Christmas Special Countdown: Lucky 13 (through 11)

So there are some Christmas carols I dig. The Kurt/Blaine duet of Baby, It’s Cold Outside is the better of the two versions of this song that I like—otherwise, like Santa Baby—I kind of dislike the song. Christmas in Hollis is a classic that does not get enough credit. No Doubt’s Oi! To the World is my more favorite version of The Vandal’s Christmas song. And, The Pogue’s Fairytale of New York…it’s not a Christmas mix without it for me!
Know what else I dig? Christmas movies and television specials!!! I have a “Top 13 list” but, to spare you one three-too-many essays, I will list three who didn’t make my countdown. Also, it’s Friday the 13, soooooo, I had to make my list go to 13 anyway eh?
13). The Santa Clause: maybe it’s because it had me wanting to believe in Santa for a little bit and I was still young enough to want that. Maybe it’s that the elves aged like Time Lords, vampires at a slow rate and wore glitter. But most of all, it was the right movie, at the right time/season, for me. It really just clicked for me at 11 (ok…maybe too old for Santa, but, I was an innocent and imaginative child). Also, the montage of Tim Allen knowing who’s naughty/nice and the kids coming up to him was hilarious to me.
I want to watch this tonight actually...

12). The Leprachaun’s Christmas Gold: as you will soon find out/I will gush about it every chance I get- I LOVE stop-motion animation. Maybe it all started with Will Vinton and the California Rainsins. Maybe it was the Ray Harryhausen animation from Clash of the Titans and The Golden Voyage of Sinbad which we would watch almost every weekend as a kid. But, I bet most of it is to do with the Rankin/Bass Christmas specials. This one is admittedly weak. But I enjoy it because:
1). Leprahauns!
2) Banshee! (She is so emo though...always crying!)
3). Well…I like rainbows cause I’m a 5-year-old girl and the fake gold is great!
11). Will Vinton’s Claymation Christmas: in the above playlist we feature two songs from this special My favorite version of We Three Kings which has some jazzy camels singing the chorus “Star of wonder,…”

and the rockin’ Motown version of Rudolph! Dig the bassy voice that sings Santa’s “won’t you guide my slay tonight part”.
Also the show is hosted by dinosaurs. I have not grown out of dinos to this day…and I hope I never do!
On a side note, there is one short that's not my favorite. But I do like (though I am terrified) of the Carol of the Bells short…the hunchback freaked me out as we little girl…and I am still weirded out by it. Maybe I just like the Carol of the Bells...?
It's fun over all, and the “wasseling” jokes throughout the special still make me smile.

For my Top 10, I’m going to go ahead and do a countdown leading up to Christmas Eve, with number one posting that day (it also happens to be the movie I have to watch that evening)!
So…stay tuned!

Weekly Intentions Numero Quatro!

1). A running day!!! I NEED a running day! The Tenor is off on Friday, so hopefully it is not pouring rain, and this can be it! Also Saturday and Sunday mornings?
2). Magazine Purge!!! I need to go through, and get the clips I want, and toss the crap I don’t need.
3). Draw the SDCC 2014 costumes concepts: our crew is doing a theme…I still haven’t done any concept art. While we will all be doing our own thing, I REALLY wanted to draw this. Like, a lot! Hell, I’ve been meaning to do this since 2005 when my first sketch was done in my Rule 63 of…well, that’s a surprise! ;) I have been drawing some other stuff, and going through my previous art, so that's good right?
4). Finish my Christmas Special Extravaganza post Narrowing down, and knowing how much to write has been…daunting LOL. But this should be fun!!!
5). Practice Japanese I am soooo out of practice, but, we were talking about this at Boomerang’s yesterday, about how my brother and I took Japanese together. I want to learn it again. I need to study. Actually, I need to clean my apartment, as I can’t study with distractions about! If I even study once this week, it will be an accomplishment!

I guess that’s it for this week’s intentions.
Hope the cold weather is treating you well!
Dont't give yourself brain freeze!

Frozen - Movie Review

Let's travel back in time.


To the year 1991. On November 22.
An animated MASTERPIECE graced theaters (yeah, I said graced) by the company that has made some of the best animated films (...but not so much in the 80's)

This movie was Beauty and the Beast (BatB).
Belle will always be one of my favorite princesses. I mean, did you SEE that library she was given by Beast/Beau?!?!
Boys: it doesn't matter what you look like.
It's the size of your library that counts!
Books are totally the way to my heart!!! Any way, BatB was beautifully and lovingly done. It was the first animated feature to be nominated for Best Picture, had brilliant songs, beautiful artwork, a timeless score and...

