Joie Fatale's Blogging Resolutions (Fandom Friday)

This Fandom Friday post is brought to by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and the letter S for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you

Today's Fandom Friday is about our blogging resolutions for the new year!

Over this last year, I have learned a few things, that I would like to implement into my blogging-style/resolutions. I have 6 technically, and since I want to do them, I'm posting them, so I will truly hold myself accountable. Here they are for all to see (in no particular order):

1). Be ahead of Schedule/Steward of my Time- Since moving a few month's ago I've really had this resolution be the biggest, and most important! If I had been ahead of schedule, I would have had a few posts up for you all to read. I'm sorry for that. I love my little blog, and am really grateful to be doing it! Thank you for hanging out here! For this resolution, it's not just about planning my posts--which I do--but also having them outlined, typed, and scheduled for posting, in a rotating order. Like one would in college where you have a bunch of papers to write. Work a little at a few, and be ahead. NOT last minute.

2). Not to worry/stress so much- I have a hard time not stressing about anything (literally, anything...I'm like a mouse...I stress over everything). Spelling; images; sourcing; etc.

3). Weight-loss progress- I've actually been making this more of a priority and I have been going to the gym five days a week for the last two weeks with my friends. It helps that we are going together, and, that we go early in the morning. Since I am, I should also have more progress, as this year has been so insanely stressful, that I didn't have much progress happen.

4). HTML/Design basics- I want to learn how to jazz up my blog be it via the banner, or background, or, entry title font. I want to be able to do that.

5). Crediting the Artist- I already try REALLY hard to do this, but I'm hoping to have all pictures I use (or have used) on this blog sourced. Having gone to many places, where I see a cool piece of fanart/gif/craft/etc., and, I want to see more by the artist, but, there is NO information gets a bit frustrating. I want to never do that. I got a little lazy when it came to Pinterest was getting crazy difficult on my phone! Luckily, Mariko from GamerWife made this AWESOME post about How Not to be a Jerk on Pinterest which I think will help me! I'm not perfect at this (or anything for that matter) but I truly want to be a courteous blogger, and, person anyway. Plus remember in college/grad school how if you didn't quote your source, your grade got knocked down a s**t-ton?! Yeah...that wasn't fun!

6). Product/Book/etc. Reviews- I've been mulling over this since I started. Like my "paper" writing, and many of the drafts I have for this blog ('s sad). I have a few reviews milling about in my drafts, my head, and my notebook. I've been horrible reading this year! So many life events, plus my tendency to stress made reading hard to sit and do. But for 2015 I've set a new goal, to read and look forward to accomplishing that!

Do you have any blogging resolutions? Or New Year's resolutions?
Share them in the comments!
Thanks again to Megan & Kristin for Fandom Fridays! These have been a blast!

Santa Claus (or North from Rise of the Guardians...or Jingle from AC:NL) Workout Cosplay

Today is Christmas Eve (that's Toy Day if you're on Animal Crossing! Which if you are, we NEED to be friends).

So I figured it was the perfect cosplay day for Santa...or, Jingle...or North!

If you've not seen Rise of the Guardians, I would like to highly suggest it to you as it is truely very good, and, quite fun. It's not a Christmas/holiday movie. But it kind of "feels" like one. Have you seen it?!?! (Do you 'ship Jack x Elsa? I kind of do teehee!).

How about you? Do you have a favorite Santa incarnation (like Robot Santa Claus)? Or a favorite Holiday character (like my family's favorite: Krampus!!!)?

Favorite Debatably Christmas Movies (Fandom Friday)

This Fandom Friday post is brought to by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and the letter S for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you
Today's Fandom Friday's theme is Christmas/Holiday Movies you just have to see every year! Last year (when this blog was new...and I started taking it seriously) I did a Christmas Special Countdown featuring my top 10 (and some runner's up...runner ups?) Christmas movies AND Television episodes.

