Week 2: Favorite Characters from Books, TV, Movies, and Games

This week's list is a bit tough, so I decided to pick my top character from 5 categories:

  • Book Character- Thursday Next (Thursday Next Series by Jasper Fforde)

    • Thursday has my dream jobs, both in SpecOps 27 as a Literary Detective, and Jurisfiction, the jurisdiction that polices fiction.

    • Video Game Character- a tie between Lara Croft (Tomb Raider); Cammy (Super Street Fighter II); and Villager (Animal Crossing).

      • I could NEVER choose one. #SorryNotSorry

      • Lara- ARCHEOLOGY!!!

      • Cammy- The first fighter I "mastered" in the game lol

      • Villager-Animal Crossing FOREVER!!!

      • TV character- Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

        • This took some serious thinking, but, I can always go back to Sunnydale. Buffy was a lot of things I wanted to be/looked up to. She was strong, special, a bad-ass, liked people for who they were, and was an ever growing woman. She also enjoyed the simplicity of a normal life...but she didn't live one. I enjoyed the show because I think we all wanted to be special, but Buffy also uniquely made me think of the burden you would bare with super powers. Some comic characters did that too, but Buffy came about at the right time (high school) for me to fully understand that concept, as she and I were in the same place.

        • Cartoon- G.I.R. (Invader Zim)

          • I have a tattoo of him. LOL! But, I loved the character since the show premiered in 2001! He's a bit goofy, sings his own made up songs, is obsessed with food, and is adorable! Also, he's a robot, so, why not?!

          • Comics-Fone Bone (Bone by Jeff Smith)

            • He has such a sunny disposition, and always tries to do what's right. Also, Bone was one of the first comics I collected (er, tried to collect) as a kid. It will always be special to me!

This week seemed like it was just for a few bullet points. Also, these types of posts are difficult to me because I want to go on and on, but...not make it too long lol!

The POP! I CURRENTLY Want Most (Funko Fridays)

Funko Fridays hosted by KimiWho.com and dePepi.com

Funky Fridays! How did I not know of thee? OK, well I was kind of-sor of-definitely off radar for a while...

Any who thanks to Barb and Usagi, I've been able to check out the posts, as hosted by Pepi & Kimi!

For my first entry, one Evie Frye!
I love Assassin's Creed, and Evie has become my favorite Assassin (I'm horrible apparently as I don't seem to love Ezio as much I like her and Arno...he's #3 LOL)!

I will say however, that I'm still waiting on those Sailor Moon Pop!s and those are definitely on my list of must grabs!!!

For more Funko Friday goodness, check it out here!

2015 Achievements I Unlocked (5 Fandom Friday)

This Fandom Friday post is brought to you by the letter N for The Nerdy GirlieS for Super Space Chick, and by readers like YOU!

1). Geek Out Together/The Nerdy Rebellion +2500 points
Started a Podcast with my rad friends: Travis, Gladys and Gwen!!! We started out as Peggy's Peeps (we still are) but we've evolved into "The Nerdy Rebellion"! May Metatron "Shussh!" us forever! **raises glass**

2). Comic Con Parties +1000 points
I went to three this year! OMG! I gotta say, my favorite thing about SDCC this year was hanging out with all my favorite people! SO much fun! All the pictures! Yearbooks! #Funfetti! Gah! I'm so excited for SDCC this year! Since meeting fellow bloggers, SDCC has become like one big class reunion!!!

3). Gamer Revelation +500 points
I've loved video game my entire life, but like most ladies have been afraid to label myself a gamer. Well, you know what? Eff that! I like games, and I liked them so much that at our current station, I'm able to work with Video Games! It's been great! Also, I picked up my 1st FPS (the first that's "mine" vs my brothers lol) Destiny (The Taken King expansion)! I'm proud of myself for playing more and enjoying it more, and hopefully encouraging more ladies to try playing for themselves.

