
The Corpse Bride Workout Cosplay

One movie that I really enjoy just sitting and watching is The Corpse Bride.I'm a sucker for stop-motion animation (see my Favorite Christmas specials countdown), and I like skeletons. I've always wanted to do a Emily (Corpse Bride) cosplay, and thought it would be fun to make her in Workout form this time around!

I'd like to go on record saying, I LOVE Helena Bonham Carter! She's an amazing actress, and she seems like the coolest woman in movies! She's one of my favorite actresses (don't try to ever make me pick one won't work). She and her husband make some great (ok, and maybe some not so great) movies together, especially when teamed up with Johnny Depp.

And here's a playlist for skeletons! Power walk or run peeps!

Have you seen The Corpse Bride? What's your favorite stop-motion animation movie?

Amethyst Workout Cosplay

Last week, I featured one of the Chrystal Gems from Steven Universe: Pearl!

This week, I'm featuring the vivacious and energetic (and also a little feral) Amethyst! 


Jump rope is super fun...and SUPER hard to do consistently! And it's a really good cardio exercise. Getting some friends to do it with you (Double Dutch anyone?) is a fun way to workout together, and, stay motivated to keep going. 

On a side note, one of the things I LOVE about this show are the Chrystal Gems varying body types! Neither of them fall under the usual svelte-hourglass shapes the powers that be want all women to conform to. Instead, the show features body types that are not as often celebrated! WHICH I LOVE!

Have you seen Steven Universe? How do you think Amethyst would feel about this playlist?

Also, if there's a workout cosplay you'd like me to tackle, twetet me


(Or, let me know in the comments!)

Daria Morgendorffer Workout Cosplay

A few weeks ago, I asked about who you all would like to see in Workout Cosplay form!

Usagi tweeted me with a GREAT candidate! I will confess, this is a bit of a "I miss CA" post. See, I don't have mountains within driving distance, and I really want to go snowboarding. And so, this is Daria...on a winter vacation!


Also, those snowboarding boots are the most beautiful boarding boots I have EVER seen. I'm saving for those!!!! *drools*

I am hecka blessed to be a child of the 80's-90's, because in my humble opinion: best cartoons EVER!

And Daria was one of those! I immediately gravitated towards the show when it came out I was in Junior High. Also, in elementary school I was labeled as Daria back when Beevis and Butt-Head had her as a recurring character prior to her own show (two boys in my class swore they were B & BH...and I got labeled as Daria *shrugs*). 

Hope you enjoyed this workout cosplay!

Do you have anyone you'd love to see as a Workout Cosplay? Let me know in the comments, or, on twitter!

Workout Cosplay: Mega Man X (Guest Post by Dave)

My brother Dave was kind enough to help me in this month's Guy-vember Workout Cosplays!

In fact he even chose a video game character--which I have yet to do (new goal)! He chose his favorite video game character, and, overall bad-a$$: Mega Man X!

You might recognize Mega Man X as Mega Man, but there is some variation! Mega Man X's story (and consequentially, his video game series) goes a bit more in depth thanks to the Super Nintendo (SNES) system!

Dave writes: "X (aka Mega Man X), the final creation of Dr. Thomas Light and the first of the new wave of free-willed robots called Reploids. A pacifist at heart who is the Saviour of both mankind and Reploids."

X has a lot on his plate, and being the saviour we know he has to be in shape to defeat villains that would otherwise enslave us all, right?

Here is a compilation of Mega Man X (the initial armor) workout gear:
Mega Man X Men's Workout Cosplay!

And one thing Dave & I have in common is a love of music. We especially like punk and ska! If Dave's list doesn't have you bouncing & skanking around the living room, then it will definitely have you ready to kick major evil reploid butt while working out!!!

Have you ever played Mega Man X, or any of Capcom's other Mega Man titles? What was your favorite SNES game?

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Unicorn Magic

Sometimes, we just need a little magic and sparkle in our lives. Something other to spark our inspiration.

And sometimes, you just need a unicorn that inspires you!


I've been inspired (surprisingly) by not so much a character, but by a mythological creature. Also, I tend to call people magical unicorns when they do something I find impossible in myself.

I'm prepping to wake up and run and cycle tomorrow! And since I've never taken (see: can't afford) horseback riding lessons, well, dammit! I'm pretending that cycle is my own, Magical-Fat-Burning Unicorn equestrian riding session!

Basically, I'll be doing something similar to this:

Wish me luck cause the cycle/spin class is "Extreme Spin" which also has: push ups, ab stuff, and spin cycle. Its actually more fun then that reads (except for the cold, hard, unloving bike seats...those hurt).

Have you done spinning before?

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Green Arrow

Today's Workout Cosplay is Green Arrow! I'm so happy that Arrow season 3 has started! And I am excited that the island is pretty much done with! I can't wait to see what all is in store!

One of the things I liked about Green Arrow is the social commentary. I also REALLY like that the show

doesn't shy away from comments about the differences between the rich and poor; race; and, corporate greed! So...maybe the playlist here reflects that!