Dang! I really can't get over that library!

Anyway, to say Belle--and my library envy-- is one of my favorites would be an understatement. I love Tiana, Meridah, Kida, and Pocahontas, too. But Belle...I got her. It will always be my favorite "classic" Disney film, and how it really sets the standard.

Which brings me to Frozen.

Ok, admittedly this may not be Beauty and the Beast (maybe its the CGI?). But you know what? My favorite Disney song is now Let It Go as sung by the ever amazing Idina Menzel the voice of one of my now favorite Disney Princesses--well Queen--Elsa!

Speaking of vocal prowess, I was also surprised by Kristen Bell's singing talent. I didn't know she could sing, but after finding this out, my Veronica Mars-based girl crush got that much more serious!

Oh, and Anna (Bell's character) is so delightfully awkward! YES. Awkward is being WAY over used right now...but it was just perfect for the sheltered princess that she is.

The beginning of the movie has Elsa and Anna playing together, and delighting in Elsa's uniqueness. But when an accident happens, Elsa is forced to hide her special gift, and Anna--with the aid from some rock trolls--is made to forget. The King forbids Elsa from using her powers, and Elsa shuts out Anna from her life, in fear of hurting her again, and of other repercussions that may befall.

When the girls are in their teens, the king and queen leave on a ship, which is wrecked, and thus, a coronation for a new regal must take place for the eldest daughter Elsa when she comes of age. Elsa is naturally feeling a lot of pressure, and Anna is glad for the company after years of isolation in the castle (as exemplified by Anna's friendship with the paintings in the royal gallery...VERY funny scene btw).

Anna meets Hansel

(he's so hot right now)

The two  fall in typical Disney "Love-At-First-Sight." The two ask Elsa for permission to marry, and she (wisely, in my opinion) says no. Anna and Elsa have an argument (which was really due after how many years with a door between them) and Elsa loses control of her icy powers.

Elsa runs for the mountains with Anna on her trail.
Insert this amazing song:
Let It Go by Idina Menzel on Grooveshark

Or this video that was just posted 2013/12/7

Every time she sings: "the cold never bothered me anyway" I seriously get goose skin! This just booted "Be a Man" from Mulan as my favorite Disney song (and I love that song!!!).

And Anna runs into the slightly crazy Kristoff, whom she hires to take her up the Matterhorn mountain. On the way they meet Olaf voiced by Josh Gad (who is BRILLIANT in Book of Mormon btw!) a snowman who "love[s] warm hugs."

I was perfectly content in my preparation to HATE Olaf based on my impression from the teaser trailer. But he had me laughing SOOOO much! I mean, his song and the animation...and his vacant stares?!?! I almost want to see the movie again just because of him.

I would go on, but to avoid spoilers, let's just say that I like how true love won out in this Disney movie.

Additionally, I would not be surprised if in a decade this was a would make a really fun one!

On a social note:
I have seen some fan art wishing that Disney would be a little more diverse with their princesses. While I love Frozen, I can't help but agree with this statement. Don't mistake my, or anyone else's desire for more representation as dislike/hate for this film. I don't dislike the movie in any way; in fact, I LOVED it!!! I would seriously recommend this movie! But, I would have loved to have seen an Inuit or, Japanese princess (Yuki-onna and The Snow Queen may share some similar roots). Maybe next time?

Regardless, please go see this film! Unless you hate musicals, or animation, you will probably really enjoy it.

8.5/10 (lost 1.5 for some lack of originality, and overused "awkward" archetypes, and not enough Olaf).

Greetings from Your Friend December

Here is a “guest” post from December!
You may know December as the “The Last Month of the Year,” “Holiday Month,” or, “Christmas Time” (depending on if you celebrate it). December—like a ninja, or a jaguar—likes to sneak up behind you, and “KACHOW!” you turn around, and there it is: The End of the Year! (Just so you know, I’m not crazy—anymore ;-). I’m just trying to have some fun with this).
Anyway, without further ado, DECEMBER!
Hello, my name is December!
My depiction in Fringe

Good morning! Yes! My time of the year, is already FINALLY here! You know what that means! Carols, cards, choir performances, and craziness at the malls. Hmm…that’s a lot of C’s…like a mediocre report card.
Letter People!

