
Sharing Some Smile-age!

Happy Monday Toonsters!
This weekend was such a whirlwind for me, and while the tenor and I accomplished some long overdue goals, I am exhausted.
So, I'll share some you tube vids that I think you need to watch.

First is this Jimmy Fallon, The Roots with Idina Menzel version of Let It Go. The Tenor and I have a major crush on Idina...she's amazing! Also: Paul Rudd= A-MA-ZING!

Next, I'm so ready for April 19th, it's not even funny! Sophie put this trailer up, and I think it's about time I did too! I cannot WAIT for season 2 of Orphan Black to start!!! If you haven't seen season 1, Amazon Prime has it streaming now!

But before April 19th happens...there is April 6th!

The next season of Game of Thrones starts this Sunday and though I don't have HBO, I have Amazon Prime! And I will get to see this season!!!

If you watch the show, and enjoy Mean Girls, The Breakfast Club and other classic teen flicks--and love the sh*t out of dragons!--check out this AWESOME parody known as School of Thrones:

Episode 1: Prom Night is Coming

Episode 2: Sexposition

Episode 3: Targaryen Burn

I am so amped for this month! Are you? Do you watch any of these shows?!

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Royal Sisters Elsa & Anna

To close out March's [Un]Official Princess Month, we're capping off with Princess Anna, and Queen Elsa!
I loved Frozen and, I'm dedicating this post to my little sister (whom I love too)! (^_^)

Let me start with Princess Anna!
Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Princess Anna

1). Anna's iconic magenta cape would have translated well to a hoodie...but that seemed too predictable, which Anna does not like. So, I figured, this vest would be good combination between her black vest, and cape.
2). I was debating this black longsleeve and a teal, but I felt like, with all the blue in frozen, the neutral of the black top would help break up the coloring and bring together the shoes!
3). These shoes in fact which have a GREAT combination of the colors featured, also have a cute polka dot design on the insignia!
4).I've worn pigtails while working out and the only problem for me were the whisps of hair that liked to poke me in the eye...not fun! So I think this headband is a great compliment to the overall outfit!
5). I'll admit it: I'm a huge Roxy fan! and so when I saw these capri's that have the Frozen teal band, and Anna's skirt blue, I couldn't help using them in this outfit!
6). And, just in case you're region is warming up and that long sleeve is a little to much to commit to, these sleeves (by Groovy Baby Action Gear, whom you know I LOVE!) would go great with this short sleeved tee.

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Queen Elsa

1). I LOVE this sweatshirt! It's so cute, looks so warm, and you can't beat that design for Elsa! I like how it has a snowflake design and is in icy white and blue!
2). This icy blue shirt is perfect Elsa it even has a shimmery print that matches Elsa's iconic dress!
3). Let It Go with these awesome shoes! It has Free flex grooves that will "keep you ready for extra mileage" the way Elsa hiked from Arendelle to her snowy mountain!
4). As much as I love Elsa's hair, I don't think I would sport her bangs during a workout. So, this headband would be great for keeping those awesome bangs off of your face. Plus, it has 360 reflection on it so it will keep you safe, and have you sparkling a little bit like Elsa does! (sparkle-age= RADICAL!!!)
5). How AWESOME are these training leggings? They even have a glacial look to them, and, remind me of Elsa's ice castle!
6). Alright, I'm guilty...I love these sleeves! LOL! There are three different Elsa types, but these had that cool point towards the middle of the hand!

And since this post is unofficially a sister and/or besties/your sister from another mister ;) post, how awesome are these phone cases!
Matching Sister Frozen Cases

Elsa and Anna - Artwork by Teo Hoble
FacebookTumblr | Deviant Art | Store

Frozen won best animated feature (The Wind Rises was my next hope for winning) and it was well deserved. The music was so, so, so good, and Olaf was funny as heck too (whom I though I would not like btw). I wrote a small attempt at a review back in December after I saw it.

The workout I chose for this was based on two things: first, Anna's crazy rope climbing scene:
And, Elsa's dress and the shimmery shoulders:
Soooooo, here's a shoulder workout!!!

There were there things I wish the movie would have done differently? I would scream YES! in just as fervent a manner as I would exclaim my adoration for it! But I really like it! That disclaimer being said, if you haven't seen it yet, please skip the blue sentence below:
One of the things I loved the most about the movie was that the "true love" mentioned was not based on the typical prince/princess coupling. It was instead the love of family, and the bond that siblings--specifically sisters--share. That being said, I felt like the proper end to this month's princess theme would be Queen Elsa and Princess Anna!

Even if you don't have a sister, you probably have best friends that are sisters! These people are important and you would fight for them too! Your "Sister from another mister" (not to discount brothers).

And with that, I leave you with this "Sisters in Ice" Playlist!
Sisters R Cool Playlist by Joie_Fatale on Grooveshark

Also...the only parody of Let It Go you need to see (caution: language!)!

Have you seen Frozen?

Weekly Intentions # 11

This week, let's try it: Countdown Style!!!

5). Water Polo- Classes at the local community colleges commence today, and I plan on crashing Water Polo. Even though I am a slow swimmer, I know I need the challenge, confidence boost, and calorie burn! Also, I just bought a new suit, and I don't want that to go to waste!
My Swimsuit pattern from Instagram
4). Drink More Water and Juice- I got a random case of the flu last week, and was sick (thus the "No-Post-Since-Wednesay" status). So I need to focus on maintaing vitamins and such so I don't get ill again.

3). Stress Less- Part of last weeks icky-sicky was stress has already taken quite a toll on my body. I might need to use some of my vacation time. I keep telling myself, but I still haven't picked any time frame. But, March is the Tenor's and my anniversary, so I might save until then.

2). Bleach More of My Hair- back in November I bleached some of it, but I am attempting to gradually bleach all of it, and white it out. I want to have it like Storm, or Elsa's!  (and if I could gain weather/ice manipulation like either of them, that would be a bonus!)
Always loved her with the mohawk! (via)
Elsa from Disney's FROZEN by princekido
by princekido
1). Birthdays Wishes- This is kind of a intention for the year actually. I want to text people I know on their birthdays, and not just Happy Birthday, but, let them know what they mean to me! I think receiving Happy Birthday is nice, but this year, I want to focus on those people too! Ideally I will send via a text message, or a phone call. And if that's not available, Facebook will suffice. But, I want me to be more appreciative of my friends and family this year! It's a totally doable goal too!

Now for something COMPLETELY different!!!
I'm going to be an auntie! OK yes I am already an aunt as my two of my Sister-In-Laws (SIL) have children. BUT for the first time one of my siblings is having a baby!

Wait, correction: she's having TWO babies!!! Twins!!!

They are fraternal twins so they might be boy and girl! (OK maybe we are all hoping so☺).

I can't wait to find out!!! So amazing!

I know its still early so if you could say a little prayer/some good thoughts for these future littles that would be groovy!

I'm excited.
But not as excited as my mum! Holy moley! She is stoked!

How about you? What are your intentions for the week? Exciting news?
Hope you have a wonderful week!!