One last thing:

Yeah...I don't know if I will ever be able to do that! But its cool as heck!

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Hiyori Sarugaki

Wednesday's are back in full effect! And today's Workout Cosplay is inspired by Hiyori Sarugaki from Bleach! Like I said on my last Workout Cosplay, I've been trying to catch up on the anime of Tite Kubo's Bleach! Due to the move (and lack of a good connection to the internet) that has been on a bit of a hiatus as well. Also with the move I've made some friends and we've been working out and running together, so I haven't watched too much of it.

Anyway, Bleach has some awesome female characters who kick butt (see Yoruichi Shihouin from my last post)! Hiyori is a feisty and, well...aggressive former shinigami turn Visored. And I like her! I find her funny as she's so pint-size in relation to everyone else, but, she tries to take them on anyway. Her favorite attack is "smacking fools upside the head"...with her chonkla (Spanish for flip-flops and much more fun to say).


She reminds me of a modern, sassy, violent Tinkerbell who can talk!

Here's the cosplay:

What have you been up to? (I promise, I'm trying to catch up on everyone's blogs).

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Yoruichi Shihouin

I'm back! I'm trying to have a few posts set up since I will be moving at the end of the month! And while I pack up I've been catching up on BLEACH!!!

I remember watching the anime back in 2008 and being super excited that I recognized my favorite Power Ranger's voice as the main character, Ichigo: Johnny Yong Bosch (seriously, he was the ranger I crushed on while everyone else was all about Tommy)!

Any who, I LOVED this show! And catching up has been awesome! And a few episodes in a cute talking cat shows up, and I was SOLD! As it turns out, the cute talking cat ends up being my favorite character in the show: Yoruichi Shihouin!

FACT: She has purple hair!

FACT: She turns into a cat!

FACT: She's a fighting bad-ass!

FACT: she's effing cool!

Also, she was the first anime character since like, Sailor Pluto that I had seenwho was dark skinned woman! The realization of that also seared her into my favorites list as it was a). something I didn't even realize would impact me on that level and, b). she was a character I wanted to be like too!

And with that, here's the cosplay workout gear!

1). Mesh open back tank- I used the black one of this tank for Meleficent, but if you've ever seen Bleach you know that an open back tank would have to be involved! Bad ass chick, has awesome shoulders!

2). Purple Headband-Ok this is a fancy headband, but it's the perfect purple, and I would use it to workout regardless! And it's the perfect purple for her hair! I love it!

3). Running Kicks- these will keep you quick on your feet, whether you're running, or, doing shunpo/flash step!

4). Yoruichi badge- motivation on your exercise gear push yourself and be the best!

5). Compression Capris-These compression capris will keep your muscles together and working! Also, compression helps prevent fatigue, so, they will be

6). Sports Bra- I have this particular sports bra and let me tell you: it is SOOOOO comfy!! Seriously! It's the best! And it comes in a cute tangerine color! It's got AMAZING support and coverage, but doesn't feel like like it would.

Last but not least, a workout to get you Flash Step ready!

A good agility booster (in addition to stairs, and sand running) is an agility ladder.

Here's a few to look at!

Have you seen Bleach? Who's your favorite character?

Better late than never, eh? And just under the Wednesday wire!

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Daenerys Targaryen, Khaleesi!

I don't know if you know this, but there is little show on HBO called Game of Thrones (wink-wink). On it there are many a bad-a in the forms of: knights, ice zombies, brotherhoods, imps, princes, and queens! Political intrigue, betrayal, hope, hopes-dashed, swords, and AMAZING costumes! Also--and most importantly--there are DRAGONS (OK...maybe this is debatable in terms of "importance"...but I mean: DRAGONS! We all love the s**t out of dragons, right?!).

And since one of my SDCC cosplays will be based on the MOTHER OF DRAGONS (caps means excited) and that's next week, here's a Daenerys (Khaleesi Mode) workout cosplay:

Also, I wanted to share with you Mia's (from xoMia) Daenerys cosplay picture taken by Aperture Ashley! She is one of my favorite cosplayers, and I love that she went for the Horse Heart Eating Dany (not often done)! It's such a great costume, and you can read Mia's process here:

I seriously LOVE Daenerys! I also like Tyrion, Oberon and others, but she's my favorite because, I love how her character's evolves from this push-over/girl who just does what she's told, to this straight up boss-lady queen! This week's playlist is workout oriented, but I ordered the track in a sort of "story arc"--in my mind at least (if you want me to explain, just hit me up on twitter, Facebook or in the comments, and I'll let you know my "reasoning").

This year at SDCC will be my first cosplay. I do cosplays to workout. One of which I will show a variation of next week (who is also a character I am cosplaying this year). I am SOOO excited (and nervous) about it!

Here's a hint at my SDCC Dany Cosplay:

Do you watch Game of Thrones? Who's your favorite character? Which house do you think you'd belong to?