Oooh! Fun fact: Joie once got a C in P.E. once.
HEY!!! That’s not relevant…and more of a “story required” instance. And it was only ONCE!
Do tell little lady
Some other time! This is your post…on my blog. I WILL take it away if you don’t mind your P’s and Qs!
Alright, alright, don’t get your gym shorts in a twist!
Any who! My month is a time for many holidays. I happen to love them all. But Joie grew up celebrating CHRISTMAS!!! Also starting with C…feels like Sesame Street up in here!
This post is brought to you by the letter: "C"

Well, let me tell you what this month has in store for Mrs. Book-Pimp: a movie review of Frozen (which I loved), a review of Joie’s favorite Christmas flicks, and—hopefully—a best and worst of 2013!!!
**cough**Mixed tape**cough**
Oh, and perhaps, a “Mixed Tape” (via Grooveshark) will be shared with Joie’s current favorite Christmas songs.
Speaking of Christmas songs: did you know, at Joie’s office party they USED to have a Christmas carol guessing game? I emphasized USED to, as the game was voted out because Our Girl Fatale (Joie) kept sweeping the game? 2008-2011 Song Champion, and 2012 Holiday Trivia (including Kwanzaa and Hanukkah trivia). Seriously, don’t let her fool you, this kid is not only short like and elf—
—but has latent Christmas Spirit coming out her ears…like hidden mutant ability of festiveness, or like Elsa’s epic snow powers!!! Only, not as epic, or cool…get it?
Anyway, I hope you enjoy My Month! And have fun prepping those “New Year’s Resolutions”
Happy December!
Alright, well, those are some plans for this blog. Hope your December is off to a great start!

Weekly Intentions #3 12/2/2013

GAH! So late on posting!
Holidays, am I right?

Anyway, here are the things I need to do/work on this week:

  1. Stand at my desk: Rather than just sitting all day at my cubicle, getting...well, getting Pancake-Ass, or the Secretary Spread (where one's bottom fatty cells shift to the hips) I need to working on standing as much as comfort allows for at my desk. Also, it will be grand for circulation, and keep me fitness minded!
  2. Christmas Shopping: While the Tenor and I are not too sure about gifts for everyone (we kind of stopped counting at 20 people) I DO want to get at least a little something for everyone, and, something nice for his mum, and my parents.  And the ambitious goal? I want to finish it all up by Sunday. Thank God for the interwebs!
  3. Look for a Water Polo team: I played this sport when it was brand new to my High School. It was fun. I was JV the whole time, but, I had fun, AND let me tell you swimming is a GREAT metabolism booster. Like, you could eat crappy and still lose weight. While I don't plan on doing the crap-eating (and highly advise against it) I recommend this sport as a confidence booster, like Roller Derby (hmmm...that's going on a future list). Seriously, I--like many women--have body image issues. But I am not afraid to be in a swimsuit. I am grateful to this sport for that, and, as a result recommend it to people of all sizes. It's also hecka fun, and graet for getting out aggression, and if you have problems sleeping, this may be a cure, cause your whole body will be in motion, and tired, so you will be out like a little baby kitten!
    School of Thrones will have me saying "GREYJOY" randomly though...
    GREYJOY! (watch this Awesome web series here!) But for the record, I do not like Theon...
  4. Work on posting: I have a few things I want to write...I am working on them as you read this in fact! I look forward to sharing them! 
  5. Measurements for T25: I can not seem to find my measuring tape for the life of me! But I need to as Saturday's for T25 calls for measuring parts of your body. I have seen some results. Unfortunately Turkey day preparations did get in my way!
Speaking of Turkey Day, a quick recap of my holiday is that: IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!
I got really paranoid about things...per usual. But I had fun at both Thanksgivings. We played Apples to Apples both nights. My brussel sprouts were well received, and the Jell-o shots turned out well despite a replacement ingredient! It has been fun bonding with family, and my nieces and nephews are adorable!

While I worked M-F (omitting Thurs.) last week, it was nice and quiet!!! Many people took vacation on Friday, so only 5 of us were in office! I got soooo much done!

I am excited for this season, and am working on a playlist/Mixed Tape CD for Christmas! 

Any goals set for this week or month for you?

Weekly Intentions #2 : Thanksgiving Edition!