4). One Car Reliance +2500 points
Since we live across country, we weren't able to take my car to our new station. It's been rough doing this, however, I did learn how to coordinate better with my husband, and sync our gorram calendars lol! Luckily I will likely get a second vehicle in our new location.

5). Took a Sewing Refresher Class +1200 points
I finally took a sewing lesson/re-familiarization class with my machine at JoAnn's! I took sewing for like a half a semester in high school and I enjoyed it a lot, but I had water polo and swim, and it was a class to hold the place of it. It was a bummer that couldn't keep both, but since it was only offered at the same time...well. Cut to (lol) 2015, I took a class and have been practicing with scraps of fabric I have! This year I want to take a pattern reading class so I can hopefully learn to not just read, but, adjust a pattern if necessary.

This last year was a bit of a challenge, but REALLY necessary and fun looking back! While I haven't felt like I accomplished many things, this prompt was a great way to see that I really have overcome some things (no matter how small they may be!

I did get s**t done, and had fun doing it!

2015: You were hard, but, worth it!

52 Lists: Week 1-Goals and Dreams for 2016

I thought I'd try a new goal this week, thanks in part to Mindi (aka Lady Serpentine) inspired me with this post about Goals + Dreams. She had a link to "52 Lists Project" on Amazon and I decided that this year I would try to follow it!

52 Lists

Goals + Dreams
1. Do the 52 Lists!(LOL)

2. Another goal this year is to relax. I'm 99% likely to be moving again thanks to military life, and while I'm looking forward to somewhere new...I'm also scared s**t-less of it. I'll be moving again. Starting over again. Looking for new things to do in a new city..AGAIN. I'm hoping we get to move to one city in particular...but I won't know until the end of next month. Here's to not getting tense about it.

3. Owning a home! The next place we go to, is probably going to be a place we'll live for a LONG time. So we're hoping to own a place. More on that as life goes on.

4. Make a cosplay! I don't think this will happen until after SDCC though. But I want to sit and make Olive from Gotham Academy's skirt so I can cosplay her. Also, I plan on keeping my hair like hers all year! Which leads to...

5. Stay blonde, go more platinum!!!

6. Keep up with working out and lose some weight! I'm already researching things for where we may go next, including gyms and pools. Especially pools! Also Roller Derby and Water Polo because I figure teams would be a great way to meet new friends and help me stick with the commitment!

7. Sync and use my planners. Nuff said, eh?

8. Read more.

What are some of your goals and dreams for this year?

Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) Workout Cosplay

One of my all-time favorite video game heroines is the Tomb Raider, Lara Croft!

To me Lara is the greatest (yes! Even more than Indiana) relic/ treasure hunter, and even Nate Drake wants to be her! She's a bad ass, and got two movies that did really well at the box office despite "female lead movies not doing well" (and despite the fact that it was based on a video game ;P).

I decided that since it's winter and, I envy the snow, Lara Croft's outfit would be equal parts inspired by her more "classic" outfit, and a hike in the snow! (I'm such a California girl lol)! Also, I really just want to go out to the snow!

And, here is a Lara inspired playlist!

Any way, this is the last Workout Cosplay of 2016! I'll see you next year!

If you have any Workout Cosplays you'd like to see let me know in the comments, or, tweet me here: @Joie_Fatale!

Evie Frye (Assassin's Creed: Syndicate) Workout Cosplay

This week's Workout Cosplay is also Video Game inspired, this time featuring the first (sort of) playable female Assassin in the Assassin's Creed series: Evie Frye!

Evie is the twin sister of Jacob Frye (whom you can also play in Syndicate) however, where Jacob is a brawler (he's a bit hot-headed...like a charging bull) Evie, is a proper Assassin who actually acts like an assassin. She's stealthy, sneaky and can hide like a chameleon! Also, those rose-print workout pants? Soon English Rose, eh ;) ?

Additionally, we have ab Evie inspired workout playlist!!!

Hope you liked today's workout cosplay!

If you have any workout cosplays you'd like to see, leave me a comment, or, tweet me: @Joie_Fatale!