Here are my top 5 (click the links for more...if you want):
4). Scrooge
5). Christmas Party (from The Office S2Ep10)

Since I did this last year, I thought I'd change this Fandom Friday, to share my favorite "Debatable" Christmas movies! While I understand how some may question the validity of the movies being actual Christmas movies, if there are two or more of the following present, I will debate forever why they are:
  1. "Oh no! Christmas is ruined! But wait..."- if this happens in ANY way shape or form--Christmas being the qualifier--it IS a Christmas movie...period! You don't even need any of the below to accompany, as this is the basis for all Christmas movies.
  2. An impossible situation arises during the holidays (not necessarily Christmas being ruined, but that is most often the case) and only one of our heroes is able to triumph over their feat (see: Sam telling Joanna in the airport in Love Actually; or, any of the movies below).
  3. There's a Christmas party during more than 25% of the movie, OR, more than once in the film- It doesn't get more Christmas than that. It's a party...celebrating a holiday. This not only is for the background, but it helps flush out the story, and, tells you not so subtly it's a Christmas movie.
  4. Soundtrack includes a Christmas carol of some sort- even if it's a horror movie, if the album the movie powers that be chose to have a Christmas carol on it's commercial record, that's their way of telling you it's a Christmas movie.
Debateable Christmas Movies

1). Love, Actually- I know it's #3 on my must-see-list, but I would watch this at more than just Christmas. Mostly, because it came out in college, and yeah, I went through the ubiquitous Mr. Darcy phase. Also, you can't blame me because Rodrigo Santoro...yeah. One of my roommates and I watched it whenever we felt like it. And as this Honest Trailer states, it's kind of to blame for all the holiday romantic-Pulp-Fictionesque-comedies. (easily hits 1-4 with it's multiple stories; also has one of my favorite examples of number 2).
via tumblr
2). Die Hard- Even more so than any movie on this list maybe Die Hard is a Christmas movie!
This  movie  truly falls under the "Christmas is ruined...but wait.." listing. Think about it! LA almost loses Christmas (Thanks a lot Professor Snape)...but wait, there's someone on the inside fighting the movie's villains! And in the end Christmas is saved. And what's more Christmas-y than flying cross country to be with your family? And (obviously) there's a Christmas Party happening! (1-4- Ultimate Christmas Completion!!!)

3). Batman Returns-  There are Christmas trees and ornaments, and presents all over Gotham City. And if Burton put that in, it's clear he's got a Christmas happening right before your eyes! (Bonus points for being a Hero Movie that's also a Christmas movie!). Sure, it could have taken place any time of the year, but then we wouldn't have had the best dialogue-reveal ever...that utilizes mistletoe! (Hits: 2 & 3)

4). Little Women- Like Love Actually, I can just watch this movie whenever I feel like it. And I will probably watch it today (along with Christmas Vacation, and,  Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas). The movie is a year round movie as it does revolve around the March sisters. However, most of the pivitol scenes are during it's a Christmas movie!! (Hits 2-4, but, there is a round of #1 in the movie involving Mr. March, so, kind of a full gamut too)

5). Gremlins- Who doesn't want Gizmo for Christmas? I love this movie, and it's on this year's must sees because I just found out The Tenor hasn't seen it yet (I have failed him). But there's presents, trees, carols, cute animals, an-almost-ruined-Christmas. Also this cuteness (Hits 1, 2, & 4):
via tumblr

So there you have my Top 5 Debatable Christmas Movies! Be sure to check out last year's Christmas Special Countdown for my all-time-faves (so far LOL).
How about you? Do you have any Debatable Christmas Movies that you have to see every December? And/or, do have a set of  prerequisites for Christmas/holiday flicks?

Rudolph the Red Nosed GAINdeer! (Workout Cosplay)

You know Dasher...and Dancer...and Prancer...and that gang that rolls eight-deep (nine if we include Santa). And I know you recall the most famous reindeer of all: Rudolph!!

He is today's Workout Cosplay inspiration because when I saw the tee from Activate Apparel, well, I knew I had to make a theme for him! Let me tell you, browns in workout clothes are few and far between...and all that I found are hideous beyond all cranberry and pine tree green green are the theme colors I chose.


I really like Rudolph and his underdog story. But as a kid my favorite reindeer were: Comet, Donder (or is it Donner), and Blitzen!

On a side note, I have been using some weights in addition to walking and running on a treadmill. I'm trying to do the "low weight; high rep" for fat burning (versus gaining muscle). I don't go below an 8 lb weight though, and not more than 20.

Do you have a favorite reindeer? Are you playing any Gain-deer games (see: lifting weights)?

Dear Santa: A Fangirl's Christmas List from Her Wonder Years...