Also, are you going to SDCC?!?! If so, hope to see you there!!

Wednedsay Workout Cosplay: Super Saiyan Mode!

Today's WedWorkCos is not on one character, but a race. I am basing it on my newest hair style change:

*insert menacing laugh*

Any who, I've been busy with some Comic Con prep, plus a huge lifestyle change since my hubs left for the military. Also I'm stepping up my workout game cause I want to surprise him at his graduation!

So I'm going: SUPER SAIYAN!!!!!!!!!!

That's right! And that's part of the reason I've been bad at keeping up with things. I'll be back in full swing once I work some things out--especially myself :D

I liked playing a few of the Dragonball/Dragonball Z games, but didn't really watch the show except for the fight sequences cause they were soooo frigging awesome! Which is funny, because the fights were also why I didn't watch the show since they lasted a bit too long for my preference. But my brothers watched it!

Have you seen Dragonball (any of them)? Who was your favorite? Or, do you have a memory of this show, even if you didn't watch?

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Alison Hendrix

Last year at Comic Con the Tenor's and my friend told us to checkout Orphan Black! She sold us the first season which we marathon-ed the following weekend.

I adore all the clones--yes, I am looking forward to learning more about Rachel--but for some reason Alison consistantly surprises me, but, not in an "out-of-character" way. This is such a GREAT testament to the writing and acting of this show! I love how all the clone have a little bit of crazy, and, three-big-scoops of bad-a$$ery in their genetic make-up!

While season two is well into it's stride, this past weekends episode reminded me why I love Alison Hendrix!

Basically this scene sealed the deal for this Workout cosplay:

All 3 images via
This scene (also featuring my beloved Felix) nearly cause me to fall of my couch from laughter! And so...Alison!!!
Alison Hendrix from Orphan Black

1). Run Swiftly Tee - I swear I saw this shirt on the show...but in longsleeve! AND I saw it on Alison! And While I wish LuLuLemon would change a few things (especially their prices) I like that detail as it can be really slimming. 
2). LunarFly Shoe - These running shoes are cute, super lightweight, and cushioned! It also has GREAT reviews! 
3). DNA Strand Charm - So while the clones have matching cellphones, I feel like this charm would be something Alison would find cute after she warmed up to an ironic little item such as this. It would look great on a necklace, or charm bracelet!
4). Moisture Wicking Headband- It wouldn't be Alison without a headband! And this cute little headband has a braided knot for detail and it happens to take moisture away. But mostly its Pink! ;P
5). Sonic Capris- these capris are great, and they help sweat evaporat, and are uber lightweight (I LOVE capris for working out).
6). Short Bra Top- This is a sport bra, meets tank! Racerback with preppy stripes? Sounds like this was made for Seestra Alison!

So back in Season 1, Alison is seen doing a Shaun T workout: Hip Hop Abs
wurk it gurl!
Now, you may know (if you're following me on Instgram) that I am doing T25, which is by the same dude. He also did the ludicrously popular Insanity (which is as it's title suggests: INSANE). I have yet to do Hip Hop Abs, but thanks to YouTube, I will by trying! And now, you can too! ;)

And of course, our playlist...which is an tongue-in-cheek pop list. You know, on the outside she's little miss Soccer Mom...but she will cut someone (and she packs heat! Gangsta!). (I also feel bad for not including a certain song that I used last here's the video!)

Do you watch Orphan Black? Do you have a favorite clone? Or, are you like me, and have equal opportunity Clone love? 
If you have not watched OB yet: STOP what you're doing, and go do so!

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Maleficent!!!

I am quite sure you knew from last weeks cosplay who was up next. I had actually been wanting to do this post since I knew the date the movie would be opening up!
While this cosplay is DEFINITELY based on the animated feature film version, I just can't contain my excitement for the movie that comes out the day after tomorrow! (side note: May seriously flew by didn't it?!?!). Also I think Mrs. Jolie looks so gorgeous as my favorite villain! She's been my favorite video game heroine, my favorite villainess! Heck if she ever plays Thursday Next, (which, now that I think about it she would do the character justice!) I would so asking her to marry me!

Or adopt me. Whatever's easier LOL!

Maleficent is my favorite Disney villain. She was cool as a cucumber (and due to a technical error, as green as one) and had such a commanding voice thanks to Eleanor Audley! She had a boss robe in purple and black a magical scepter, and a crow companion. And above all else, she could turn herself into the bossest of mythical creatures: a dragon!!!

