Geek Out Day 10 Favorite Movie(s) & Movie Series

Thanks to Megan at A Geeky Gal and this list of prompts, I’m participating in her 30 Day GEEK OUT!

Marie Antoinette


While this movie is my favorite movie of all, I know its not super well known. But, Sophia Coppola’s beautiful, New Wave take on history is absolutely luscious!! Kirsten Dunst showed in this movie (for me) her early acting chops from Interview With the Vampire as Claudia. The costumes made me envious and dreamy, and Versailles? OMG Versailles! But the movie was a wonderful view into a mythologically talked about queen. She was a person who wanted love and very young and thrust into greatness. Also: THAT SOUNDTRACK THO’!

Fave Series:



I’m sure this is most people and you know what? THAT’S AWESOME!!! Star Wars was a hard 2nd…I mean, it could be 1.5 but still second to this 10 year saga!

From the first panel for “Marvel Movie Studios” (MCU’s first panel) of which I was in attendance, to the final (which was my second MCU panel LOL) my dad, sister and our Comic Con Framily (family of friends). These movies have had such an amazing run and I am so excited for the next saga as it will likely, FINALLY include the The First Family of Marvel: THE FANTASTIC FOUR, and the mutants will FINALLY be back where they belong!

I am still happy Sony had Spidey back in the verse, and I wish they would just hand him over (they can keep venom…IDK I wish they’d hire better writers). But I LOVED it! I saw them all in theaters! I’m so excited for the next phase kicking off the next saga.

What are your favorite movies and movie series?
Please let me know in the comments!

Geek Out Challenge Day 9 : Favorite Anime Series

Thanks to Megan at A Geeky Gal and this list of prompts, I’m participating in her 30 Day GEEK OUT!

I decided to break this down into the last 4 decades (oh my, I feel old)!

90’s: Sailor Moon


Sailor Moon transcends its genre. While it wasn’t the first Magical Girl series, it has been a pop culture phenomenon that gals, guys, non binary pals of all types love. Football players in addition to use nerd, punks and boy band lovers, vegans and militant carnivores. Like nearly all fandoms, there are fans of all types. Unlike many of those, I’ve never heard Sailor Moon referred to as a “guilty pleasure” from any of the above; which if you ask me is a part of what makes Sailor Moon, Eternal! ;)

00’s: Cowboy Bebop


Firefly would be nowhere without Outlaw Star (which it borrows a LOT from) and, the influence of Cowboy Bebop. That aside, Cowboy Bebop had me from go with Yoko Kanno’s and The Seatbelt’s “Tank!” in the opening credits. The music is the 6th main character to the show and I love the jazz, blues (Real Folk Blues) and tinny-country influences of the show. Moreover, the characters are flawed and dynamic, and well written, and drawn beautifully with great expressions. Even if (/especially if) you’re not into anime, I would highly recommend trying it out (music lovers, I’m sorry to should on you but you should watch).

Current/20-teens: The Promised Neverland

Promised Neverland.jpg

The Promised Neverland was a show I found earlier this year on VRV. I originally thought it was new anime take on Peter Pan with a girl Peter. It’s not, omg, it’s so not! I don’t want to tell anything other than the characters both main and side are well made, the animation is beautiful and you will have so many feelings. I’m excited for season two in 2020 and can’t wait to see what my favorite ‘20s anime will be in the end (10 years rushing at us head on eh?).

What are you favorite anime from the last 3 (or more) decades?

Feeling the Need to Explain Myself

Growing up, I had a good home. I really did. But like anyone else’s childhood it was far from perfect.

One of my major issues is one I’m in the middle of having a panic/anxiety attack right now; I feel like I should vomit! Hell, I’m probably even doing a little bit of it right now. I always feel the need to have a detailed reason for how and why I feel the way I feel—about ANYTHING! And today I realized something: its grueling.


Things as simple as “not up to it” didn’t fly in my house (or in school, can’t that’s a factor as well) for things like not wanting to go to the beach with the family. I had to have a reason why. Conversely, I now seek answers even in myself for “why” instead of just being tired, I have to feel like I have a legitimate reason.