This Fandom Friday post is brought to by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and the letter S for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you
Today's Fandom Friday is based on one's Christmas/Holiday List from "Santa"
I can't help but think of The Santa Clause when Scott's ex-wife spoke about the missing Mystery Date Game for some reason. lol

So, I'm changing up my list to: Five Things I Always Wanted for Christmas, but, never got (usually for good reason).

1). Power Wheels version of the Care Bears Cloud Car

So the really GOOD reason I never got this was that it NEVER EXISTED LOL! Let me tell you one of my earliest fandoms was Care Bears. Obsessed doesn't really begin to cover it. And then, those cute little bears and their cousins had a flying car made of cute clouds? I mean really...FLYING! The only thing I need to add to this is, that under the glove box, I wanted a little house for present #2...

2). A kitten...with a bow...under the tree (it's an iconic image thing).
Looks like my Imogen!
Sure, I have a kitten now. And I even got a kitten around age 10! But that whole idea of a kitten with a ribbon collar nestled under the tree was a dream for me! My family is allergic to cats ( conquers all...or at least allergies) so it didn't happen (solid reason). At least not for a few years...and not at Christmas.

3). A Library

I wanted a library like Belle's to appear on my parent's house. But it's fair to not have one cause...Santa isn't real so the free work from the elves to make it over night wasn't really an option. And cause #BookNerd! (Also, this skirt is on this year's list of is the library which will never leave my "list"!).

4). Pager
Glittery & purple? I kind of want this again...

To be honest, I grew up with this rule from my mom: "if I don't know where you are, you're probably not where you're supposed to be." Which in translation meant I wasn't getting a pager because, as a minor, my parents were responsible for me, and a pager wasn't really necessary since I should be telling them where I was to begin with. If that sounds strict, don't worry, because, since I showed responsibility with this rule I didn't have a curfew. That's right. By letting my parents know where I was (and when those plans changed) I didn't have a curfew. I think not having a pager (as cute as I thought they were) was a win for me.

5). Snowboard
Gonzo, or, Animal...I want them!!!

I still don't own one (nor am I very good at it) but dang it, I LOVE snowboarding! I own the clothing supplies...I just need bindings, board...and a mountain (thanks a lot Florida). But I feel like boards are so expensive.

And that was my Christmas list from my wonder years!

 What are some items you wanted for Christmas growing up?

Christmas Jams for Fandom Friday!!!

This Fandom Friday post is brought to by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and the letter S for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you!  
As we all know:

And last year, I went over some of my most favorite Christmas songs (and movies) and now I'm trying to narrow it down to five...dang! (Now, only two of these are on my favorite Christmas albums, which I plan on going over as well!)

1). The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole
There are many different versions of this song. Some good, some not so good.
But this version? This is THE version! It is the torch to which all other versions are barely sparks in comparison. From the string section that opens the song, to Nat's succinct & soothing can one not like it? Seriously...HOW?!?!

2). Thankful Heart from The Muppet Christmas Carol

My all time FAVORITE Christmas movie-must-see is The Muppet Christmas Carol! I LOVE the Muppets, but what makes this movie one of my favorites isn't just the fact that they got Michael Caine as Scrooge (actually the main reason I know who he is, is because he got to be in a movie with them) and, to sing in it! The songs are so fantastic, and the Muppets always make me crack up! But this song is particularly great as it's about being thankful...not about baubles, or ribbons or toys, or things. And that's pretty awesome!

3). Christmas in Hollis by Run DMC

This song does not get enough credit! Run DMC gave us a new Christmas classic that didn't fall in the vein of the usual Christmas sound. It was fun! And at the same time there was a story about how Christmas eve happened in Hollis. Also the video above is chock full of 80's goodness! (And let's be honest, you know you still want the adidas shoes they rocked...admit it!).

4). Oi! To the World covered by No Doubt (originally by The Vandals)

Originally by The Vandals on their super awesome Christmas album (I'm going to post about my fave Christmas you'll see more mah-ha-ha-ha-ha!) the song was already a punk rock classic. But then third-wave ska band No Doubt covered this gem, for A Very Special Christmas 3 and the song took off on alt-rock radio stations! I particularly enjoy the horn section, and Gwen's vocals in their rendition! Plus that video is pretty fun too! #GwenabeStill

5). Snow Miser/ Heat Miser Song(s) from A Year Without a Santa Claus

Another favorite/must-see for me, A Year Without a Santa Claus is a stop-motion Christmas movie by the makers of my favorite holiday flicks: Rankin/Bass! This might not technically be a Christmas song (or two christmas songs heehee), but I have to hear it every year! It's not Christmas without it!

