representative of "my Hogwarts house" as though it were actually very real. I.e. I will be fan girling a bit...
Here it goes

I feel like though I might just fit some Ravenclaw quirks, the passionate Hard-nosed qualities lead ne to superior house: Slytherin.

Today I have discovered that one thing that I feel especially akin to the house of Slytherin is my general dislike of expectations. Now, the expectation of excellence is not one of these. Excellence is my own personal expectation. Please understand that I merely mean silly social stigmas and societal norms.

Today while riding in the car with some co workers they were listening to r&b.
I loathe R&B! And rap. And hip hop. The only gospel I can stand is live and in a church. And I am black.

But society has these ideas that you must like these things because you are this.

Well, I am not a jocko Gryffindor, nor pot head Hufflepuff, nor band geek Ravenclaw. I am Slytherin! And society is my b***h! Not the other way around!

Also I am consistently expected to be a republican due to my faith. I see my self as a conservative liberal, or, a liberal conservative. Which ever I feel is the most accurate for that day. Both sides are liars anyway. So I will not align with anything not loyal to me.

But mostly I am a democrat.

Slytherin out!

One Does Not Merely See the Avengers Once

I saw the Avengers twice this weekend. I knew I would, because even if the movie were not so good, I wanted Joss Whedon to get the credit he deserved, even if the credit was purely financial in this particular vehicle (forget you Michael Bay!).

However, I was right in having nothing to fear. And both of the credit endings were the epitome of my hopes and expectations of what I could expected in Whedon, Marvel, and super hero movies alike. In fact the consumption of Swarma was the entire reason that the States had a later release than the rest of the world!

This review will contain spoilers. I will try my best to cut them or hide them behind a color to be highlighted. But this is my first Blogger post.

On to the review

From the start we learn that the fight will be fought not merely on our world and its dimension. But the opposition is from another corner of the universe entirely. This is only news if you have not kept up with the Marvel films preceding this. NOTE: Do NOT confuse those with Fox’s ultra-bastardized-X-Men-franchise/money-maker, or Sony’s sloppy Spider-Man—who, thank God, is back in Marvel’s hands.

The opening shot of Nick “Bad-A$$ Mutha’ F**ka’” Fury (played by Samuel L. “Bad-A$$ Mutha’ F**kin’” Jackson) was to me a big sign of the adventures in store! I knew I was in for a ride! This was followed by Hawkeye’s (played by the “new” Jason Bourne: Jeremy Renner) spinning glide-down from his rope after he had been watching from a far

Right away VERY BIG THINGS are happening!

The Tesseract or, in comics, the Cosmic Cube (the shiny inter-dimension-opening cube that reminds me of how I envisioned the Andalite Escafil Device) which we have seen high-lighted most strongly in Thor, is acting up like a K-Mart blue light special on crack.

Just as Fury begins to investigate with Professor Erik Selvig (Stellan Skarsgard) the Cosmic Cu…I mean—the Tesseract bursts in blue and opens a gateway where the Norse god of mischief Loki (played by Tom Hiddleston) bursts through in a hostile way. People shoot, Loki scepters, and he takes the Tesseract. Nick then calls on his Avengers initiative, bringing together Earth’s (and and Asgard’s) mightiest heroes…that are available to Marvel studios (seriously, I would like to again stress how important you NOT PAYING IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM—DVD or movie ticket—for any of Fox’s further outputs in the X-continent of the Marvel world are for some GREAT story-telling). And JUST SO you know, Deadpool should be brought to marvel cause of THANOS! I am just saying…look it up if you need to.


The movie unfolds with the gathering of our hero’s the Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), Captain America (Chris Evans…seen in Fantastic Four as Johnny “Human Torch” Storm, but smart-actor-guy left that horrible FOX franchise…Marvel needs to reboot!) and the loveable green giant (hey, it could help in getting your kids to eat vegetables) known as Hulk (Mark Ruffalo). We also get to see Maria Hill. A Spidey cameo would have been cherry, but alas, that must wait until summer (please Jesus: let there be an Avengers 2 tease after Spider man…he’s played with the gang).