Kirby Workout Cosplay

One of my all-time favorite game characters is Kirby! When I was little this was the only game I was ok at (yes...the game is somewhat easy) and the character is an adorable pink cream puff!!! I adore his character! He's so cute!

And of course a Kirby in Dreamland inspired playlist!

Like I said, the games are relatively easy, though, to get 100% is a bit more difficult!  Also, how cute is that face? **squees**

Who's next on the video game list? Join us next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel! And remember...

If you have any have any workout cosplays you'd like to see, let me know in the comments, or, tweet me: @Joie_Fatale!

Vault-Boy Workout Cosplay (Fallout)

Technically, this is more of a Vault-Tec Jumpsuit inspired, but, you get me yeah?

Vault Boy Workout Cosplay

Vault Boy Workout Cosplay by joie-fatale 
ft. FitBit as PIP-boy

Yes, today's Workout Cosplay is inspired by one of the reasons I'm not sleeping: Fallout 4! Super fun, sometimes a bit scary/eerie (both for scaredy cats like me lol) the latest Fallout game has got me, hook, line, and radioactive-sinker!!!

One thing that's different about this particular playlist is that it's geared not so much to the S in S.P.E.C.I.A.L. (Strength) but more for the E, Endurance! I made it more of a mosey/for wogging! Think: walking/jogging...speed walking...but wogging is much more fun to say (albeit, slightly dorkier heeheehee). Also, it fits the theme of one of your PIP-Boy radio stations in the game:

One thing I really love about the game is that you can make your Lone Wanderer (the character you play) look any way you want. Also, (and actually most importantly for me) I'm not permanently stuck in First-Person Shooter (FPS) land! You can switch to third person!!! Meaning if you're like me and get woozy/nauseous/sick from FPS, then you can actually play this! The game is engaging...and addicting. Don't start it to kill some time before starting homework or anything LOL.

This was such a fun post for me!

If you have any workout cosplays you'd like to see, let me know in the comments, or, tweet me: @Joie_Fatale!

Slytherin Workout Cosplay

"...in Slytherin you'll make your real friends, those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends."

As you likely guessed by now, this last November Workout Cosplay is for my Hogwarts house: Slytherin! Here's a cunning little number in silver, green, and black!

And a playlist for us Snakes!

While my house gets a bad-rep thanks to "legacy folks" (born Slytherins like Malfoy, Parkinson, Goyle, Crabbe...you know, the more jerky students) there's the other half that I like to the see as the cunning rebels who are pulling more pranks on the legacy brats than Fred & George ever did. And we know that's a LOT!

More importantly MERLIN was in Slytherin! And that pretty much trumps everything, cause Merlin was the greatest mother flipping wizard to ever exist. **drops mic**

But really I love my house. I love Hogwarts! I love the Harry Potter series! There, I said it (but we all knew eh? LOL

If you have any Workout Cosplays you'd like to see, let me know in the comments, or, tweet me @Joie_Fatale!

Gryffindor Workout Cosplay

"You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave of heart, Their daring, nerve and chivalry, Set Gryffindors apart."

I will always have a lot of respect for Gryffindor. I mean, it not only was Hermione and Ginny there, but  Neville Longbottom was a part of this house! Those three are the epitome of Gryffindor. And add to the fact that Albus Dumbledore was there?! Well in one enthusiastic word: yay! They were brave, did what was right, and didn't care about popularity. They cared about people over glory. I like that, and that is what I like that about this house. They are very unit-oriented...mostly.

For Gryffindor, I chose to go with Ox-blood instead of straight up red because a). the "Official" memorabilia has more of that ox-blood/burgandy color to it (not the headband) with gold; b). it looks slick as heck; and, c). "OMG you guys! They have ladies items in burgundy and ox blood! Woot!" (*calms down*). Any who, workout cosplay!!!

And here is a ferocious playlist to workout to:

One more Hogwarts House to go! Save the best for last, they say ;P

If you have any Workout Cosplays you'd like to see, let me know in the comments, or, tweet me @Joie_Fatale!