Some hard to choose from runner's up:
Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy sung by David Bowie and Bing Crosby- I just heard this today, and thought about how Peace on Earth really applies to today ("every child must be made aware...") and how children today aren't taught to think of's kind of an afterthought. And cause DAVID BOWIE!!!
Hanukkah Blessings by Barenaked Ladies- I was always a little jealous that I didn't celebrate hanukkah (and it wasn't the "eight days of presents") because it's so rich in history, and, I think it's cool that it is still celebrated to this day. 
Baby, It's Cold Outside as sung by Chris Colfer and Darren Criss in Glee because they are in my singing range and I heart them.
Fairytale of New York by The Pogues - I can't believe I forgot this on Friday, but this song is a must sing for my brother and me. It's brilliant and is about how we let things like fairytale's, Christmas, and places we've built up in our minds aren't always what they seem. But mostly, it's about New York.
What are your favorite holiday songs? Also what are your favorite (if any) Christmas albums/compilations?

Workout Cosplay: Zombies! Zombies! AHHH! Zombies!

Want to know a fact about me? One that we (you, dear reader, and I) know is rather silly & embarrassing?

I'm irrationally afraid of zombies.Yes. Read that sentence again, if you must--it's a fact (it's not my biggest fear though...anymore).

That's why back in 2002 the trailer of 28 Days Later haunted me. Why I enjoy The Walking Dead as a "radio show" versus watching the screen (except when my favorite MacManus brother is on screen, or I hear sword-slashing-sounds cause #MichonneIsAWESOME); and why Ghoul Yelps is adorable yet it took me a while to get one of her dolls (for the record: no! I don't think she'll come to life...I just took forever)! I have a conundrum because I can't seem to stomach zombies, yet, I am rather curious about anything zombie related.

Additionally, one of my primary motivations for running (in addition to fitness and, you know, wanting to live through the Hunger Games) is zombies as well: They can't eat what they can't catch!

And with that, today's workout cosplay (just in case I need to blend in)!

I want to thank you again to Travis, and, Dave for being such awesome guest posters last month! It was great!!! Thank you for making November so much fun!

Also, have you seen IGGPPC's #igglefitness for December?

Check it out here!

Do you have any "irrational" fears...that may--or, may not--inspire your fitness goals?

Black Friday Purchases I Would Sacrifice a Night of Sleep For (Fandom Friday)

This Fandom Friday post is brought to by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and the letter S for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you!  

Today's Fandom Friday are things I'd be willing to traverse the madness of Black Friday to acquire!
Black Friday

1). Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (ideally in pink!)
I like pink on electronics! IDK, but I do! As I've gotten older I've started to appreciate pink a bit more. And I think this one is just cute! I like the pen and the larger screen! I want one so bad!!! But I haven't seen it on Best Buy just yet. I might settle for the Note 3
But seriously...the pink one!

2). Wii U (Mario Kart 8 Bundle)
I want it so bad! I love Nintendo and I like that it will play my Wii games and I don't have to start all over with my game collection (PS4 and Xbox One: Y U no do this 2?). I don't know if I'm a gamer or not...but I like the video games I like...and those are usually the easy ones (and Assassin's Creed!!!)!

3). Copic Markers Figure Drawing Wallet
If you like to draw, or doodle, or even color, there is a good chance these mutha-truckers are on your "Treat Yo' Self" list somewhere! Seriously, they are great and as a person who has to mix crayons/pencils/marker consistently to get something even resembling (but still not exactly matching) my skin tone! I would love to get--at the very least--the skin tone set! (But expensive!)

4). Sailor Moon Season 1 (part 1 & 2)

Truthfully, I'd save this for "Cyber Monday" but, still, Sailor Moon!!!! Do I need to go into this any further?

5). Disney Infinity Super Heroes Starter Kit
I like Disney infinity's open toy box and mini games and the overall appeal! It's cute, and the collector in me loves the little figurines (though, I really hope they go down in price sooner than later). I actually did get this from Wal-Mart, as it was $37 and that's just great!

What are your Black Friday desires?

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Batman for Bryen

This month has been No Shave November, and I've loved having some really awesome guys be guests for this month's Wednesday posts. I hope you enjoyed this month's guest posts! Special thank you to the ever-awesome Travis (Spider-Man!) and Dave (Mega Man X)!