I dislike this part of me. It’s not an argumentative side surprisingly. It’s a curiosity. Other people simple “I’m not up to it” I’m fine with. I always feel like I’m supposed to have a reason (an excuse if you will). Why can’t I be kinder to myself?

I’m going to work on this. I realize this is a “deeper “ topic than most posts. But I felt like writing it. And that’s a bloody start (though I guess my “justifying” it might not be). I’m going to practice even just saying no and changing to yes should I feel like it, that way things can be switched around.

Do you ever find yourself beating yourself up internally over something? How do you practice being kinder to yourself?

There Goes The Sun...

Going home to San Diego back in July was amazing.

I went to Comic Con (AKA Nerd Family Reunion). Hung out with my family and friends and played a lot of D&D!

But the thing I got a lot of that I honestly missed the MOST was sunshine. I wore sunscreen cause I want to keep my vampire-ish youthful looks, but, I went back to my natural skin tone and honestly, I’ve been riding a happiness high ever since.

It’s true what they say: People with depression (especially those like your’s truly who suffer from “severe” depression) need the sunshine. I’ve been trying to keep moving out and about since coming back to The North, but dang. I’m not looking forward to the cold.

As the Starks say: Winter is Coming. And I’m a bloody Martell (or Targaryen, I’m not sure…I like warm is all).

I have a lot to plan for in preparation of winter. One of which is to continue the exercise route. after all:


I am not saying of course that exercise is “the cure to depression” because when you’re depressed, its bloody hard to exercise and honestly, it only helps my meds. But you get what Elle Woods is saying. You do feel good because you accomplished an activity you set out to do.

Another thing I’m looking into is a "happy/sunlight lamp". Winter is rough for me, so sitting in front of a lamp sounds weird and different. But I’m looking forward to the ability to be happy and get some “sun” (even if artificially lol).

I’m also trying to pull together fun winter clothing pieces, so there’s things to look forward to in cold weather. from cute spooky sweaters:


To Warm vests (with hoodies cause snow)!


It’s important to have things to look forward to. It’s probably the hardest thing for me to remember too.

What are some of your cheats for for beating cold weather blues? I’d LOVE to hear them! One might say: I need to hear them :)

Geek Out Challenge Day 8: My Geeky Hobbies

Thanks to Megan at A Geeky Gal and this list of prompts, I’m participating in her 30 Day GEEK OUT!

Today I’m sharing three of my geeky hobbies.

1). Reading

Part of my Jasper Fforde collection.

Part of my Jasper Fforde collection.

Did you know I used to work in libraries? Well, as a child reading has always been my favorite activity. I was a recluse and didn’t care for socializing (and I don’t say that in a cool way, cause it wasn’t). I would always have a book with me.

2). Doodling/Drawing

doodles of Snake from Animal Crossing, Pizza Party Dude, Umbra my fey rogue sorcerer, and White Diamond

doodles of Snake from Animal Crossing, Pizza Party Dude, Umbra my fey rogue sorcerer, and White Diamond

Like reading it’s been hard at times to get back into it. I do enjoy just doodling as I find it to be fun, and soothing. But the part that isn’t is the want of perfectionism, and, when something doesn’t turn out how I saw it in my mind’s eye. Also, I can’t draw softly (soft lines, curves, pressing pens/pencils lightly, etc) so i get really frustrated by my hard lines. I just have to figure out how to harness it I guess.

3). Crocheting

Jayne Cobb hat I crocheted for myself

Jayne Cobb hat I crocheted for myself

I’m most proud of this last one as I’m always worried about perfectionism. Crocheting sometimes feels a little more forgiving than drawing (which is not actually true), but, maybe its that mentality that helps me enjoy it. My Cobb hat is one of the things I’m most proud of.

But, the CMYK blanket I’mc making for a friend might take it’s place! I think it’s coming along nicely! Cyan is finished, and Magenta is almost there!

CMYK Blankie

CMYK Blankie

Do you have any geeky hobbies? What are they?
Let me know in the comments!