Any who: on with the cosplay!
Maleficent Workout Cosplay

Maleficent Workout Cosplay by joie-fatale

1). Extra Long RunningTank with Mesh back - In addition to keeping you nice and cool during the impending heat, this tank has that edge of bad chick workout chic! I think it's brilliant and fits perfectly!
3). Asics Trail Running Shoes - Perfect for any fairy outcast who is cast off to the mountains, trails, or the moors!
4). Maleficent No-Show Socks - I got this set for my birthday because I LOVE designed socks! AND they are in my colors! I wear them to work and to work out! I love them and...well, they are cool!
5). Maleficent iPhone Case - Dear iPhone people: Why you hog all the phone cases? Seriously though, I swear that I am saving so much money having an S3 (what I tell myself to get over my case jealousy) because if I had an iPhone, I would have SO many cases!!! I don't know how anyone holds back! And This case would be mine RIGHT now, and on my phone.
6). Maleficent Bow - I LOVE this bow! It's a little dark, a little kawaii! And all Maleficent-y! I want it soooo bad!!!

And of course here's your playlist!
Maleficent by Joie_Fatale on Grooveshark

Are you planning on seeing Maleficent? Are there any parts you're looking forward to?

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Briar Rose

Today's workout cosplay is inspired by Briar Rose! Or, Aurora...or Sleeping Beauty. I chose Briar Rose this time around, and I distinguish between the two since she really didn't know she was Princess Aurora until she was 16 (side note: Princess Aurora is kind of  gangsta-esque...I mean, she has two nicknames and Briar Rose is just shy from Little Tweety, eh? But I digress...).

Sleeping Beauty was such a beautifully stylized film. While Aurora was a bit...*couch*lackluster*cough*. But it was one of my favorites as a wee little lass because of the animation and of course: MALEFICENT!!!

Anyway I had been planning this one for a while now (since March [:  actually)!
Here's the cosplay!
Briar Rose

1). Sweating Beauty Tank- I LOVE Activate Apparel's fitness gear! I like how nerdy and funny they can be! This one is perfect Briar Rose AKA Princess Forest Cardio (oh hey, another nickname!).
2). Rosie Earbuds- I love how beautiful these earbuds are! They'd be great for jogging and listening to the below playlist!
3). Nike shorts- I like the multiple tones on these shorts since they fit right in with Briar Rose's dress!
4).Adidas shoes- besides the iconic neutral dress, there is a pop of color in the forest scene (pic at the top for reference) where BR is talking to the the animals. I thought these Lavender and rose running shoes fit quite nicely. ALSO they have a sole that is bouncy and light for running!
5). Sleeping Beauty Socks!- I LOVE fun socks! Working in an office, fun socks can be one of those last vestiges of awesomeness that you can rock in secret! (I happen to have a set of similar socks from next week's workout cosplay!).
6). Sleeping Beauty Sports Bra- Ok...prepare yourselves for a pun! This sports bra is not only cute, but we could call it: Sleeping Boobies, or (to run with the nicknames gag) Bra-er Rose! Eh? Eh? Ok, I really just thought this was punny, and perfect for this workout.

And of course, we have our "Once Upon a Workout" playlist:

Lastly a little sing-a-long! Goes to this song: (Sleeping Beauty) I Wonder by Disney on Grooveshark
I wonder.
I wonder.
I wonder what character is up next.
To cosplay.
For workouts.
Tune in next week to find out!
 ('tis a short song)

Have you seen Sleeping Beauty? I'm curious what is your favorite part? Least favorite part? And most importantly: why is Prince Phillip so darn good-looking?

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Powerpuff Girls

One of the Cartoons that came about later in my "childhood" (see: adolescence) was an IMMEDIATE hook! The show feature three little bad-a$$es who saved the day, known as:

I loved this show! It was well executed, and at a time when a lot of cartoons were employing CGI, Powerpuff Girls (PPG) had a nice traditional hand drawn quality. Like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friend, and MLP: Friendship is Magic would later employ PPG had many GREAT background characters and pop culture references sprinkled throughout!

My favorite was Buttercup. Maybe it's cause I KNOW she's Slytherin and house-pride and all that (Bubbles is clearly Hufflepuff, and Blossom is such a Gryffindor...and I mean these with no malice), but I like her take no crap attitude! I do appreciate all three girls and with that, today's workout cosplay!

I'll admit this cosplay is the same outfit in differing colors. But my two reason for this are simple: a). their dresses are the same but in different colors, and, b). it's been that kind of a week! But like the Hogwarts houses, or, Camp Half-Blood Cabins, fans tend to have a favorite between the three. So...options!

Powerpuff Girls

Powerpuff Girls by joie-fatale
1-3). Blue, Pink, Green- Protect ya mitts with these boxing gloves of awesomeness! Punch out the Gangreen Gang, or, take out the creepy and EVIL HIM with all your super strength!
4). Red Bow- If you're a blossom fan, then you know that the bow is required accessorizing! This one is nice and subtle, but, definitely there!
5). Climacool Shirt- seriously this shirt is awesome! I love the little metal beads that actually conduct heat away from you! So awesome (also, they come in a plethora of colors)!
6). Shorts- These shorts come in so many colors! And I like their length! Not too short, but not too long either!