Ravenclaw Workout Cosplay

"Wit beyond measure, is man's greatest treasure"

Ravenclaw is one of two sister houses to my Hogwarts house. 

It also houses my second favorite ghost The Grey Lady, and my favorite character: Luna Lovegood!

I also love Ravenclaw's house colors of Blue and bronze (or--more specifically--a bronze colored pewter), as I think bronze is such an under used color, but, when pulled off well looks insanely wonderful! That being said it was near impossible to find anything bronze:'(! BUT I did find some bronze colored shoes (I make no apologies for loving bold shoes).

And a Ravenclaw Workout mix:

On an interesting note, my husband is a Ravenclaw, and consistently insists I quit to join (not going to happen hahahah)!

Who on earth could be next?
Also, if you have any Workout Cosplays you'd like to see, let me know in the comments, or, tweet me  @Joie_Fatale!

Hufflepuff Workout Cosplay

"Where they are just and loyal, those patient Hufflepuffs are true, and unafraid of toil."

Hufflepuff may be a house that folks love to polk fun at (including other Hufflepuffs) but truly, I think they are the noblest house.

I mean, everything in their house motto is what you want in a friend. That's not to say other House's don't have these qualities, more, Hufflepuff's values are are these things first versus say bravery, wit, or cunning (all of which a Hufflepuff may also be, only, secondary).

And with that a Hufflepuff Workout Cosplay:
Of course, that means we need some workout music:

I will always see Hufflepuff not only as the most chill of the Hogwarts Houses, but, I believe (at the risk of being crude) that Hufflepuff also has the most "action" ;) Also, I like to think the "Badger" mascot is more of a "Honey Badger" so don't be crossing those Hufflepuffs!

What's your favorite part of Hufflepuff House?
Bet you can't guess who's next? ;)

Six Weeks Later

It's been a while eh?
I've been in a bit of a rut. One that if it weren't for this past Halloween, I would probably still be stuck in. 

Luckily, I've had (in the words of The Beatles) a little help from my friends! Some of that helps includes:

~ Started The Nerdy Rebellion with Gladys, Gwen, and Travis!!!
~ Feels talks with friends
~ Phone calls that were much needed
~ ACTUALLY running, and pushing myself to limits I didn't think I'd be able to do!
~ Got a new job I'm totally stoked about
~ Making some personal crafts
~ drawing and painting
~ Assassin's Creed Syndicate (I adore Evie Frye)

It's been an interesting few months, and I'm trying to catch up on blog posts. But, I'll be honest, I won't get to all the one's I've missed, so PLEASE let me know of especially important ones to you, as I NEED to read those as well!

Thanks for sticking with me if you have.

And: see you Wednesday (tomorrow)!!! ;)

Favorite Things About Autumn (Fandom Friday)

Fandom Friday posts are brought to you by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and, the letter S, for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you!

5. Planners
The first of my favorite things about fall would have to be: PLANNER SEASON!!! I love having a planner! I'm not the most organized person nowadays...but I used to be, and want to be again!!! I like shopping for the really cute Sanrio & San-X ones more than anything! And now is the time when the companies start releasing them. They are cute (look at My Melody's adorable face!) as well as functional!
And come September, I'm ready to shop for one, especially since the new year is really, just around the bend...
4). Gingerbread Season is Coming
Thank you Lord for Starbucks
While everyone else might be ready to go on their #PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte in Starbucks' lingo) I'm just biding my time for the next seasonal flavor: GINGERBREAD! Sure, candy cane/peppermint season too, but for me it's all about Gingerbread! And it shall soon be upon us! I can't wait to make  cocktails, coffees, cakes, cookies, lattes, etc with the spicy-sweet deliciousness that is gingerbread! *smacks lips*

My favorite holiday is upon us, and while I'm sure I will (yet again) save Halloween costume-planning for the last minute, I don't care! I plan on actually watching some scary movies this year. I'm a scaredy cat, but darn, if I'm not curious!!! I also have some movies that are must watches this time of year (5 of which you can read about HERE). Also: FREE. CANDY!