Geek Out Challenge Day 7: Unexpected Fandom

Thanks to Megan at A Geeky Gal and this list of prompts, I’m participating in her 30 Day GEEK OUT!

Today’s prompt is “What Fandom do you love, but didn’t think you would?”

And there’s going to be a bit of a twist, because my answer is: Harry Potter.


It’s true.
One of the fandoms I most ardently adore was one I wasn’t sure I’d dig.

I’d heard a lot of negative things about it at my University, and frankly as a someone who worked in the library I was quite shocked we carried it.

One day while shelving books I decided to give the books a try. I had no care about the order of them (that and 1-3 were checked out for like, ever). So I checked out Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (if you’re not cringing please do). See, it was the latest release and though it was the newest they had just started showing the trailer and the tv spots for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (which shows you how old I am).

I took the book back to my apartment and started reading.
Then, I grabbed a comfy blanket, and a pillow and a mug of tea and sat in my roommates’ and my hall closet and stayed up ALL DAMN NIGHT reading.

I couldn’t put it down. And I wanted more. I then reserved the first three books (and was filled in on the full Sirius Black Story) and waited for them to come in. I brought them home to my parents house that Christmas vacation, and my sister loved them too!

I didn’t think it would be a series or “my thing” but holy crow!!!! It’s the thing I love!!! My engagement pic (see my blog icon) was Harry Potter based. And honestly, though I can’t claim “biggest fan” who gives a F! I LOVE IT!

It’s even helped me coordinate clothes so I incorporate color without looking like a tacky ragamuffin.


What’s a Fandom you never thought you’d be a part of?
Please share with me in the comments!

Geek Out Challenge Day 6: What Real Life Geek Inspires You

Thanks to Megan at A Geeky Gal and this list of prompts, I’m participating in her 30 Day GEEK OUT!

Today’s post is about a real life geek I admire. I think I’m going to share about one of my favorite celebs and self-proclaimed “fangirl” (his word choice not mine) Orlando Jones.

I want to cosplay as Anansi!!!

I want to cosplay as Anansi!!!

Jones has played many roles ins different fandoms from Sleepy Hollow to American Gods (where he plays one of my favorite deities: Anansi).

At Comic Con Jones can often be seen at The Black Panel which feature a variety of African American stars from Jones, to Cree Summer, to Shaq to Michael B. Jordan. Also at SDCC, Jones has married some con attendees. Not only that! But he also officiated a Star Wars themed wedding at CON! (c. 2017)! Speaking of Star Wars, as a child Orlando tried to decode R2-D2’s beeps!


Also, Jones is a shipper! He openly professes his love for his ships both of fictional characters and real people (the latter done in innocent but clearly jest…unless, you know, it happens).

All I’m saying is, is that if you’re not a fan of any of his works yet, you should check him out! ESPECIALLY in America Gods. His monologue in the opening of Season 1 Episode 2 is one of the greatest pieces in television history to me.

So, he’s a nerd, for the nerds, and a really cool actor!

Who’s your favorite famous Geek?
Let me know in the comments!

Geek Out Challenge 5 - Geekiest Thing I've Ever Done...Lately

Thanks to Megan at A Geeky Gal and this list of prompts, I’m participating in her 30 Day GEEK OUT!

You know, I’ve done a lot of geeky things. Some embarrassing, some not so. But the one I want to share today is one that has been really fun and is the latest exploit: becoming a Monster Ranger!!


What's funny is I have seen their booth for years and always told myself: "I'll come back this way" on the exhibit floor (which if you’ve been you know how hard it can be to keep this promise to yourself). This year I I saw something that stopped me in my tracks and reminded me of how many times I’d been meaning to stop by. That was this patch:


i knew I needed to know more! The booth crew were the coolest, kindest people and I immediately knew I wanted to be a part of this.

Monster Rangers is an all ages “scout” group that protects monsters and other night creatures. You can earn some badges, make new friends (human and monster kind alike), and use something that is harder and harder to utilize as you get older: your imagination.