I have three recommended viewings for this post:
1). The Powerpuff Girls- the cartoon is currently on Netflix! If you haven't seen it, check it out! And if you've seen it, go back and enjoy it!
2). Girlfight- is a movie about a girl who starts boxing to help get rid of a chip on her shoulder, and discover who she is through discipline in athletics!
3). Boxing Workout- this written one is really awesome! And boxing employs A LOT of the muscles we tend to focus on such as core, and arms!

Last off, is our playlist! Did you know there was a Powerpuff Girls "soundtrack"? It's pretty awesome! Devo and Shonen Knife are on it, so I featured those two (and of course the closing theme by the amazing Scottish-synth-pop band: Bis!).

Who is your favorite Powerpuff Girl?
Also, don't forget to enter Geekphoria's and my giveaway HERE!

Wednesday Workout Cosplay & GIVEAWAY: Poison Ivy

This month is very exciting! Spider-Man has opened, and Maleficent opens on the 30th!
And like I said, April showers bring May flowers!
Or, Ivy!

Pamela Isley, better known as Poison Ivy is a great villain who prowls Gotham City's streets, and though she may go a bit too far, she cares about our planet. Also, she is best gal pal's with a little lady who I had a winter workout cosplay of back in January: Harley Quinn!

Poison Ivy Workout Cosplay

1). Unless You Can Be Poison Ivy Shirt- What I like most about cotton tees, is that you can wear them ANYWHERE! And tbh, this shirt is probably too cute to workout in. But it's super soft, and cotton breathes! Also, I love the design! Everyone always says to "be Batman." But I'd rather be one of the member of his Rogues Gallery, thank you!
2). Forest Emerald Track Jacket - This jacket is such a great shade of forest green. And I think, Adidas makes track jackets like nobody's business!!
3). Crossfit Training Shoe- No joke: shoes are important! And these puppies, are great for helping with stability, because if you're like me (occasionally klutzy with a side of mishap) today's featured exercise can be...tricky.
4). Speed Rope- I often see Ivy with, well, ivy as an accessory! I feel like a little chibi Ivy would have a vine as a jump rope, and so: jump rope! (note to self, doodle a chibi Ivy skipping vine!).
5). Play Shorts- These shorts provide a lot of movement and fit comfortable. So whether you're running from the commish, or Batman, or skipping rope in Arkham, you'll be nice and comfy in these.
6). Poison Ivy Bow- I love bows! I confess, I forget to put one on my ponytail before working out most of the time, but, I like them as a workout accessory, since they are relatively unobtrusive, and pretty darn cute!

Besides just skipping rope you might wonder what other exercise you can do with a vine rope. Well, here's an exercise routine (that's only 10 minutes) you can do!

This workout playlist is a collaboration with Amanda from Geekphoria!

Amanda has also helped make today EXTRA special! She has made my FIRST GIVEAWAY possible!
(This is a photo I took, I'm not a photographer)
She has made it possible for me to giveaway this ULTRA cool shirt!
Amanda Brand is a just a life-long geek dying to share her love of video games, fantasy, sci-fi, crafting, and, cosplay with the rest of Geekdom. By day she's a mild-mannered political science Ph.D [AMAZING!!!] student, and by night she is marathoning Star Trek on Netflix, sewing costumes and crafting props, and reading everything she can get her hands on. is dedicated to sharing these passions with people who are equally passionate, and, celebrating the women, and creativity within the geek subculture!

Amanda has been in each of the Female Geek Bloggers community's Con-At-Home panel thus far, and has created some amazing content at her blog Geekphoria! Be sure to check her out!!!

For the giveaway, use the Rafflecoptor below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Finn x Fionna

Today we wrap up April and this current edition of Adventure Time Workout Cosplay (not the last, I promise)!

My my, this month flew by!!!

Last we have the main heroes of Adventure time. I consider Finn and Fionna one in the same. But I figured if you wanted to make a matching adventurer workout outfit for someone who prefers "dude duds" ("guy clothes") well, here's some workout cosplay for them as well!

I was mostly inspired by trail/outdoor running and that's why the shoes, GPS watch and, activity tracker!
Without further ado, let's wrap this mother up!