2). Cooler Weather

I love summer...sort of. Well, more accurately I love parts of it.
I love SDCC.
I love the longer hours of daylight.
I wax way nostalgic for summer vacation.

But I HATE the heat! I wish fall had longer hours of daylight like summer's, but with cool weather. I'm looking forward to busting out my sweaters, jackets, hoodies, scarves and boots! The weather is such a relief!

1). The Light and the Smell
photo by Thomas Fitzgerald
This past Monday I saw my favorite thing about this upcoming season: the autumnal light.

At the risk of sounding cheesy, I LOVE the light that fall emits. There's something about summer and fall..they just, make the sunshine...well, shine in different ways. It's my favorite part of this time of year.
When I see it, I know that the new season is soon upon us. I just always preferred autumn, as the light reminds me of when as a kid, we would visit my Big Mama & Big Daddy (my dad's 'rents) for Thanksgiving in Coarsegold/Oakhurst, CA. Those are years I'm really grateful for, and is a tradition of our's that I greatly miss. Every time I see the transition of the sunlight, and smell the crisp autumn air, I can't help but reminisce about those days.

What are some of your favorite parts about this season?

Fandom Deaths I'm Not Over (5 Fandom Friday)

Fandom Friday posts are brought to you by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and, the letter S, for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you!

Let me start out by saying:
Well, on to the heartbreak!

1). Hoban "Wash" Washburne (Firefly)
I wasn't ready for this. I just wasn't. I will be the first to admit I didn't watch Firefly until I saw Serenity. No one told me about the show until 2005, when I was working at a bookstore. When I saw Serenity, I knew from the opening scene I was going to be forever upset for not having been able to experience Firefly. But at the end they killed off Wash, I was both pissed and moved. Not only had I grown attached to a character in the movie, but I was pissed because I knew I had missed out on a lot of him. And I'm still not over this. I f**king hate FOX...for many reasons, but the lack of Firefly is the icing on my Fox-hating cake!

2). Hedwig (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)
Yes, I'm upset about Tonks, Remus, Severus, Albus and Fred (damn...Fred's death hurt too). But the second I read Hedwig's death, I knew isn was about to get real...real painful! I still can't read this part without tearing up. Hedwig's and Fred's hurt me as a reader a lot. But I think since Hedwig's was the first in the last book, and, was so symbolic, her's is the one I'll list her.

3). Miss Havisham (Thursday Next book III: The Well of Lost Plots)
Havisham & Next by Aliceazzo
I remember Havisham in  Great Expectations, but her death in that book has a back story...well, according to the Thursday Next series (which if you've been a frequent guest at my blog you know is my favorite series). Havisham's death took me out because like Thursday, as you read more about her, you felt: "this old broad is crazy...but she's the crazy I can appreciate" and then she literally ZOOM! BANG! BOOM! was dead! OK, it's a little more drawn out, but those onomatopoeias (?...exclamations?) describe what happens to her. I'm still mad cause she was brilliant!

4). Joyce Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer S5 E16 "The Body")
So this summer I had a realization: I hadn't finished Buffy. I knew a few spoilers, such as this one, Tara's death (which was horrible too! I cried! But after Joyce's...well, it's like Hedwig's in the HP 'verse) and who Dawn is, etc. But Nothing could have prepared me for how well done (i.e. HEARTBREAKING) the episode would be. The dryness, the emotions, and just thinking of your own parent in that situation, and how you would feel if you were Buffy. It hurts, and makes you think and ponder. Add to the fact that Joyce and Xander are the two most "normal" characters in the Buffy-verse (that aren't background actors). IDK man...it gives me major feels. (I'm not crying...yeah, I'm crying).