This will be a brief post, but, this week is CRAZY!
  • Enjoy time allowed with friends! What little time that will be allowed outside of family obligations...such as tonight when we watch the 50th Anniversary Special of Doctor Who in theaters! We bought it on the Xbox 360 already to avoid SPOILERS but I still need to see it on the big screen!!! Also, Turkey bowl on Thursday morning. Not a fan of American Football (The Anti-footbal as I often call it). But it should be fun.
  • DOUBLE THANKSGIVINGS!No panic attacks! You read that right. This week we have two thanksgivings. But these are already scheduled. However, my intentions for these two events is to enjoy them, rather than be stressed out by the social pressures of all this. Seriously...the cray-cray has already happened!
I am assuming this is how I will be feeling at one point, or another, or by the end of the week!
           Pretty sure things are going to be fine though...Just a bit anxious!
  • Write a "Thankful" List with the Tenor! I think we should each write one, and then, maybe write one together. Maybe I will post them here too?
  • Take a breather. With all the family (and maybe future family) coming in this week, it gets a little stressful. I need to make sure to take a time out so I don't make myself anxious and...well, avoid being the "Eeyore" of the group.
  • Be Health Oriented. With all the food out this week, I need to make sure to avoid what's bad for me. I need to be sure to exercise NO MATTER WHAT, and make good choices. And with the two thanksgivings going on, I can't cave into family members' cries of "oh, but it's only once a year." TBH, I am really stressing this time around! And unfortunately my FAVORITE item is my mum's mac n cheese...It's a once a year dish--with good reason; CARBS+CHEESE?!?! Sooo bad!--but dang! It's SOOOOOOOOOOOO delicious! I'm telling myself one serving. And not "one plateful" as my serving, but one serving of a proper size! Also, I need to post pics from last weeks T25! Monday's pic, and Friday's picture of my self...I could actually see a difference! That is uber motivating!!! Yes, in friday's pic i am in a dark shirt, but I could tell without the shot! And I feel confident in possible success!!! :-D
  • BONUS INTENTION: B-Movie Night! Last month, we had a B-Movie night featuring the surprise "hit" Sharknado! I want to have one this week featuring FDR: American Badass...wherein FDR contracted polio from a werewolf bite. "FDR and a team of historic figures seek victory in World War II by defeating an army of Nazi Werewolves." How could one NOT feature this...this GEM, on a B-Movie night? But I am open to suggestions! Hoping this happens though!
Well, I hope your Thanksgiving week is a groovy one! Stay healthy while you enjoy! And remember, if your family has crazy drama, it will make a GREAT book or movie!
Also, books are wonderful friends to take to family functions! Have one ready if this week is not your thing!

Awesome Finds

Our explorer Joie while traversing the Interweb came across some  internet grooviness.
Like Indiana, and, Lara before her, our little Raider shares her findings with you now in:

Joie Fatale: and Awesome Finds from the Interwebs
(that last part was an echo...DRAMA!)
This ladies Wonderwoman is so bloody brilliant. She looks STRONG, and like a proper warrior...well, on her day off at least.

Also, I want to make one of these Pumpkin Pie in a Jar for the Tenor! He loves Pumpkin Pie! All things pumpkin actually

This Parks and Recs cast as Game of Thrones Characters--complete with bad photoshop!

And this 50 Years of Memories from Doctor Who!

And my mate's post about The Con Before the makes me laugh out loud EVERY FREAKING TIME!!!

This cute little Picwick dodo:
Tiny Dodo Bird - miniature felt extinct species
Found here.
And though I am more of a Wicked/Elphaba fan, I can not help my love for those ruby slipper. I will get a pair of those prettys! mahhahaha!

Dorothy shoe cell phone accessory. Ruby red slipper dustplug. Miniature Fits iPhone 5 4 4s ,iPad ,Samsung s2 s3, 3.5mm
I'll get you my pretty!!!

Well, have a great day!

New Netflix Updates!!!

So there are more shows/episodes on Netflix that I am SUPER stoked about! I can't wait to waste some time see them all!!! LOL!

First, FINALLY Dexter is back on Netflix (or at least back to being advertised in my queue)!
I can't wait to complete this series.
Dexter (2006) Poster

Next, is Arrow.
I sadly am NOT (thus far) a fan of Stephen Amell.
But, John Barrowman, Alex Kingston, Summer Glau, Tahmoh Penikett all make appearances. And the rest of the cast ain't so bad. So, I think I just need to swallow my pride, and do this!!! (Also...HUNTRESS!!!)
Arrow (2012) Poster

New episodes of Nikita as well. I was apprehensive about this show, but I got to quickly snap a pic with Maggie Q this year at Comic Con, and even though she was in a rush to a party, she took the time to ALSO take a picture with my brother who has missed the last 4 cons (09, 10, 11, 12) while he was serving our country. She is genuinely pretty!! And she is such a bad-ass on the show!

Nikita (2010) Poster

Just in time for the upcoming ChrimboHols:
NATIONAL LAMPOON'S CHRISTMAS VACATION!!! I consider November 20 the "OK for Christmas" time. I do think AFTER Thanksgiving is better, but in our consumer driven lives, I think there is another, better time that isn't THE DAY AFTER HALLOWEEN. Compromise.

Christmas Vacation (1989) Poster

Last, but NOT least, the show I am most HAPPY to see: Chuck.
I wish I could fully articulate my sincerest love for this show. But, I can't, so, I shan't.
It's just GREAT. That's all I have. Sorry.