In fact, I have a particular person, who was the main inspiration for this: my nephew Bryen.

This year, my nephew Bryen was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma (a type of sarcoma which is a form of cancer in the soft tissue). Bryen has been in, and, out of chemo a lot this year. He loves to sing, and, is an amazing big brother! Bryen loves to go on walks to the Trader Joe's and Golden Spoon (but with the chemo, and, the constant threat of catching a cold (his immune system is significantly weaker). Bryen also, loves comic books! He's even gotten me comics such as Exiles, just because it features my favorite character on the cover! The Tenor and I have snuck him to see The Avengers, Spider-Man, and Spider-Man 2!

But, by far his favorite hero is Batman! Not that grouchy douchey Batman in Lego Movie, but the Batman that works his mind and body to be The World's Greatest Detective!

And that's really, who No Shave November has been for our household (while I hate facial hair, The Tenor's reason for trying it this month, is worth it)!

So this week's post is not only dude-oriented, but young-dude-oriented for Bryen!
Batman (for Bryen's Future Strength)

Batman (to Bryen's Full Recovery) by joie-fatale
1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6 

TBH, the songs I've chosen aren't Batman themed, but Bryen themed. Some are songs I've heard him singing and others are songs I think he'd enjoy (I know there's a certain movie's soundtrack on here more than once...but it really was AWESOME), so forgive the general lack of a theme, but rather, the mix CD I had made for him.
Bryen's gotta a support page on facebook, and, a general info website, where--if you're so inclined--you can donate to him and his family as medical bills are not the cheapest, and, providing food to Bryen and his four siblings is hard. Also if any of you are looking to get rid of old comics, or books, or action figures, a letter, or, want to draw him a picture, send them (or me) an email! He could really use the encouragement!

Are there any workout cosplays you'd like to see? 
Check out the right hand side of the blog, and shoot me an email! 

Until next time: Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Five Fictional Characters I Would Love to Have Over for Thanksgiving (Fandom Fridays)

This Fandom Friday post is brought to by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and the letter S for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you!  
This weeks Fandom Friday asks who would you love to have over for Thanksgiving! I feel as though my list would equal an adventurous Thanksgiving!!!

1). Wonder Woman

So, growing up Thanksgiving was second favorite holiday! The food was good and delicious (and is "home" to one of my favorite foods). But one thing I grew up seeing (and a reason I refused to learn how to cook for many years) was that only the women cooked for the longest time. I feel like Wonder Woman would keep any of that bologna at bay. Plus, any after meal games to be played (REAL FOOTBALL, the false football, whiffle ball, or Apples to Apples) she could be on my team and that means: I win! ;)

2). The Lumberjanes Crew
Cause let's be honest, an adventure after such a large meal is just a good idea! And, BONUS! They could help me get a hold of my Black Friday purchases with not so much as a scratch...or at least a zany magical encounter! Thanksgiving to the max!

3). The Flash
Well, someone's got to cook, right? And there's no one I'd rather have in the kitchen because even if the food takes long regardless of the chef's speed, Barry...I mean the Flash would be able to do the dishes, and make the kitchen spotless all while cooking. I feel like this would be an awesome choice cause I don't want to set foot in the kitchen! Also, with that quick of a wit, jokes and board games would be a blast!

4). Albus Dumbledore
art by ghwalta

Stories, tales, and just awesome company. I always feel like he would be an awesome fictional character made real! Having butterbeer, tea or cocoa with him over some good food! That would be awesome!

5). Thursday Next
Thursday Next (R) & her mentor Ms. Havisham (L)
by aliceazzo

My favorite character, from my favorite series ever. Also, a regular bad-a**! Also, maybe her mom could send her with a Battenberg Cake which (thanks to this series) I have always wanted to try!  And maybe...just, maaaayybe, she could jump me into fiction so I could visit Hogwarts (that's how we bring Dumbledore along for food see?).

Who do you wish you could have over for Thanksgiving?

My Smart Phone App Necessities (Fandom Fridays)

This Fandom Friday post is brought to by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and the letter S for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you!  
I'm actually looking for a new phone this month, and this makes this week's Fandom Friday post great as far as prioritizing what I want from my phone. My must have apps, are the ones I use pretty much everyday.

**Note: I am an android user, so while I'm sure all of these are available there, the links below are to the Google Play store!

