
Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Batman for Bryen

This month has been No Shave November, and I've loved having some really awesome guys be guests for this month's Wednesday posts. I hope you enjoyed this month's guest posts! Special thank you to the ever-awesome Travis (Spider-Man!) and Dave (Mega Man X)!

In fact, I have a particular person, who was the main inspiration for this: my nephew Bryen.

This year, my nephew Bryen was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma (a type of sarcoma which is a form of cancer in the soft tissue). Bryen has been in, and, out of chemo a lot this year. He loves to sing, and, is an amazing big brother! Bryen loves to go on walks to the Trader Joe's and Golden Spoon (but with the chemo, and, the constant threat of catching a cold (his immune system is significantly weaker). Bryen also, loves comic books! He's even gotten me comics such as Exiles, just because it features my favorite character on the cover! The Tenor and I have snuck him to see The Avengers, Spider-Man, and Spider-Man 2!

But, by far his favorite hero is Batman! Not that grouchy douchey Batman in Lego Movie, but the Batman that works his mind and body to be The World's Greatest Detective!

And that's really, who No Shave November has been for our household (while I hate facial hair, The Tenor's reason for trying it this month, is worth it)!

So this week's post is not only dude-oriented, but young-dude-oriented for Bryen!
Batman (for Bryen's Future Strength)

Batman (to Bryen's Full Recovery) by joie-fatale
1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6 

TBH, the songs I've chosen aren't Batman themed, but Bryen themed. Some are songs I've heard him singing and others are songs I think he'd enjoy (I know there's a certain movie's soundtrack on here more than once...but it really was AWESOME), so forgive the general lack of a theme, but rather, the mix CD I had made for him.
Bryen's gotta a support page on facebook, and, a general info website, where--if you're so inclined--you can donate to him and his family as medical bills are not the cheapest, and, providing food to Bryen and his four siblings is hard. Also if any of you are looking to get rid of old comics, or books, or action figures, a letter, or, want to draw him a picture, send them (or me) an email! He could really use the encouragement!

Are there any workout cosplays you'd like to see? 
Check out the right hand side of the blog, and shoot me an email! 

Until next time: Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday Workout Cosplay & GIVEAWAY: Poison Ivy

This month is very exciting! Spider-Man has opened, and Maleficent opens on the 30th!
And like I said, April showers bring May flowers!
Or, Ivy!

Pamela Isley, better known as Poison Ivy is a great villain who prowls Gotham City's streets, and though she may go a bit too far, she cares about our planet. Also, she is best gal pal's with a little lady who I had a winter workout cosplay of back in January: Harley Quinn!

Poison Ivy Workout Cosplay

1). Unless You Can Be Poison Ivy Shirt- What I like most about cotton tees, is that you can wear them ANYWHERE! And tbh, this shirt is probably too cute to workout in. But it's super soft, and cotton breathes! Also, I love the design! Everyone always says to "be Batman." But I'd rather be one of the member of his Rogues Gallery, thank you!
2). Forest Emerald Track Jacket - This jacket is such a great shade of forest green. And I think, Adidas makes track jackets like nobody's business!!
3). Crossfit Training Shoe- No joke: shoes are important! And these puppies, are great for helping with stability, because if you're like me (occasionally klutzy with a side of mishap) today's featured exercise can be...tricky.
4). Speed Rope- I often see Ivy with, well, ivy as an accessory! I feel like a little chibi Ivy would have a vine as a jump rope, and so: jump rope! (note to self, doodle a chibi Ivy skipping vine!).
5). Play Shorts- These shorts provide a lot of movement and fit comfortable. So whether you're running from the commish, or Batman, or skipping rope in Arkham, you'll be nice and comfy in these.
6). Poison Ivy Bow- I love bows! I confess, I forget to put one on my ponytail before working out most of the time, but, I like them as a workout accessory, since they are relatively unobtrusive, and pretty darn cute!

Besides just skipping rope you might wonder what other exercise you can do with a vine rope. Well, here's an exercise routine (that's only 10 minutes) you can do!

This workout playlist is a collaboration with Amanda from Geekphoria!

Amanda has also helped make today EXTRA special! She has made my FIRST GIVEAWAY possible!
(This is a photo I took, I'm not a photographer)
She has made it possible for me to giveaway this ULTRA cool shirt!
Amanda Brand is a just a life-long geek dying to share her love of video games, fantasy, sci-fi, crafting, and, cosplay with the rest of Geekdom. By day she's a mild-mannered political science Ph.D [AMAZING!!!] student, and by night she is marathoning Star Trek on Netflix, sewing costumes and crafting props, and reading everything she can get her hands on. is dedicated to sharing these passions with people who are equally passionate, and, celebrating the women, and creativity within the geek subculture!

Amanda has been in each of the Female Geek Bloggers community's Con-At-Home panel thus far, and has created some amazing content at her blog Geekphoria! Be sure to check her out!!!

For the giveaway, use the Rafflecoptor below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Your First Time...

What is/was your first FANDOM memory?
My first memory is watching Star Wars with my family.
A little bit of history:

My dad grew up during the 60's, and collected a lot of comics. He even had a Spider-Man number one!

That is until his mom's--my Big Mama's--house caught fire. All the comics were gone, but thank God she made it out!

He also watched the old Batman series with Adam West. He loved the adventures, the utility belt, and of course the boss-est car to ever roam the earth: the Batmobile!

Later, he saw the premiere of Star Trek! He like many people  loved the stories! The writing spoke to, and continues to speak to people. Also, he loved Roddenberry and crew's vision of the future which included ALL people of all backgrounds! AND a future where it wasn't just us Earthlings, but some aliens as well.

In his late 20's Star Wars A New Hope came out. Light sabers, space saga, and DARTH-frakking-VADER! How could he not like it? and then, in 1980, The Empire Strikes Back came out, and we met Lando Calrissian, Jedi Master Yoda, saw the ice planet Hoth, and learned one of the greatest shockers of all time:

And with the Return of the Jedi helped signal a new era for my dad: fatherhood! Via your's truly!

With this change my father became a Jedi master in his own right and we--my siblings and I--his young padawans.

Which comes down to me.

Growing up, I know we watched Star Trek, and my dad got us into action figures pretty early on. And the old Batman show?

KUSI 9/51 used to play it all the time (I've kept my old KUSI Kids Club Card all these years). We even have a VHS tape full of episodes including Black Widow (not the Marvel assassin, but an older bank robber). Like my dad, I loved the Batmobile and wanted my own utility belt.

 My dad would watch these shows with us, and my mom would watch us all play together. We all had
I'll admit, I'm blessed to have parents that let us play cool games, and read awesome books, rather than being the superstitious kind.

But Star Wars? I LOVED Star Wars!!! I wanted a light saber more than anything in the world. And I definitely wanted to be able to wield the force. The Millenium Falcon; Han Solo; Leia; Luke; Yoda; Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi!

To me, Star Wars was brilliant because it can be enjoyed at any age. Leia was a smart diplomat with a warrior streak. Luke was a sincere kid trying to make his way; Han was the quintessential bad boy with a heart of gold! It was awesome! I liked how at the end of the trilogy Vader redeemed himself and did the right thing in the end and gets to be with Obi-Wan and Yoda (sorry, but I do have the original theatrical versions, and I prefer it...can't help it).

To go back to the opening question:
What is/was your first FANDOM memory?
Was it a video game? The star who played your favorite hero? Something you watched with one of your favorite people?

Please share in the comments! And if you want to write, or have written a post, share a bit about it AND link to your post in the comment box yo'! I would love to read it!