Needless to say I’m a fan! I’ve even hung a few fliers around town to complete the first mission! I’m currently working on Mission 2…which by the way: Have a Monstrous Day! (#monsterrangers #steamcrow #mrmisson2)

via #monsterrangers #steamcrow #mrmisson2

via #monsterrangers #steamcrow #mrmisson2

What’s the geekiest thing you’ve ever done, OR, done lately?

Will you be checking out the Monster Scouts?! I hope you do! It’s really fun!

Let me know in the comments!

Geek Out Challenge Day 4 - Worst Con Experience

Thanks to Megan at A Geeky Gal and this list of prompts, I’m participating in her 30 Day GEEK OUT!

Today’s prompt is about my worst con experience.


Which actually has very few pictures. SDCC in 2013(I think?) had the worst security team in the history of security.

In addition to a staff that was clearly new to the gig, they also were man-handling the crowd and the people there. Shoving con attendees was so bad that there were almost fights between the people and the bastards in polos (as we were calling them). For the most part I’ve done fine with security at SDCC. I like everyone else just followed the rules, asked questions and stuff. You know, the usual.

But that year, I got shoved by a dude 2.5 my size who only backed down because my husband and the other people in line (we were waiting for a Hunger Games pin) all stepped up to him and said he was wrong for not just shoving me with no cause but for being a jerk, and picking the shortest person in line.

via Penguin Random House

via Penguin Random House

Again, I’m a fan of questioning authority, SDCC is probably the most compliant you’ll see me actively being. But that year, was rough, and I’m so glad we have had better security since. Some of whom I look forward to finding every year and saying Hi to!

Have you had a terrible con experience?
Let me know in the comments

30 Day Geek Out Favorite Con Experience

Thanks to Megan at A Geeky Gal and this list of prompts, I’m participating in her 30 Day GEEK OUT!

Today’s prompt is my favorite con experience…which I’m translating to mean favorite con moment.

And while I have quite a few nothing will beat SDCC 2007 (I think) when I made my brother and his friend come to the Shonen Jump panel with me. See I had been hearing a lot about Marvel looking to make a manga, and the hero was named Ultimo. Ultimo was a written and created by Stan Lee, and I’m sure you know where I’m headed here…

My face s so moon-like and young.

My face s so moon-like and young.

During Q&A i committed the ultimate taboo. And you know what? I actually don’t give a frak. I have a picture with a someone who was a hero of mine, my siblings and my father.

After a Naruto announcement that year, Shonen Jump announced the had a special guest. I looked to my brother Charlie and said “five bucks says Stan Lee.” And in he walked in. My brother and I straight up did this exact move y’all:


This wasn’t a ballroom or anything either. The room wasn’t full, and I bought my badge the week before y’all. It was an innocent time back in those days LOL! jk it’s all been groovy.

But he took three questions. I bidded my time, waiting to be the last, hoping beyond hope, beyond luck and hope again that I’d get picked. And I did, and I asked the forbidden question: “Can I get a picture with you?” And Uncle Stan said yes True Believers! He. Said. YES!

I floated up to him as if on a cloud. Trying to pull my brother with me, who was in a daze and I just kept walking forward not believing my good fortune and providence of that day. My tiny phone luckily ha this little camera and I was so happy i had finally switched from a nokia to my Pantech C300 (Check out how small it was here).

I loved this moment so much. I’ve never asked this question again, nor will I. But I took the moment that felt right. And I got my best moment at a con ever!

What is you’re best convention moment?
Let me know in the comments!
Also, be sure to check out A Geeky Gal’s blog!

30 Day Geek Out - Most Recent Fandom

This month Is crazy for me for a lot of reasons. So thanks to Megan of A Geeky Gal, I’ve got some posts that I can write where I can share with you some of my favorite nerdy facts about me!

Today’s prompt is the most recent fandom is I’ve caught myself in. And TBH, I’m a in a bit of a pickle trying to remember which one it is. So I’m going to write about a random one that started in a weird way.