1). Instagram
Imogen from my Instagram!
I love pictures! Especially cats, and food (I actually enjoy food photos). I think selfies are fantastic since I'm a person who actually hates having my photo taken because I want to be in control of my image. But mostly, I like that it's a digital photo album!

2). VSCO Cam / Line Camera

I love cute things and Line camera has such cute stickers and stuff for photos (Seriously, if my life were a comic book, my weakness would be "distracted by kawaii!")! But, VSCO cam has the best filters to me! I use them both a lot!

3). Twidere
A blogger's bestest friend might just be Twitter! But the app...not my fave. I've tried TweetCaster, Plume, and Twidere. All three are actually really great! But Twidere wins as far as I'm concerned, as it is a free client (like the other two), that has no pesky advertisements in the way (which the other two's free. And it has a clean, clean, and I mean shiny-like-Cinderella-polished-the-silver design. I am sure there are better twitter apps...but on the free-end? I'll keep Twidere for now!

4). Kindle

It's true...I prefer to own the hard copy of a book to anything else. But, Kindle's books are often cheaper, and, the books lose a substantial amount of physical weight. I do happen to own half of my Kindle books in "proper" book form; but I bought the kindles as, when you own the digital incarnation, you can get the audio book on audible for an affordable price. And sometimes, I just want to search for a favorite passage!

5). Songza

Because you know I LOVE a good playlist! Songza is a great mood/activity soundtrack creator! There's even lists for GoT families: Stark, (cool Scandanavian artists);  Lannister (cash money y'all!); Targaryen (girl power to the max); Martell (epic Mediterranean and Middle Eastern tracks); Greyjoy (METAL!); and (my fave playlist) House Tyrell full of thorny glitter rock! I seriously LOVE this app!

Those are my most used/favorite apps! (I would also like to mention Starbucks and Dunkin' Doughnuts as well, since I love their coffee, and the rewards for using them are super!).

What are five necessary apps for you?

Workout Cosplay: Mega Man X (Guest Post by Dave)

My brother Dave was kind enough to help me in this month's Guy-vember Workout Cosplays!

In fact he even chose a video game character--which I have yet to do (new goal)! He chose his favorite video game character, and, overall bad-a$$: Mega Man X!

You might recognize Mega Man X as Mega Man, but there is some variation! Mega Man X's story (and consequentially, his video game series) goes a bit more in depth thanks to the Super Nintendo (SNES) system!

Dave writes: "X (aka Mega Man X), the final creation of Dr. Thomas Light and the first of the new wave of free-willed robots called Reploids. A pacifist at heart who is the Saviour of both mankind and Reploids."

X has a lot on his plate, and being the saviour we know he has to be in shape to defeat villains that would otherwise enslave us all, right?

Here is a compilation of Mega Man X (the initial armor) workout gear:
Mega Man X Men's Workout Cosplay!

And one thing Dave & I have in common is a love of music. We especially like punk and ska! If Dave's list doesn't have you bouncing & skanking around the living room, then it will definitely have you ready to kick major evil reploid butt while working out!!!

Have you ever played Mega Man X, or any of Capcom's other Mega Man titles? What was your favorite SNES game?

Fandom Friday: Comfort Foods That Make Me Dance and Sing!

This Fandom Friday post is brought to by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and the letter S for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you!  
I don't know about you, but I totally believe/suffer from "hangry"! I know how Bruce Banner feels as the fourth hour between a meal rolls around. Hell, I think the main purpose of my purse is to prevent this from happening, via a Quest Bar or another snack being nestled in it.

But then, there are foods that not only take me out of Hulk-smashing-stuff-up-mode, but, into singing and dancing (even if only at the table).

That dear reader, is that list..for me!

5). Pho

via Pho Across America
Whether in sickness, or, in health: Pho is great! Well, to be clear, great pho, is great! I grew up in a neighborhood with an average of two pho restaurants  at every intersection (science!...not really). I'm still looking to find a a good pho restaurant here in P-Cola!
If you don't know what pho is, check out my friend Victoria's handy guide HERE

4). Spicy Cha Cha from Loving Hut!
There are two things you should know about me: (1) I'm not vegan, but, (2) I LOVE vegan food options! And Loving Hut is a vegan restaurant that has franchises all over! They have amazing desserts, soups, and sandwiches. But the Spicy Cha Cha is hands down my favorite. It's skrimp (not shrimp?) and has delicious seasoning and brown rice...I love it! when my hubby and I had a "One Night Only" stint in San Diego last week (this post to come) we made sure to eat at Loving Hut! It's OUR place! Alas, the closest Loving Hut is in Tampa!