Finn x Fionna

1 & 9). His and Hers ClimaChill Shirt-These shirts look pretty darn comfy, and since the weather is heating up, the mesh helps ventilate your body and, the metal dots on the inside of the shirts take the heat away from the skin...perfect if you're snuggling up to to some hot royals!
2). Men's Fly Shorts - Ok, all I'm saying is I think women want pockets too. Luckily, clothes are universal and I am not adverse to wearing these. But they are nice meshy cooling off goodness (alas, as a short person I look even shorter in long shorts...tall ladies: you so lucky!).
3). Free 5.0+ Running Shoe - This shoe claims to be a barefoot running experience. So if you're not quite sure you want to get your feet tough (or, if you get nauseous at the site of the most comfortable shoes in the world) you might want to try these puppies out.
4). FitBit Flex Activity/Sleep Monitor - I use the cheaper version of this for walking (mine's just a pedometer) and I really like it. It syncs to an app, and, My Fitness Pal. I do like the idea of it telling me of my sleep patterns and possibly helping in that area (which mine, does not).
5). GPS Watch with TomTom - so you're hitting trails and stuff and let's say you decide to take an adventure and explore. But your dog isn't like Jake and can't communicate to you the way to get back on the path and darn it your lost! Enter this lovely to help you find your way back to where you need to be (sorry, I'm a worst-case-scenario person at times).
6). Merrill Barefoot Run Trail Road Glove - so I feel like the shoe's name pretty much sums that up, don't you? LOL
7). Wet Seal Knee High Striped Socks - self explanatory, and more importantly I feel like running in thigh highs might not be too comfy. but the knee highs should protect your shins from brambles (all my fellow "Danger-Prone-Daphnes" in the house make some noise!)
8). Mesh Shorts - I chose these shorts over the skirt simply because: I really like them! heehee! they remind of Proper Football (soccer) shorts! I like the colors and they look so comfy!
9). See above at number 1

Since I'm looking at Trail Runs, I thought maybe you might be curious about where one is near you. Enter and their handy dandy notebook trail finder! You can find things from Rail Trail running (running by old train rails), to ATV, to climbing, to cross-country skiing!

Last but certainly not least is your simple, Adventuring Hero Playlist!

Remember: April showers, bring May flowers! ;)
And with that, I bid you adieu!

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Jake the Dog

Man! Where has this month gone?
Did "Adventure Time April" fly by for anyone else? *raises hand*

Don't get me wrong it's been an a great month! I just wish it hadn't flown by like Lady Rainicorn on her way to meet up with today's cosplay inspiration: Jake the dog!

One of the reason's I quickly latched on to the show was Jake. Not only was he voiced by the same actor as one of my favorite robots: Bender--the lovable rascal! John Di Maggio plays another deuteragonist (sidekick/second protaganist)!

Also, Jake is a loyal friend to Finn! They both go on crazy adventures full of daring and rescue in the land of Ooo!

And here for you are some Jake inspired Adventure-ready workout items:
Jake the Dog Workout Fitness Cosplay

Jake the Dog Workout Fitness Cosplay by joie-fatale

1). Track Jacket - I really like this track jacket! Like orange, yellow is not one of my favorite colors to wear. But this yellow is a nice spring pastel, that isn't overwhelmingly daffodil-like. Also--as with all the other pieces--this can easily complement some white pieces for a Cake ;)
2). Iron-on Patch - I would use this super cute to iron on the track jacket...over my heart...cause Jake *hearts* Lady R! :]
3). Techfit Sportsbra - Just in case you detest yellow, you can have Jake close to your heart with this supportive, and, cooling sports bra. It has mest panels to keep you as cool as one of the coolest dogs ever!
4). Studio Shorts - these shorts are a collaboration between adidas and Stella McCartney, and I really like their design! But what's really cool about these shorts is that there are pockets!!! With snap closures so your phone or keys shouldn't fall out!
5). Premium Basic Tee - with all the spring breezes, and warm sunny rays, this jersey tee will keep you nice and cool with it's mesh shoulder panels, and it's scoop neck. I really like the curved hem too!
6). Run Seven-Eight Tights - So, not technically tights, but, not normal capris either. These puppies will give a lot of room to move and be flexible just like Jake! They also have a zipped pocket on the bum!
7). SeeYa LS - comfort beyond measure, like Jake (and other pups) you too can run more naturally and almost barefoot!!! The SeeYa's are especially light and extra flexible to encourage a more natural movement when running!
8). Pet Collar - While I'm more of a cat person, I'll admit one of the best workout buddies besides your friends--hands down has to be, a well behaved dog. They will learn your schedule and on the days you don't want to workout? Well, tough! They got used to that afternoon/evening walk and you kind of have to take them. Just be courteous and keep your pet leashed. But this collar can be for any pet, and I'm not ashamed to admit: I've walked a cat! They enjoy going out too! Well, some of them do.

Anyway, I would normally post a video, but keeping the pet theme in mind, here are some exercises for you and your dog: here, here, here and here.
You could do these with your cat,  but I'm sure they will scratch the crap out of you.

And your playlist:

Do you own a pet? Do you workout with them at all? Will you now, if you haven't before?

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Marceline the Vampire Queen

My favorite character from Adventure Time will be today's Workout Cosplay character.

Marceline: The Vampire Queen!

Adventure Time is such a zany show, and Marceline is my FAVORITE character (followed very closely by Lumpy Space Princess). She also voiced by Olivia Olsen, whom you may remember from Love Actually (one of my favorite Christmas movies) as the little girl who sings "All I Want for Christmas (Is You)." Also. Marceline sings and has an alto for me, her little songs and ditties in AT are songs I can actually sing a-long to!

Also...that AX! Like...litteral, ax+bass= the most awesome of animated guitars since...IDK what! are my vampire queen!! And since we're talking about the ax, here's your playlist!