5). Nina Tucker (FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
Nina's deformation and death helped me know this show, for all it's funny moments was going to be dark. Hell, despite the "magical" premise of alchemy, this show rather beautifully depicts real life. Life is not just hardship, nor is it fun and light-hearted 100% of the time. There is sadness, depression, and death. And sometimes: children die. When you first meet her you're like, oh, this is a little kid, who's dad is a little creepy. I honestly thought the dad would die at the very first. But no.
Her father, Shou, is a sadistic man who decides to create a chimera from her, and their pet dog. But her torture doesn't end there. She is killed in her chimera form because she's seen as an "abomination." It was way harsher than anything I was expecting.

Those are some of the death's I wasn't readily for...and still kind of mourn.

What are some death's you're just not over?

Geeks Who Significantly Inspire Me (Fandom Friday)

This Fandom Friday post is brought to you by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and, the letter S, for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you!

I was kind of unsure where to start on this. I have many, including famous people like Aisha Tyler, Rosario Dawson, Stephen Colbert, Rashida Jones, and Felicia Day. Bands like The Aquabats, and the Ramones! But after an awesome summer with folks, I'm going to just gush about them. I'm not afraid to say: I love these people! Friends are awesome!
Deal with it. ;)

My Geek Out Together homies!
via: 1 2 3 4
Gladys, Gwen, and Travis are a super amazing! I got to hang out with the four of them IRL at SDCC! We've been doing Podcasts together since Agent Carter started, and having a blast, laughing, and, well, geeking out! Gladys has this immense comic book knowledge, and if anyone ever embodied a current-day Princess Leia, it would be her! Gwen reminds me of my FAVORITE book character Thursday Next, but in a younger, Jedi rebel sense. She reads so many books, and is going to school for fashion design (#hero)!!! Travis is like my Con-attending HERO! I swear, if they EVER make a Millennium Falcon car, he should get one out pure dedication! Plus, with all the con's he attends, so many people could see it! He's like a Jedi Han Solo, traveling to different corners of the US, seeing all the cool things! His Star Wars fandom is strong!
These three are so cool, and I love them! 

The Nerdy Girlie
Megan is a sweetheart, fellow Slytherin, and my homegirl! She's an amazing writer, and I love how much of herself, and her emotions she puts into her blog! I love this girl so much! She's kicking so much ass in her blog, her life, her work, and being the best Megan she can be! I admire that, and I truly look up to her! #SheSlamsRevolvingDoors!

SuperHeroesque's Superchicks: Liz and Mia!

When Liz and Mia launched SuperHeroesque I was flabbier-gasted by all the positivity! These two ladies are socially conscious, smart, intelligent, and everything they say makes me think there is hope for this world! Like, seriously, I want them to be senators...no! Co-Presidents!!! If it werent for these two, I would still never have cosplayed! I finally did in 2014! To top that off, they are super sweet, and hilarious! And their podcasts are AMAZING!!! Be sure to check them out at Lilo+Mimo!

Video Game Heroines: Mariko, Lori, and Amanda!
via: 1 2 3
You know what? I LOVE video games. Before Junior High I was a arcade-mouse, and would play video games whenever I saw one. And then, somewhere, I stopped. Well, not really, I still played. But for one reason or another, I never thought I was a gamer. Enter these three ladies! While I'm still not amazing at video games, I know I love them so much as they are an integral part of my growing up, and...well, I like them! Mariko's game reviews, and passion for independent games have encouraged me to try games outside of the mainstream. Amanda's and Lori's live streams are amazing! Their dedication to gaming and sharing that passion helped me re-enter gaming! And thanks to these three, I know I belong with games because I LIKE THEM! I'm glad to no longer feel like "serious games are only for boys" and other similar bull-s***! Thank you!