Chuck (2007) Poster
So, that's it for now!

Weekly Intentions #1

I am super inspired by this post.

I am sure some of these items will be on repeat, but that's not too bad eh? If it needs to be done, it needs to be done!

And with that, here are this weeks:

  • Exercise!!! Like I said, I am sure some items will be on repeat. But, this is a list for my better-ment. And this one is important.
  • Go on a nature hike this week: I live near canyons and the beach. Friday is my day off, and TBH I think a jog in the sand in the sun (huzzah! ties in with the above goal!) would be incredibly challenging, and good for me!
  • Draw I can't wait to use my supplies again. I spent all of Saturday cleaning our tiny California apartment so that we can have things in a proper place. I put hanging file folders up for my comic books, and, designated an "arts-and-crafts" drawer as well.
  • Eat at least one meal at the table! As I mentioned, we have a tiny apartment. We can call it cozy, but, damn it is small! This past cleaning on Saturday I cleaned off all the mail, books--we have more books than we have room for, but I don't think that's a bad thing (I am a Book Pimp, eh?)--and receipts off the table. I filed them all appropriately, and the Tenor and I ate at the table my mum purchased us. It was surprisingly exciting, and tbh I actually want to do this for every meal.
  • Super Weekend! The Tenor, my brother, and I (and maybe Cheech if he is in San Diego in enough time) are going to Riverside for the Hunger Games traditional viewing with our friends Topher & Jason! We are also likely to play ROCK BAND! Also, we need to talk about costumes! Also in Super Weekend is the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special.  I am quite literally making "squee" noises over it. Can't be helped. 

Well, that's this list. Hopefully I will have a new one for the next week!

#CK4C or, Cardio and Kettle-Bells for Cosplay

Cardio and Kettle Bells for Cosplay.

I am tagging this as #CK4C.

This last year I have put on quite a bit of weight.

I am neither comfortable, nor, OK with this. So, for the last few weeks my husband and I have been making efforts to change our outer shells.

We have been eating really healthy. This is something we struggle with. We live very close to the Best Blessed Burger—you may have heard of it as “In-N-Out Burger”…seriously, this place is a gift from above! So GOOD!!! 

Also, pasta. Pasta is easy and quick to make. And it’s EASY to fill up on it. And, it's not the best for everyday.

We LOVE vegetables, but we often forget the best rule of cooking: mise en place (putting in place, or, setting things up before hand, so all cooking time is strictly cooking time). So, we choose quick, and easy foods, which are usually, not the best for you.

These last three weeks, we have changed that.

We have been eating LOTS more veggies and lean protein (which believe it or not, IS our normal). We are consuming beets and Brussels sprouts like they are going out of style! And—the real game changer—we are making sure to eat breakfast.

This has been making a huge difference.

But, while diet is about 75% of weight loss EXERCISE is a HUGE help in achieving fitness goal. I will be doing cardio, and weights.

I am starting with primarily cardio. Running was something I was NOT a fan of. In 2009 I started running/walking/jogging (it was all three as I had very little endurance, but I would push myself) and lost A LOT of weight. Like, 30 pounds in the first 3.5 months, and 60 over a year. 

Then I started grad school. Stress, plus homework, and long work hours...oh, and planning my wedding, I let myself kind of go.

Well, no more I tell you. NO MORE!

The hubby and I have been walking about 3 miles together after work every evening we have off together. This past Thursday I worked on learning how to use weights--primarily : KETTLE BELLS!!!! 

I really like the exercises she helped me with (OMG! SQUATS! My quads are still sore!), as well as the ones from

Pumps & Iron

! Such as this:

500-rep kettle bell workout

As for cardio, in addition to running, I want to do Zumba, and, T25.

I already have Zumba, and believe it or not, it is kind of fun. I do feel goofy, BUT, Zumba


 improved my dancing skills from non-existent to not-the-most-embarrassing-person-at-a-wedding. It is a GREAT way to level up your "dancing game"


 get in shape.

As for T25, my friend has become a Beach Body coach, and has had amazing results. T25 is by Shawn T. You may know him as the guy who created Insanity. Allegedly, T25 is the 25-minute (NOT 25-Day) version of Insanity. I like short workouts, because I can combine them with other ones and not lose all my free time. Also, with 25-minutes, let's be honest: there's NO excuse not to work out, right?

Also--thanks to the power of YouTube--I have been able to try out T25 for new inspiration for Cardio! 

I might have to save up some money, but based on the YouTube preview I just did...DANG! It's pretty awesome. You can check it


, if you want to try it too.