3). My Mom's Mac 'n' Cheese
Picture by Bored Inc.
This is a meal is only available seasonally. Every Thanksgiving my mom makes Mac 'n' Cheese, and it is literally a gift from above. I swear, Thursday evening, after grace, and everyone is served, the clouds open up, and moonlight shines in through the window upon this most delicious of food! I don't have a picture of it because I am always too busy eating it!  One year, my mom didn't make it. I told her that I would forgive her that one time. If it happened again, I will not be doing "the whole Thanksgiving thing."
It IS the holiday to me. Judge me if you must. But you'll have to try it for yourself to judge fairly.

2). Cake from Edelweiss Bakery
via the Bakery's Website
"I love cake!" And when I say that, I mean cake from this bakery. I LOVE their icing! I love their cake! I love their whole bakery! When people ask if I want cake, I always hope it will be from them! I'm often disappointed slightly when it's not though because this cake makes me happy beyond belief!

1). Sashimi
I like sushi rolls. But I LOVE sashimi! I am not sure how but my mom got me into sushi early on in life she says (I don't know why either, cause I don't know if I could share my sushi with a little kid #sorrynotsorry). But I will always say "yes" to a sushi invite!

And an honarable mention to...
a). Coffee
Ok, not technically a food, so not technically on the list. But I couldn't not menction it as I'm a coffee addict, so much so that it could be 2 am, and I could be in a desperate need of sleep; but if I so much as smell that delicious brown gift from God...well, I'm getting me a cup of coffee--in the words of Debbie Harry:-- One Way or Another!!!

Those are foods that not only keep me in Bruce Banner mode, but a singing dancing with Thor and Loki, Bruce mode!

What are your comfort foods?

Workout Cosplay: Spider-Man (guest post by: Travis the Grimm!)

For the month of November, I thought it would be fun to feature some geeky guy bloggers and friends, and, their picks for some Workout Cosplays!

The wicked awesome Travis the Grimm was the first person to volunteer as tribute ;) , and, even made an awesome collage based on our favorite web-slinger: Spider-Man!

On the the off chance you're not reading Travis' blog (an issue I would encourage you to remedy, post haste) here's a little synopsis the man himself, and, why he picked your friendly-neighborhood Spider-Man: is my blog where I share all my geeky interests! Whether that be everyday cosplays, toys, or reviews of everything from TV to comics! It’s a place where I hope all geeks will find something of interest and join in on the adventure.

Spider-Man has always been one of my fitness inspirations because I love running and walking and I feel Spider-Man is the equivalent of that but on a whole other level! He swings from place to place and I’ve always found that interesting. Plus he’s just a really cool guy.

And here is Travis' amazing Workout Cosplay:
Spider-Man by Travis the Grimm
Shirt | Shoes | Shorts | Sweatband
Like Travis, I'm a big fan of running (though, I'm amazingly slow) and walking. And here's an Spidey inspired workout playlist cause I cannot run/walk without tunes!

 Also, here's a workout using your own body weight based on Spider-Man (not cardio, but strength training).

Thank you, again Travis for your time, and amazing cosplay!!! :D

Fandom Friday: Halloween Must Sees!

This Fandom Friday post is brought to by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and the letter S for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you
 Today's post is about my Halloween MUST SEES!!! Halloween Movies? Not all. BUT, these movies are one's I love to watch once October rolls around! And, all of them fit into the horror genre...albeit, loosely!

Without further ado, the list!:

5). The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Tim Curry singing? Susan Sarandon in her nicest character? Time Warp? Heck yeah! I love to see this every mischief night (October 30th for me...Thank you, Rocket Power!)! It's perfectly menacing for this night too! Also, this year I have an extra special lippy to wear thanks to Kim at A Very Sweet Blog ! I'm so excited to see it! While it is a musical that could be seen any time of year, I always make sure I watch it in October as well! (Rated HSM: Horror-Silly-Musical...and a bit naughty too).