Shortly after the finding of Cap, we are off on adventure to Sweden. Cap engages Loki, Iron Man helps out, and Loki…allows his capture. Odd, seeing as how he has the Tesseract Whilst on a plane ride to the good old US of A, suddenly its thunder and rainclouds. Loki looks a bit nervous, the only possible genuine emotion from him in the plane ride.

A rumble between Iron Man (the socs) and Thor (I think he’s the greaser here, as he has groovy hair *le sigh*) happens. Cap intervenes and Loki by stands.

While on the S.H.E.I.L.D. Helicarrier, Thor tells our team of Loki’s army known as the Chitauri awaiting a massacre of earth-kind. Jokes are made, things blow up, and Black Widow proves to be a real bad-a$$ in interrogation in getting Loki to be the sexist jerk he is, and spill the essential beans as to why he really is there: HULK!

Loki’s goons help him escape the Helicarrier leaving it nearly incapacitated. And then…the showdown starts. Everything culminates into a battle in New York, in an effort to make sure Loki’s aspirations for Earth domination are foiled because of his sheer arrogance really, and because he wasn’t really destined to win, but to test. He was there to test what would happen if earth went to war!

The main thing I LOVED about the Avengers was that it felt like a comic! Panel for panel the shots focused on centering on the characters. You know those “movie” comics, where they take stills and make it comic? This could be done easily with The Avengers. Normally, that would scare me, and make me fear for extreme cheesiness in execution. But it was done wonderfully. And, like the comics, there was humor! I cannot tell you how important that is…to me! Iron Man was snarky, Thor & Cap were ignorant much to my bliss, and Bruce Banner was self-deprecating…I am such a giddy fan girl for this movie!!!

Also, like the comic Avengers, all the characters were there. It wasn’t “Iron Man…and the Avengers” It was THE Avengers. This was my second greatest fear. But—and my “faith” in one human is frightening—Joss Whedon once again showed his aptitude for brining dynamic people/characters into one world.

I also enjoyed that it was not a “kids” nor and “adult” super hero movie, it was very balanced and recognized the familial audience attending, but it didn’t really dumb it down.

And as a woman, I loved that Scarlett Johansson stayed clothed! No lingerie shots, no extreme cleavage. Just a bad, butt-kicking woman!!! She’s gorgeous, and it shows! I also loved that she wasn’t “weaker” than the guys, and she was key! Loved her as Black Widow so much, that my husband is only allowed to fancy her in this movie :P

And, to my extreme delight: a proper portrayal of the Hulk! Edward Norton did a great job, but I was still reeling from Eric Bana and Ang Lee (I spit on your grave Ang Lee…when you die I mean) in that HORRIBLE interpretation. Mark Ruffalo is a perfect Banner, and the Hulk was back to the loveable-green-rage-a-holic I grew up liking!


THANOS! My brother had a freaking action figure of Thanos! I would call him “California Raisin Man” to tick of David…though I am sure he doesn’t remember. Anyway, the part that would be most exciting is also one of the saddest parts of the movie for me.

You see kids, Thanos is the reason Deadpool cannot die! It’s not merely regeneration!!! And guess who we WON’T see in the Next Avengers movie? Not only will we NOT see Wolverine (who personally, is my least favorite X-Man, but me, I like mash-ups…darn you Fox!!!). Anyway, long story short: Thanos, is in love with Death…not just “death you dead” but the grim reaper persona essentially. He shows his love for Death by destroying life. I doubt this is the story they will go into…but, it would be really nice. Romantic even LOL!

The other thing I hated was the CGI aliens. Not very believable at all! This almost killed the movie for me. I want to go back to Make up, and stop motion. CGI was anti-climatic for me.

But those are my only real complaints.

That’s it.

In the name of the moon, I give this movie a:

6 out of 7 stars – the missing star being the CGI flub…but that’s my opinion…we really need to catch up with cameras…