My friend


is planning on starting his cardio for cosplay in January. He and his partner attend Comic Con with my husband and I. All four of us want to get in shape. We have an AWESOME group costume idea (or two **winky-face**) we want to do, and we all just want to get healthier! Including Queen Emeraldas!

Queen Emeraldas

Anyway, I am on my journey for Cosplay readiness. And, cute clothes wearing again times!

So, wish me luck, cause I want this! And I plan on getting it.

Cardio and Kettle-bells for Cosplay!!!


Thor: The Dark World (or, Thor 2 for short)

At a not full ticket price, Thor: The Dark World was MORE than enjoyable. To be honest, it was REALLY fun.

Fun is good. But, I can see where in this case it can be a negative aspect to the movie. Every other line


a joke, so it was hard to take seriously.

I didn’t mine this however.

Tom Hiddleston has become one of my favorite actors. He embraces his fans, and The Nerdom entire. He doesn’t shy away from this role, and knows that his connection to his fans will keep him employable. Hiddleston’s Loki is to me a great prankster/trickster. That sly knowing smirk where you’re not sure when he is joking, or what he’s thinking (ok, so WE the audience know it, but thinking from the perspective of characters, he hides it well). Yet, he still remains rather regal. While menacing, there is method to the madness.

Hemsworth has the same regal horse to ride upon, just…his is a Clydesdale. Hemsworth’s voice of Thor is PERFECT!!!! I was really glad of this in the first Thor flick. So glad in fact that I was able to initially ignore a lot of what I did not care for in the first venture. Also…the dude is built like an Asgardian god.

Idris Elba should be the next Bond (If only racism


exist any longer…cause let’s be honest, American fans will bitch about it). There. I’ve said it. To be honest: I was very skeptical of him as a Norse God (Heimdall) in the first flick. But, I like what Branagh and the writing team did with the treatment: incorporating different battle types, and warriors that are legendary, into these “aliens” that were considered as gods in our earthly realm. Also, Tadanobu Asano’s Hogun was a great incorporation. The change of Zachary Levi as Fandral was jarring in “..Dark World” as I asked my self “what a minute…I know this guy”, but…I prefer it! In fact in the first movie, Sif, Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg were my FAVORITES! After Kat Dennings’ Darcy (and Loki of course).

After Loki, I still think she (Darcy) is the most wholly realized person. In the first movie, I wanted them to just graft her to Portman’s Jane Foster. Let’s be honest: Jane Foster in 2011’s Thor...kind of just a pretty face.

Thor 2 had Jane blue-fairied into a real girl. She had more of an personal nature, and her curiosity and brains were more at the fore-front. I didn’t hate her in this. I was glad of this.

Chris Eccleston…**sigh**I think he is a great actor. I just…the 50


Anniversary is upon us, and I am feeling a bit jilted as a fan. That aside though, his Dark Elf was great. His cold and piercing gaze was great for this very determined dark elf.

The action was giddy-ness inducing, and the characters played off one another well. Better than 2011's prequel. And Bifrost/Bilfrost always make me smile. I think I still just love rainbows..sorry, not sorry.

Lastly: THE COLLECTOR!!! OMG! Guardians of the Galaxy!!! **squee** Ok…calm down. **phew!**

Choral version of: "Aaaaah!"

Let me just take a moment to express how excited I am that the Marvel movies (not to be confused with Fox’s disasters) are all a part of the Marvel universe. This is exciting because it makes all of the films, somewhat un-miss-able (sp). I wish Fox would give the mutants back. Lord knows their stories could use more than the current “how-many-mutants-can-we-throw-in-this” formula for a much richer experience.

I get it: I get to see so-and-so on the big screen. But that shouldn’t be the only criteria.

I think I will end my almost rant here, and save this for another time. Just know, that bootlegging Days of Future Past SUPPORTS the mutants being with Marvel…rather than giving Fox what they want: your money. Also…I kind of want to see Logan with the Avengers…it’s not too much to ask is it? End mini-rant.

To be honest though, a death in the movie would have brought balance to

the force

the movie. It felt a little too happy. But then again, maybe Moffat may have tainted me?

Overall, I give the movie a B- as I kept in mind: its an action/adventure movie (not necessarily a cinematic feat) and, I enjoyed the jokes—although I couldn’t take too much seriously for the same reason.

It was fun, and I’m pretty sure I would have even enjoyed it in 3D.

Go see it in theaters. You won’t feel cheated.

We Love Fine Mini Wish List

Oh internet! The things you have me wanting!

I am really digging this WAY too cute Princess Luna dress from We Love Fine (hello Christmas dress!!!):



Also, while on the subject of dresses & We Love Fine, lemme go ahead & add these two!

