Game of Thrones

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Daenerys Targaryen, Khaleesi!

I don't know if you know this, but there is little show on HBO called Game of Thrones (wink-wink). On it there are many a bad-a in the forms of: knights, ice zombies, brotherhoods, imps, princes, and queens! Political intrigue, betrayal, hope, hopes-dashed, swords, and AMAZING costumes! Also--and most importantly--there are DRAGONS (OK...maybe this is debatable in terms of "importance"...but I mean: DRAGONS! We all love the s**t out of dragons, right?!).

And since one of my SDCC cosplays will be based on the MOTHER OF DRAGONS (caps means excited) and that's next week, here's a Daenerys (Khaleesi Mode) workout cosplay:

Also, I wanted to share with you Mia's (from xoMia) Daenerys cosplay picture taken by Aperture Ashley! She is one of my favorite cosplayers, and I love that she went for the Horse Heart Eating Dany (not often done)! It's such a great costume, and you can read Mia's process here:

I seriously LOVE Daenerys! I also like Tyrion, Oberon and others, but she's my favorite because, I love how her character's evolves from this push-over/girl who just does what she's told, to this straight up boss-lady queen! This week's playlist is workout oriented, but I ordered the track in a sort of "story arc"--in my mind at least (if you want me to explain, just hit me up on twitter, Facebook or in the comments, and I'll let you know my "reasoning").

This year at SDCC will be my first cosplay. I do cosplays to workout. One of which I will show a variation of next week (who is also a character I am cosplaying this year). I am SOOO excited (and nervous) about it!

Here's a hint at my SDCC Dany Cosplay:

Do you watch Game of Thrones? Who's your favorite character? Which house do you think you'd belong to?

Also, are you going to SDCC?!?! If so, hope to see you there!!

Sharing Some Smile-age!

Happy Monday Toonsters!
This weekend was such a whirlwind for me, and while the tenor and I accomplished some long overdue goals, I am exhausted.
So, I'll share some you tube vids that I think you need to watch.

First is this Jimmy Fallon, The Roots with Idina Menzel version of Let It Go. The Tenor and I have a major crush on Idina...she's amazing! Also: Paul Rudd= A-MA-ZING!

Next, I'm so ready for April 19th, it's not even funny! Sophie put this trailer up, and I think it's about time I did too! I cannot WAIT for season 2 of Orphan Black to start!!! If you haven't seen season 1, Amazon Prime has it streaming now!

But before April 19th happens...there is April 6th!

The next season of Game of Thrones starts this Sunday and though I don't have HBO, I have Amazon Prime! And I will get to see this season!!!

If you watch the show, and enjoy Mean Girls, The Breakfast Club and other classic teen flicks--and love the sh*t out of dragons!--check out this AWESOME parody known as School of Thrones:

Episode 1: Prom Night is Coming

Episode 2: Sexposition

Episode 3: Targaryen Burn

I am so amped for this month! Are you? Do you watch any of these shows?!