#CosplayGoals: Mindy, Cazz, Topher, Jason, and the folks above!
via: 1 2 3
So, first off, some of the people mentioned above are also my favorite cosplayers too! But, I'd be remiss to not have these folks mentioned. Topher and Jason are my big brothers. I'm naturally the oldest of four, but I ALWAYS wanted an older brother! And now, I have two! I've been attending comic con panels with these two since they started going four years ago and they always have these awesome cosplays! And my first cosplay was apart of a group one with them! Cazz's cosplay's and personal style are always geeky-inspired, and a kawaii-force to be reckoned with! I remember thinking her Rufio from a 2nd hand jacket was so clever and it was neat to see her eye in reanimating an article of clothing and giving it new life. Mindy's sewing skills are AMAZING! Her cosplays continually leave me speechless. Like I swear every time I try to comment I'm left dumb-founded and all I can say is "A-MAZING!!!" (it's true though!). I love how cosplay takes everyone's different view of the "Nerd-World" at large and shows their own perspective, and (most importantly) it's FUN!!!

I also want to say to those who read this, but might not be listed: Thank you too! People being cool amongst one another, and sharing different things respectfully are just...my favorite! Cheers to you!
These people are my tribe. I appreciate them for who they are, how they make me think cognitively, and inspire me, to aspire for greatness. I'm not just inspired by them. But I'm grateful to them, and FOR them! Again, I say:

Thank you!

Summer Vacation Has Ended!

I'm back! (I swear!) And I'm back in FL, and home with the Tenor, and our fur-babies!
It's been a month hasn't it? Dang.

I've been on a bit of a hiatus, trying to catch up on some stuff around my house, and re-organizing, and job hunting!

I've been battling allergies, cooking a LOT, and surprisingly enjoying it. I've started playing around some more with ingredients...and making sauces/seasonings/mixtures and stuff. Trying to learn different ways to cook different veggies, and stepping out of my comfort zone (Which is usually just steaming). I'm also trying to make sure to eat breakfast. And lunch. I tend to only eat dinners...which is not good for you. I don't starve myself, but I'm more of a "Coffee Sustains Me" person, with like, some cereal.

I finally found yogurt I like, and have that with a hard-boiled egg, and, toast or banana. Lunch is usually a sandwich or leftover dinners. OH! And I'm saving food from dinners for the next day for lunch. I'm trying.

I've also been cleaning, and stuff, and catching up with my FL friends since I was in San Diego for a month!

And San Diego was awesome. I miss it! My people! The food!

The freeways!!!

I feel like a piece of me is still there, in SD! It's weird though, because I missed my husband and the pets, so while in CA, I felt like part of me was here, you know?

It's been an epic summer! And getting to not only go home was great, but getting to hang out with some of my FAVORITE people made it EPIC! SDCC felt like summer camp (or, what I imagine summer camps are like). I don't think I've had that much Summer-Fun since like...2000!

It's been great and different, and just: awesome!!!

Five OTHER Fictional Vehicles I'd Love to Travel In (5 Fandom Friday)

This Fandom Friday post is brought to you by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and, the letter S, for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you!

This week's prompt is about the vehicles of our dreams!!! And man...do I have a few more than 5!  Obviously, the T.A.R.D.I.S. (complete with a David Tennent), Millennium Falcon, Serenity, and Baby are on this list in spirit...but I narrowed it down to the Top 5 I felt like needed a mention! HAHA!

1). Firebolt (Harry Potter)
Quidditch, free travel, all that good stuff! Yes. I would like one Firebolt please, and, thank you. Where's my cool, rich, and benevolent godfather?

2). Cloud Car (Care Bears)
As you may have seen with my Christmas dream list, I have wanted one of these for a long time. I like that not only do they fly, but they also can dissipate on grounding...so no worries about parking! LOL But mostly: flying!!!

3). The Bebop (Cowboy Bebop)
The Serenity and the Bebop are one in the same for me. Don't ask why...I can't justify this. It just is for me. But the Bebop was my first love of the two. Also, if being on the Bebop means there's a smidgen of a chance that Yoko Kanno's compositions will play while I fly through space then yes! Forever!

4). Mach 5 (Speed Racer)
Speed's Mach 5 is a straight pimp-mobile (dude: white car+red interior=pimp car)! But more importantly, its fast, cool, and slick as all get out! Add on the tricked out gadgetry that help Speed get around the track? Yes!