While D&D precedes this “fandom” I started out as a “Loyal Customer” but I’ve been told by my husband it’s actually become an “issue.” To which I say:


Kraken Dice make the most beautiful dice for table top gaming and especially for D&D. I LOVE them. Do I have a set of dice for each day of the week? MAYBE. But fight me. I don’t even care! I LOVE them so much! In fact, I hunted them down at San Diego Comic Con and proceeded to gush at the poor booth workers. I LOVE their glitter dice and continue to squee with glee at their new releases.

L to R: Black Magyk Amethyst, Cotton Candy II, and Unicorn Poop

L to R: Black Magyk Amethyst, Cotton Candy II, and Unicorn Poop

L to R: Cotton Candy I (reissiue with giant D20, mini D20, and D2), Unicorn Tears, Tahiti Twilight Sea Glass (I call them Coulson lol)

L to R: Cotton Candy I (reissiue with giant D20, mini D20, and D2), Unicorn Tears, Tahiti Twilight Sea Glass (I call them Coulson lol)

To be honest, D&D will have you owning a bunch of sets of dice and collecting a lot of figurines. It’s a fandom based on imagination and being a little bit social. It’s a lot of fun! And it can lead to collecting figures and dice or you could be a one fig one dice type of person. But with dice creators like Kraken, the collecting for me, has gotten a little crazier. And I don’t even care!!!

Whats your most recent fandom?

And fo you have a fandom that’s not “traditional?” Shoes by a certain brand? First editions? Something completely different? Let me know in the comments?

Learn more about the 30 Day Geek Out Challenge HERE!

Movies I Over-Hyped for My Self

The Last Airbender


The Last Airbender was set to be a blockbuster hit.

Beloved show made into a movie? Check.

Wonderfully realized characters? Check.

Girl characters who kick ass? Check.

But from the white washing of the water tribe and Aang (who canonically is pronounced “ain-g” but in the movie was called the much chagrined “On-g”) to the fire nation—the bad guys—were all of East Asian descent and darker skinned. And that’s not addressing the rushed story line or TERRIBLE acting.

The movie is a real clusterfuuuh…it’s really bad y’all. I’ve never made it all the way through the movie.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Goblet of Fire

I’m a fan of letting people enjoy things. Really I am. One of the main reasons why is because I think I should be able to dislike things too. I believe people are allowed to disagree and …Goblet of Fire (GOF) is one of the fandom things I had a hard time “being allowed” to dislike.

After Alfonso Cuaron’s masterful take on Prisoner of Azkaban, it seemed like the HP movies were going to go in a beautiful cinematic direction. The first three movies are my favorites as one and two follow the books and while three doesn’t it had wonderful writing and great narrative that held the movie up. I was excited to see what would be done with my second favorite book of the series.

Alas, GOF felt not merely rushed but also suffered from some bad timeline issues. The rule of three for instance was not really there. Also there was no Winky who was a major plot device. And my biggest let down (/my final straw) was the utter lack of creativity with the maze and there was NO SPHINX!?!?

The movie did set up my feelings/hopeful desire for the BBC to remake the books into a seven season series (one season per book) one day. Hopefully starring Rupert Grint as Mr Weasley, Daniel Radcliffe as Severus Snape and Emma Watson as Hermiones mother or Professor Trelawny (because I think that would be humorous).

Reign of Fire

reign of fire

I will admit this is a movie I am due for a rewatch of as I last saw it in theaters in 2002.

Dragons, Christian Bale, post apocalyptic. I should’ve loved this movie at the time. But man what I remember most was disappointment. Hopefully a rewatch will let me see but either way I had hyped this up for myself then so that was a major part of the anger.

The Greatest Showman

Greatest Show

Musicals always have a fine line for me. Believe it or not I LOVE them. I enjoyed this one. But I did think there’d be something more to it?

For instance Never Enough not being slightly more operatic or even requiring (at minimum) more range was a let down. I enjoyed the add on of Zendaya and Zac Efron (in fact, I found them and the costumes to be the movies saving grace). I just felt the movie lacked some depth.