I am



Also (cause, I am 5, and NEED a CatBug stuffed animal):

Sugar Peas


And then there's this sexy beast (I can cut and sew it from a dude shirt, to a dudette tee!):





puppy would look RAD on my walls!...I think this going to happen!

And of course, I need this! Pixie is my more recent favorite!



But, my girl will always be Clarice "Blink" Ferguson! I fell in love with this character when Age of Apocalypse was the first series I bought for myself. (Also, Iceman looked SUPER dope in the series!!!) AND this shirt comes in



Zombie Apocalypse Teams!

I am about to go on a run with the Hubby!

"Cardio & Kettlebells for Cosplay!" (#CK4C...hopefully that doesn't stand for anything else just yet?)

Anyway, I will explain CK4C another day, but, here is a fun post:

Not sure if you saw this picture on a friend’s or Geroge Takei’s FaceBook:

Zombie Apocalypse Teams!!!

I sent this to a few friends and family.

However, my brother, Charlie and I had the following text conversation.



’s realization that his Zombie Apocalypse team comprises of Batman, Capt Jean-Luc Picard, and George Takei (


have Capt. Picard, Superman, and Angelina Jolie; the husband has: The Doctor, The Hulk and Miley Cyrus for zombie bait/the necessary sacrifice).


: …Reg and I decided the Doctor and Batman would make the BEST team!


: Oh I concur!


: All of space and time? Plus their brain power?!?!


: Just go back in time , find what the cause was, come up with the cure, make it so said cure can be an airborne release (like in Cowboy Bebop the movie via rain or something) and use the Bat-jet, T.A.R.D.I.S., & Enterprise to release this cure around the world.


: and faster than you can say “Geronimo” our crossover episode ends happily!



: yup!


: Picard is the mediator…Because the Doctor (

current at this time being 11

) is eccentric, and Bats can be broody at times/is a lone wolf. Basically, the ever necessary montage with Picard—being the natural born leader he is—whipping this rag-tag team into shape to save all of mankind.


: we’ll be ok…


: Maybe it already happened…and we just don’t know.


: All we are missing is the Winchesters and Sherlock & Watson! SUPERWHOLOCK!


: I mean: SuperBatWhoTrekLock!!!

And I now have a new random-fandom!

Who is


Zombie Apocalypse Team


You’re welcome! (cause let’s be honest, this


vital information…should the Zombie Apocalypse happen).

Out to run, to beat the hoard!!!

Confessions of a Book Pimp

I had some name in French for my blog previously.

It wasn't very me.

I love French, but, to be honest, I love Japanese more.

I switched it to my Live Journal name (yeah, I still have an LJ...I have friends on there).

A name that was more Joie!

A nick name given to me by my Heather.

When it comes down to it, everything I love comes from one noun. This singular noun has many incarnations--as does a person.

Person--like this word has--many different types.

There are tall people, female people, sporty people, good people, bad people.

Books are the same.

Political books.

Sociology books.

Comic books & Manga.

Music books.

History books.

And of course, Fiction and all her babies (Fiction is female...just so you know): mystery, fantasy, sci-fi, historical, children's and YA (to name a few).

These were my friends when I was afraid to make them. My boredom cure. My car-trip companion. My comfort, my escape, and, my passion. I miss working in a library, so, until that opportunity arises again I will just be me the geeky Book Pimp!


Now, I don't know that I will focus on book reviews. It's been a WHILE since I have written any. But, I look forward to doing so. I plan on sharing things I learn, regardless of books, experiences, video games, movies, tv, life in general.

In sharing, I hope to "pimp out" my love/like for any written tome I come across and get others reading, or (in the many posts that won't have anything to do with books) trying new know, picking up a new "book."

Our brains are our own autobiography. Not everyone gets published, or becomes a best seller, but

you never know who is going to pick you up and read you. Your "themes" might be misinterpreted. And at other times, some people will just get you. And some people have to read you at a second time at a later date. But, you little bookie, are more than mere words strung together.

I plan on realizing this within myself, & hopefully others will as well.

Make your life a great book!


I finally got a 3DS, and it’s awesome. I got Animal Crossing: New Leaf (AC:NL) and Pokémon X. My husband got Pokémon Y…and then, after being addicted to watching me play AC:NL, he picked up a copy too! Heehee!

Also the hubby and I have started working out. I am starting to draw again. I am also applying to a place I think I would fit in/LOVE!!!

Today’s workouts will be:

(I really like Fitness Blender! Free workout videos? Hell yeah!)