5). Carpet (Aladdin/Jennifer Strange series)
It flies! And I remember thinking how cool the animation was (1992 friends...it was 1992) for carpet! Also pretty purples! From the Jennifer Strange aspect, it was used as a delivery vehicle, which, would be a fun side-job, but, more fun flying because no traffic! :D

There you have it! My five OTHER fictional vehicles!
What were yours? Leave your link in the comments so I can be sure to read yours! 

SDCC Workout Cosplay

It's been a while, but TBH, part of the reason why was gearing up for,

and getting distracted by


This weeks Workout Cosplay is inspired by the SDCC-Eye logo, and, by the people I saw wearing workout attire! They looked so comfy...and ready to run after celebs and artists...or sprint to the insanity that is the Funko & Hasbro booths!


Seriously though, I really like yellow and grey together! I actually have that laptop backpack in pink and grey and used it at SDCC this year! It's SUPER comfy and lightweight! It would be great to transition from gym to work to con to whatever else life throws your way!

Speaking of life throwing things at you, here's an SDCC-Summer-Super-Powered Inspired playlist! Mostly, its songs I felt spoke to my feelings of belonging as a nerd, and how for the most part, SDCC feels like home, away from home...even when I miss home (LOL):

Hope you're having an amazing summer so far! Also, let me know if you have any workout cosplay's you like to see in either the comments or tweet me



Five Guilty Pleasure Fandoms (5 Fandom Friday)

Fandom Fridays are brought to you by the letter N for (The) Nerdy Girlie; by the letter S, for Super Space Chick; and by readers like you!

Today's prompt is our guilty pleasure fandoms. I don't mind admitting to these, but I also don't mind admitting a little bit of "guilty" feelings for liking these either...some these are not the best lol.

Without any further adieu, my list:

1). Gossip Girl
This show's ingredients were everything I HATED in Teen-dramas growing up. But when you combine all of them together, they really make for a delicious Television series! Also, their wardrobe was so amazing! Also, I got some friends hooked on it, and would randomly say "I'll never tell...XOXO...Gossip Girl" in ridiculously simpering voices and it was a great laugh to us. (Ask me no questions, for reason escapes us on this too).

2). Pretty Little Liars
I started watching this as a recommendation from a co-worker. I didn't think I'd make it past the first "A" (the show's antagonist) reveal...but here I am...in season 3...still watching this. I am rooting for "A" though...the main characters thus far are not very great and A seems interesting lol! Also the theme song is really fun!

3). Georgia Nicholson books & movie
I read these when I was in High School. This series would make me legit LOL...and snort out loud (SOL? IDK WTF that might be).  Any who, I LOVED this series so much I decided to donate it to the library I worked at because they didn't own the series...which I now regret as I've been wanting to go back and re-read it for the the laughs. It also got made into a movie titled "Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging" (the first book is titles "Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging"). And yes! I LOVED the movie...despite being 27 when I finally got to see it (I saw it a few years after it came out)! LOVE Georgia!

4). Musicals
My dad and mom love old movies and so, they handed down that love to my siblings and I. I particularly enjoyed musicals like The Sound of Music, Damn Yankees, Road to Moracco, and Shirley Temple! The best part about movie musicals (and why I hope they make a comeback) is that they are the more affordable ticket to Broadway musicals! Also, a lot of Broadway productions now are inspired by movies already so, that's cool too!
Additionally, The Tenor grew up performing in musical theater (thus his "codename") with his siblings! He has a great voice, and we both love sining songs from RentWicked, and Journey songs (not really Broadway I guess, but Glee did a good job breaking up the parts).

5). Once Upon a Time
This show is hell-a cheesy. I enjoy it though. But I'm hoping this show gets some more diversity. I really want more POC, and why the hell did they get rid of Mulan?!?! Come on now! But the next season will bring Lancelot back which means she might be sooooo **fingers-crossed**!

What do you think? Are any of your guilty pleasures on here too?