I decided that if Marceline particiated in a team sport (I've only seen seasons 1 and 2...lemme know if she's played anything else) it would be a something, fun, but would allow for mischief, and some aggression.
And of course, something you could play air-bass and air-guitar with (**raises hand** I'm so guilty of this)!

Enter, Field Hockey Marceline cosplay!

Marceline the Vampire Queen

1). Under Armour Red Sonic Print Shirt- This shirt boasts the ability to beat the heat from this springs beating sun--you know, something vampires like to avoid--and has the ability wick away sweat and fight, well, odor. Also I think the print is really flashy!
2). Marceline Necklace - While I don't often workout with jewelry the only thing I can really ever handle is a necklace (I even had a "lucky" necklace I hid in my suit for water polo sometimes). And This neckalce is too adorable not to include!
3). Basic Blue Team skirt- While field hockey does allow for shorts (I mean, this IS the 21st century eh?) I chose the skirt for this as when I managed, our team had this universally flattering A-line kilt for the uniform and we had ladies of ALL sizes, and all the girls looked FANTASTIC...and well, I wanted to join the team so I could get one of these skirts...but I was too late.
4). Nike Compression Shorts - And while I like the skirt, I do like to rock that late-80s/early-90s look whenever possible and these fun shorts would be great to layer under the skirt, and would bring in the signature grey of Marceline!
5). Nike Storage Band - I think I'm in love with this thing, so don't be surprised if you see it again! This thing is pocket that you can wear around your wrist like a sweatband. It can hold keys, chapstick, a small snack...or if you're on an all red diet, you can sip at the red dye! ;)
6). Brine Vintage Field Hockey Stick - Like Marceline's sweet ax, this beautiful red hockey stick is going to slay the opposition, and totally provide some fun pretend air bass/guitar playing (don't judge me).
7). Adidas Women's adiZero Cleats- Playing on a field you could be prone to some serious slipping and sliding on the grass, so cleats are completely necessary in games such as Proper Football and Field Hockey. This pair seemed like a really cool fit!
8). CranBerry Glitter Practice Ball - to practice for this sport a ball is required. And this one is super cute and sparkly! You know, adding a little glam to the ultra rockin' Marceline!
9). Shock Doctor Mouth-guard - Marceline would need to protect those fangs, and you should protect your chompers as well! With sticks and a hard-as-a-puck ball flying around the field, a mouth-guard is a necessary piece of equipment. But this guard is the coolest since it's flavored as Fruit Punch--the quintessential "red" flavor!

And (since I'm in a Field Hockey mood) some fundamental drill sets for this sport.

That's this week's workout cosplay PLEASE be sure to check out the Ice King cosplay debuting today on PonyChops!!!

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Princess Bubblegum

I'm thinking April is going to be full. Full of what? ADVENTURE! And to celebrate, I'm going to use a theme again!
And so on to another Princess (trying to smoothly transition in from last month **winks**): Princess Bubblegum!

I like PB because she's a frigging scientist! I always wanted a chemistry set, and since P-Bubs is a princess, and a scientist how could I now like her (seriously, that is one FIERCE combo)! This look is a running, and lifting (definitely a heavy sweating session) since PB is always running from the Ice King, and lifting mad science gizmos and gadgets.

1). Princess Bubblegum Headband by WithYarnandGlue- I cannot run without a headband, and that's part of why I tend to feature them a lot. The other part? They're basically the workout tiara! Just saying!
2). ASICS Quinn Running Jacket - We are in that temperamental time with weather where if you're in the sunshine, it gets warm quickly, but the second you move to the shade, its all "shiver me timbers" This jacket is just right for that in between! It's moisture wicking, but will keep you warm until winter finally goes away.
3). Bionic Fitness Gloves - These gloves are really neat! Not only were they designed by a orthopedic hand surgeon, but, these gloves also promote less fatigue. So you can lift weights (or test tubes) all day!
4). ASICS Gel-evate Running Shoe- whether hitting the asphault, or hitting the Peanut Brittle streets, these gel-soled shoes should help absorb any of the nasty shock while running or jumping around on your exercise adventure!
5). Nike Women's Running Skirt - I'll be the first to admit: I don't know if I could run in a skirt. Ok, I could cause I've played some Field Hockey, but just running? It does leave me miffed. But PB seems like the girlie type and TBH...its pretty cute. I kind of want to try it! And since we're going with pink, this felt like the right character to do this with :)
6). ASICS Courtenay Running Top - we're getting to that time of year where longsleeves won't be an option anymore, and this one was too cool not to use! Since the sun is shining a bit more this shirt is extra awesome as it provides UV Protection on sunny days! Also the design is fun, and it looks like it might be reflective (extra safety is mathmatical!).
7). UnderArmor Wristband - wristbands are great! They're like little power bracelets in the gym, or, like mini towels on a run (wipe that glisten from yo' brow!). And these puppies are as pink as a gumball! I really like them as a place to hold a key ring-bracelet in place while working out!