That being said: not only did I see this in theaters but I did buy the blu-ray. Again: I don’t hate it. I just thought it was going to be better, and so much more!

This part was AMAZING!!!

This part was AMAZING!!!

X-Men 3 or X-Men The Last Stand

X-Men 3 “phoenix?”

I love Hugh Jackman—despite two of his movies being on here lol. But I honestly haven’t enjoyed any of Fox’s X-Men movies since X2 because Alan Cumming held that movie up. That being said unbeknownst to me, X3 kicked off the “beginning of the end” in my eyes.

The lack of continuity, and the Phoenix Force were just the beginning. The franchises desire to throw everything at you all at once without any development was a feeling I felt again with the final season of Game of Thrones (yeah, that bad). There were things we knew were going to happen but the how we got there was written so poorly I couldn’t even stomach it and walked out. And even though my cousin plays Storm I’m still salty about how poorly she was then, and had continued to be written.

Heres hoping all will be better with the MCU.

How about you? What are some movies you thought you’d enjoy or, LOVE but just ended up hating or tolerating? Let me know in the comments!

SDCC Hall H -Westworld Season 3

I love this show so much.

I’ve yet to have been to a panel for Westworld until today. Jonathan Nolan has helped Lisa Joy in crafting an amazing sci-fi show.

One of my favorite parts of this panel however was the cast and crew actors addressing ethics in science and the development of A.I. What does it mean for us? Also: why are surveillance advancements under locked doors protecting the rich?!

Heres my (admittedly late in recording) video of Jonathan Nolan addressing some of this :

The cast was a delight and many of the actors voiced concerns on how technology is also creating a vast economic disparity between the haves and have nots .

The show and cast are extremely well spoken and honestly refreshingly the panel felt almost academic. To use a word I occasionally find pretentious: they focus on their “craft” and it’s evident.


Keep an eye out for Westworld season 3 in 2020!

SDCC Hall H- Star Trek

These next few posts will be relatively photo dump heavy. The story of our journey to Hall H will be posted later but in the mean time I figured I’d post some about the panels I’m sitting through today!

Via Me

Via Me

While in the Trek vs Wars debate I may side with the latter truly is one of the most revolutionary shows and one of the most important in history! This isn’t an opinion or up for argument either. But a historical fact.

Discovery will be airing season 3 in the coming months and taking place 1,000 years in the future!


Next if they’re next of the Star Trek show takes place in 2380 and is animated. It’s called Star Trek Lower Decks. It’s about “unimportant” characters on an “irrelevant” ship. The panel was hosted by Jerry O’Connell from SLIDERS!!

Unlike the previous animated series this will involve a new crew and will be limitless to what can be done on Trek.. Additionally show runner Alex Kurtzmann emphasized the cartoon’s dedication to maintaining the emphasis of diversity and Mike McMahan (Rick & Morty) also addressed how the show will be humorous and still address social issues!

If you love Trek and unique characters (and animation or comedy in general) you should check it out. If you have never seen Trek before it’s a great jump point from the sounds of it. But, for those that are: it’s a shared universe and will have some great inside jokes!

The “deck” of the USS Cerritos (the CA ship)

The “deck” of the USS Cerritos (the CA ship)


Sir Patrick Stuart was so adorable! He gave praise to not only the cast and writers, but also DeNiro the doggo in the show!

Alloson Pill, Michelle Hurd (who is always amazing) are in the show, and hinted at characters and their brokenness and that those pieces will be a strong part of their stories.

The stories are going to be more serialized and one off like The Next Generation (TNG).

While TNG takes place in a more innocent time (a reflection of “then”) Picard —ever the philosopher—will be reflective on a more difficult time and struggling to present the BEST of himself!


The Most Important Band in the World (part 1)

On Spotify you can listen to Stay Free: The story of The Clash (aka: the most important band in the world). And I highly suggest you do!

From Spotify

From Spotify

It’s a FANTASTIC podcast/audio-documentary hosted by Chuck D of Public Enemy (who while not punk in music/genre, sure af were punk in spirit and ideology).