And, this 8 minute Ab work out (pinned on



From: Pumps and Iron

We plan on walking at least 50 miles this month. We originally planned for 100…and will try for one hundred. But dammit, I am such an Eeyore: negatively realistic LOL. See with the time change and rainy system upon us, I need to be.

But then again…the rain DOES motivate to run versus walk…and run faster at that ;)

I believe the next year will be full of awesome and SCARY changes. So I want to be ready for them!!!

Gearing up! And Excited!


Bought a planner…a MOLESKINE planner.

Not mentioning for the sake of the brand’s name. Nor did I buy it for that reason. BUT I do mention it cause did you know, these guys make cool THEMED journals? I just found this out while on an adventure at Barnes and Noble!

~Book review journal
~Music review journal
~Beer review journal
~ Wine review journal
~Tea review journal
~Movie review journal
~Wedding Planner (I want one now…even though I am done lol)
~Wellness Journal
~Baby journal (scurred!!!)

So, if you don’t know, I actually LOVE notebooks and stationary. There are a few problems with this:

1). I write letters, but forget to stamp and send them, and when I DO remember, it’s way past the point of the information in said letter, being of any pertinence.
2). I am always afraid someone will read my journals. Live Journal it’s ok…But my journal, journal…I need to find how to read with a password (SAPPHIRE!!!)
3). I have a few not full journals currently. I think the husband is perhaps overwhelmed by this.

Any who, I bought a planner, by said group of people. It’s purse AND pocket sized, so I am able to take it everywhere!!! No more “I think I have something that day” it yes, or no.

Also, Like my successful 2012 planner, it has a pocket!!! Coupons, notes, things like that go in there, this way, I remember my coupons, and my planner. See? Good right? A step towards grown-up-ocity!

Kick Ass 2 starts Friday. Going to see it with the Chefs! Also, I want to Austenland. I know that it will be of no “merit” but, knowing some Austen-philes, and being a bibliophile myself, well, I just can’t help myself.

I don’t expect too much from chick flicks. But I like a laugh, and this one has P&P jokes. So I am in.

I want to go to Old Town on Friday. Get my mom her birthday gift. But I need to get The Husband’s first. His birthday is the 23rd.

So many birthday’s this month, it’s hard to keep track.

Oh wait! Not it’s not! Thanks to my handy-dandy Planner yo!


The Risks We Take, Are the Futures We Make

Four years ago today, I proved to myself that I could be really freaking brave. By all accounts I was brave, but on things like, Jumping-over, and, climbing through/between people and fences to go backstage at rock shows (I think being underage, I felt safe…and they thought I was younger than I was anyway). But on matters of the heart? NOPE! Uh-uh! Kiss off!

A resounding NO!!!! But starting in October of 2008, I had been on a steady path of upwards momentum from a pit of depression, to an improved version of myself. One that I like, and that had a better job and was attempting to move on towards “grown-up”ness…or something. Anyway, I already had liked Reggie, albeit didn’t pine for him before because I agree with RuPaul: “If you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you going to love someone else?” and so I ran. I ran a lot.

And then, my brother left for the Air Force, but on January 17 my brother had a going away party. His friends were there, and more importantly: Reg was! There are mixed remembrances of that night, but everyone said there was some sort of connecion. Maybe it was my hopeful thinking, and I reverse-empathed it onto everyone else. Maybe I was staring him down…who. Knows.

Anyway, I knew that night what I would do that year. This is a recap from a Journal Entry dated Feb. 6, 2009 @0802 PST, the day after I called to ask him out. (I like dates…I like to archive…IDK why) ‘As Amanda said last night: "Joie slams revolving doors" This is in reference to my bravery for yesterday. But I digress, during the last half hour of work I started to get anxious and impatient. I slept on the car ride home, literally "sleeping on it". My dad dropped me off at home and I had the house to myself. I dialed his [Reggie's] number, with a speech totally planned. Here's where things get interesting. When I called I was like “If you have time wanna do me a favor, and, go somewhere with me Saturday?” I had this whole plan about I needed to get something for Charlie [many brother] for his birthday. Instead he cut to the quick, and said "are you asking me out?" I -being blunt- said "yeah...I guess I am." So he said sure. We will be going out on Saturday. And thus, I have "balls" bigger than Chuck Norris’

I felt very giddy, and nervous. But really proud of myself. I had never done anything like this before…well, if you don’t count when I asked Mike Dirnt from Green Day to marry me when I was 18…but I don’t…LOL! Mainly, because now—even though 2009 was a very roller-coaster like year—I would NEVER trade my husband for ANYONE!

I am so blessed to married to him. So here is to us, and some “balls-out” bravery! Cheers!