Since we're talking about weights, I thought I'd share this FitnessBlender weight training video:

Also, some info about why you need to incorporate weights in your workout (to become strong really! It helps your core and arms. And if you wanted to lose weight, it will help there too).

Here is a sweet-and-pink playlist to run and lift to:

My Adventure Time story is a weird but brief one. I didn't know what all the fuss was about, and so I had seen many things and cool shirts for the show, and, I had done the last two Comic Con scavenger hunts for a medallion at SDCC 2012-13 (but TBH, I just really like scavenger hunts, they make me feel like Sherlock Holme, or, Hercule Poirot). Any way, last September a good friend was in town and we went to dinner. I asked him what the show was about, and he said that though at first it seems pointless, there's actually a darker story involving WWIII (The Great Mushroom War) and that it's technically post-apocalyptic. He told the Tenor and more about the show and I was sold. As I watched I saw very quickly that the shows randomness was something I could completely be on board with! And thus, the Tenor and I became fans! 

We're almost done with Season 2 (YAY! Netflix finally got season 2 and our next episode is: Mortal Folly) and, you may have seen the workout cosplay I already did for Lumpy Space Princess (LSP) if not, check it HERE yo!


Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Royal Sisters Elsa & Anna

To close out March's [Un]Official Princess Month, we're capping off with Princess Anna, and Queen Elsa!
I loved Frozen and, I'm dedicating this post to my little sister (whom I love too)! (^_^)

Let me start with Princess Anna!
Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Princess Anna

1). Anna's iconic magenta cape would have translated well to a hoodie...but that seemed too predictable, which Anna does not like. So, I figured, this vest would be good combination between her black vest, and cape.
2). I was debating this black longsleeve and a teal, but I felt like, with all the blue in frozen, the neutral of the black top would help break up the coloring and bring together the shoes!
3). These shoes in fact which have a GREAT combination of the colors featured, also have a cute polka dot design on the insignia!
4).I've worn pigtails while working out and the only problem for me were the whisps of hair that liked to poke me in the eye...not fun! So I think this headband is a great compliment to the overall outfit!
5). I'll admit it: I'm a huge Roxy fan! and so when I saw these capri's that have the Frozen teal band, and Anna's skirt blue, I couldn't help using them in this outfit!
6). And, just in case you're region is warming up and that long sleeve is a little to much to commit to, these sleeves (by Groovy Baby Action Gear, whom you know I LOVE!) would go great with this short sleeved tee.

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Queen Elsa

1). I LOVE this sweatshirt! It's so cute, looks so warm, and you can't beat that design for Elsa! I like how it has a snowflake design and is in icy white and blue!
2). This icy blue shirt is perfect Elsa it even has a shimmery print that matches Elsa's iconic dress!
3). Let It Go with these awesome shoes! It has Free flex grooves that will "keep you ready for extra mileage" the way Elsa hiked from Arendelle to her snowy mountain!
4). As much as I love Elsa's hair, I don't think I would sport her bangs during a workout. So, this headband would be great for keeping those awesome bangs off of your face. Plus, it has 360 reflection on it so it will keep you safe, and have you sparkling a little bit like Elsa does! (sparkle-age= RADICAL!!!)
5). How AWESOME are these training leggings? They even have a glacial look to them, and, remind me of Elsa's ice castle!
6). Alright, I'm guilty...I love these sleeves! LOL! There are three different Elsa types, but these had that cool point towards the middle of the hand!

And since this post is unofficially a sister and/or besties/your sister from another mister ;) post, how awesome are these phone cases!
Matching Sister Frozen Cases

Elsa and Anna - Artwork by Teo Hoble
FacebookTumblr | Deviant Art | Store

Frozen won best animated feature (The Wind Rises was my next hope for winning) and it was well deserved. The music was so, so, so good, and Olaf was funny as heck too (whom I though I would not like btw). I wrote a small attempt at a review back in December after I saw it.

The workout I chose for this was based on two things: first, Anna's crazy rope climbing scene:
And, Elsa's dress and the shimmery shoulders:
Soooooo, here's a shoulder workout!!!

There were there things I wish the movie would have done differently? I would scream YES! in just as fervent a manner as I would exclaim my adoration for it! But I really like it! That disclaimer being said, if you haven't seen it yet, please skip the blue sentence below:
One of the things I loved the most about the movie was that the "true love" mentioned was not based on the typical prince/princess coupling. It was instead the love of family, and the bond that siblings--specifically sisters--share. That being said, I felt like the proper end to this month's princess theme would be Queen Elsa and Princess Anna!

Even if you don't have a sister, you probably have best friends that are sisters! These people are important and you would fight for them too! Your "Sister from another mister" (not to discount brothers).

And with that, I leave you with this "Sisters in Ice" Playlist!
Sisters R Cool Playlist by Joie_Fatale on Grooveshark

Also...the only parody of Let It Go you need to see (caution: language!)!

Have you seen Frozen?