I love this podcast for so many reasons. While the most obvious would be based on my love for the Clash themselves, there are three reasons I would especially suggest this for anyone.

First is how Chuck D discusses Public Enemy, and, the influence of the Clash on his group. “Elvis was a hero to most but, he never meant sh*t to me” while not political is one of my favorite lyrics of all time—and I actually don’t mind Elvis personally. But in episode one Chuck D addresses how if you TRULY look at music the argument is not The Beatles vs Elvis (The Beatles is the correct answer) because Elvis was a manufactured Star (because he was noted as the “great White hope for music” because white Women in the 60’s were falling for black musicians and that was SO FROWNED upon at the time—tbh has much changed?!). The real argument was (and historically correctly for Rock n Roll): Chuck Berry vs Bo Diddly. The ideas were based not merely on technicalities of musicianship but in the writing of lyrics.

Additionally, Chuck shares how listening to The Clash and—more specifically Joe Strummer—were an influence on the direction that Public Enemy took including the anguish of young adults and anger at their society’s failing systems.


My second favorite part of this is the way this plays as an audio documentary, and not “simply” a podcast. That’s no diss to podcasts as I LOVE them. But the research and archival audio files used in this lend a more, idk “scholarly” feel. I know there are similar podcasts—in fact, I would call those audio documentaries as well for the longer ones. Again: not a diss to either, I just like to distinguish info (old schooling habits die hard).

Lastly: music history!!! It is truly my favorite subject. In fact, all of my research papers and subject throughout college and grad school were based on music history and it’s equal influences/reflections of society!!! [My second fave is general media consumption (movies, books, television) and its influences].

I hope you’ll be sure to check out the series!!

If you have any podcast or audio documentary recommendations please tell me about them in the comments!

Movies I Thought I'd Hate But, Enjoyed

Sometimes Facebook reposts have a great way of inspiring you. For instance, The Sartorial Geek reposted this blog post that has inspired todays!

The first movie on my list is Sucker Punch. There are still some slightly cringe-y bits in this movie, but overall, I enjoy a straight up super hero girl team kicking ASS as a movie!!!


Deadpool is probably the most surprising entry you’ll see as a lot of my disdain stems from my old hate fro Ryan Reynolds (of whom I’ve since become a “fan?”) and the fact that 90’s Deadpool comics were a staple growing up. I LOVED both movies and I wouldn’t be butt hurt at Marvel keeping Reynolds on in the MCU (thank God it’s no longer in Fox’s hands). But i remember being in Hall H at SDCC when they showed the trailer and thinking: “well…damn. I was wrong; this seems like it will be good” (see, I can admit to being wrong lol). Also: homeboy’s gin is amazing!!!


The Babadook was the movie that really kicked off my horror ventures. You see, I am a scaredy cat. I have straight up vivid nightmares so I avoided horror movies for the longest time. But in 2016 I started watching them and even wrote about a few of them to share how I was handling things. The Babadook I had heard was one of the scariest. It turns out, it was hard hitting and relatable for other reasons and I love the movie. I’d always had an interest in horror because I wanted to know what the deuce was happening. The Babadook helped me to start watching and enjoying!

Live.Die.Repeat. (aka Edge of Tomorrow) was by far one of the biggest surprises I have ever seen. I’m always a little iffy about a Tom Cruise movie (even though I loved him in Legend, and as Lestat in Interview With a Vampire). I do enjoy the bejeezus out of Emily Blunt. But more importantly, the movie has Tom Cruise dying over and over in a myriad of crazy and sometimes hilarious (?) ways. It really is one of the most fun SciFi movies I’ve seen. The Tenor and I bought a copy immediately after we RedBoxed it! Also Emily Blunt plays a BADASS lady soldier who is basically the savior of humanity!!!


Lastly is little more old school nowadays, but in the 90’s teenaged rom coms were all the rage (actually, tbh, since the 50’s—post WW2 to be exact—these have been a thing) and movies like Can’t Hardly Wait, and She’s All That were all the rage. I reluctantly went to see 10 Things I Hate About You and even if this follows all the tropes of then, the use of The Taming of the Shrew as a guideline (and Heath Ledger’s ridiculously adorable smile and accent) made my cold jaded grinch-y teenage heart melt.


