Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Batman for Bryen

This month has been No Shave November, and I've loved having some really awesome guys be guests for this month's Wednesday posts. I hope you enjoyed this month's guest posts! Special thank you to the ever-awesome Travis (Spider-Man!) and Dave (Mega Man X)!

In fact, I have a particular person, who was the main inspiration for this: my nephew Bryen.

This year, my nephew Bryen was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma (a type of sarcoma which is a form of cancer in the soft tissue). Bryen has been in, and, out of chemo a lot this year. He loves to sing, and, is an amazing big brother! Bryen loves to go on walks to the Trader Joe's and Golden Spoon (but with the chemo, and, the constant threat of catching a cold (his immune system is significantly weaker). Bryen also, loves comic books! He's even gotten me comics such as Exiles, just because it features my favorite character on the cover! The Tenor and I have snuck him to see The Avengers, Spider-Man, and Spider-Man 2!

But, by far his favorite hero is Batman! Not that grouchy douchey Batman in Lego Movie, but the Batman that works his mind and body to be The World's Greatest Detective!

And that's really, who No Shave November has been for our household (while I hate facial hair, The Tenor's reason for trying it this month, is worth it)!

So this week's post is not only dude-oriented, but young-dude-oriented for Bryen!
Batman (for Bryen's Future Strength)

Batman (to Bryen's Full Recovery) by joie-fatale
1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6 

TBH, the songs I've chosen aren't Batman themed, but Bryen themed. Some are songs I've heard him singing and others are songs I think he'd enjoy (I know there's a certain movie's soundtrack on here more than once...but it really was AWESOME), so forgive the general lack of a theme, but rather, the mix CD I had made for him.
Bryen's gotta a support page on facebook, and, a general info website, where--if you're so inclined--you can donate to him and his family as medical bills are not the cheapest, and, providing food to Bryen and his four siblings is hard. Also if any of you are looking to get rid of old comics, or books, or action figures, a letter, or, want to draw him a picture, send them (or me) an email! He could really use the encouragement!

Are there any workout cosplays you'd like to see? 
Check out the right hand side of the blog, and shoot me an email! 

Until next time: Happy Thanksgiving!!!