What are some movies you were hesitant towards (regardless of reason) but ended up enjoying?

2019 Achievements to Unlock (Part 3)

Monday I went over my job and how its WONDERFUL being in the water.

The great part about teaching Level 3 is the added bonus of getting to work out! I’m able to swim with the kids and have to go back and forth in the pool with them. in about 3 weeks time of teaching this level, I’ve seen a huge difference in my legs and shape! I’ve started wearing fins because (believe it or not) they cause a little extra work for you while you workout!

I’ve been following up with light weights, or brisk walks after and boy…do I get nice and tired. It’s like being a kid again and having that sleepy after swim and play feeling! I love it!!!!

I’ve also been trying to drink more water. I’ve been way too coffee dependent the last couple of months. I try to avoid sweeteners and go more vegetarian (when possible…produce doesn’t last more than 48 hour—you’re lucky if that long tbh.

Cauliflower rice is my favorite thing right now, mixed with kimchi, cut up black bean burgers from Morning Star, or, some mock beef!

Trying to make sure I have a few healthy veggie options is hard, but I’ve been feeling a lot better with them. (Now if only the weather would stay sunny?).

What are somethings you are happy about achieving for yourself?

Nerd in the Water

One thing about my current job is the lessons I’m learning along the way. The biggest one is: I’m still learning and growing. Hopefully, I’ll be doing both until the day I die. In 2017 I was offered what became a third job, that has now transitioned into my primary one.

A friend of mine whose husband works with mine, offered me the job. I was a little nervous at first. First off, it was winter in Northern America, and second, I’ve tried tutoring before—I was not good at teaching kids things. I’m not great at patience sometimes. I’m also very guilty of using overly complicated words and explanations because I’m feeling like I need to over compensate for something (imposter syndrome issues?). So, how was I going to explain concepts to kids, and keep them from taking on water, and get them to be strong at it?

Turns out my secret weapon was something I often felt ashamed of: my love for cartoons, and video games. You see, once the Tenor and I started moving around the US, I often was described as being “the Baby” of groups of friends (despite being the senior-most member) and being such a weird nerd. The real reason it scraped my nerves like a cheese grater to my elbow was because when boys are called nerds it was with cute endearing giggles.

But when I hopped in the pool, my nerdy side made things much easier. Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, My Little Pony, Marvel, DC! Its like how when you looked up to your cartoon heroes as a kid, I was able to use them to help me relate ideas to the kiddos. At Level one they are as young as 5, and I’ve had screamers, kickers, pinchers and punchers. But using these cartoons and heroes as examples I was able to help get the kids to just TRY, and continue to practice.

“Aquaman puts his head under water”

”Wonder Woman and Black Panther swim for strong muscles!”


“Greninja is a water type, so he would swim his very best, like no one ever did!”


I even started watching Yu-Gi-Oh and other cartoons that the kids said they liked so I could relate to them better. Just showing them even a little interest in things they liked, helped because they knew I was trying to help.

The one thing I thought would be the hardest, became the easiest with minimal practice: being strict with the rules. With pools, or honestly any body of water (man-made or otherwise) theres no room for error. So while I thought the kids would hate me for being strict, the fact that I was the same with every kid (no playing favorites, and even the good swimmers had to follow the same rules), they respect and admire that. They know—if even on a subconscious level—when you’re BS-ing them!

When I see the kids in town, or they come back for other levels/more lessons, they are all excited to see me and say “hi Mrs Joie,” or, (my fave) ”Hi coach!” It’s a real ego boost knowing you made an impact. Watching them get better and better at their swimming. I’m currently teaching level 3, and its harder in ways, but I love it even more! This has become one of my favorite jobs!

My heart fills full and like, for once, the effort I put into work actually has a debit emotionally equal to that work! I’m happy to be where I’m at in this! And it’s great to be in my element: WATER!