4). It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
I love the Peanuts holiday shorts, cartoons, comic strips, and Knott's Berry Farm! I love how cute they are and Snoopy's shenanigans! But when I was a kid, we had a VHS full of Peanuts cartoons and this was the first one on the video! I tried to make The Great Pumpkin happen in our house. TGP is like Santa, for Halloween. Only Linus believes in him, and he thinks Santa hogs all the glory while TGP is short changed. It's cute, and at less-than 30-minutes, you always have time to see this in October! (Rated H4F for: "Horror" for the whole Family...and big kids like your's truly)

3). Young Frankenstein
Mel Brooks!
Gene Wilder!
Madeline Kahn!
Do I really need to say more? Well I will! Cause growing up there were a few thing we knew to be implicit, and one of those things was: "It's Good to Be The King!" and Mel Brooks is the king of HILARIOUS! In this particular Brooks' film, we see the grandson of Mary Shelley's Doctor Frankenstein played by Wilder...who calls himself: Dr. Frankenstein...pronounced "frahnk-en-steeeen" so as to disassociate himself from his lunatic grandfather. And yet,--as all movies have taught us--he is doomed to repeat his fore-father's mistakes! Also, they made a musical of this (and of Blazing Saddles, Brooks' AMAZING western!). So, all I'm saying is, be sure to watch this. It's great any time of year! (Rated HH for: Hilarity-over-Horror with a monster and music number)!

2). Hocus Pocus
via (seriously, check this's awesome!)

When I think of Halloween, I think of Sarah Jessica, Kathy, and of course, the The Divine Miss M:
BETTE MIDLER!!!! I consider this to be the quintessential Halloween Movie! Heck, there's even a black cat that talks (whose human form is on NCIS, and voice actor is the AMAZING Jason Marsdon)!! Also--on a really cool side note--Omri Katz was in a wonderfully creepy (or should I say eery?) show called Eerie, Indiana that used to play on TV, and, was like a young folks Twilight Zone/X-Files!!! (Here's an episode!)
(Rated HHDC for: Halloween Horror Disney Classic) 

1). The Nightmare Before Christmas
Typical...I'm sure, but one of the main reasons this movie wins is the fact that this is the Holiday Season movie! Come September 30, you can watch this movie all the way through January 6 (Three Kings' Day). That's right! It's a Halloween through Christmas movie!!! The movie even goes through Thanksgiving! So, because it's a movie that can be watched not just one, not just two, but for at least three months, well, as a Holiday lover, it makes me happy! Also: the artwork is phenomenal. It's aesthetic theme is not only consistent, but well executed. It's stop motion, and yearns towards a simpler time. It's stop-motion, and required so much care in it's work and execution. Danny Elfman  sings. The songs are AMAZING! And: Zero!!! (Rated MHFHC for: Multi-Holiday Family Horror Classic)

Those are my 5 Halloween Must Sees!
 Honarable mentions:
Paranorman; Shaun of the Dead; The Addams Family; The Craft; Buffy the Vampire Slayer (YES! the movie!); Interview With the Vampire; The Witches; and, Casper!

What are your Halloween Must Sees?

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Unicorn Magic

Sometimes, we just need a little magic and sparkle in our lives. Something other to spark our inspiration.

And sometimes, you just need a unicorn that inspires you!


I've been inspired (surprisingly) by not so much a character, but by a mythological creature. Also, I tend to call people magical unicorns when they do something I find impossible in myself.

I'm prepping to wake up and run and cycle tomorrow! And since I've never taken (see: can't afford) horseback riding lessons, well, dammit! I'm pretending that cycle is my own, Magical-Fat-Burning Unicorn equestrian riding session!

Basically, I'll be doing something similar to this:

Wish me luck cause the cycle/spin class is "Extreme Spin" which also has: push ups, ab stuff, and spin cycle. Its actually more fun then that reads (except for the cold, hard, unloving bike seats...those hurt).

Have you done spinning before?

One Lovely Blog Award

The groovy Gwen from A Geek and Her Oven nominated me for

Here are the rules:
  1. Thank the person nominating you and link back to them in your post
  2. Share seven things about yourself
  3. Nominate a few bloggers you admire
  4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know
So, here are seven facts about me:

1). I'm kind of a shut in. I like going out with people, but that first step outside the door is really hard. I'm bad at making the plans. And often have a little anxiety about going out.

2). I wish my hair and eyes were naturally purple! Like, vibrant purple, not a color "close to it". It's my favorite color...I just want purple...purple!!! Is that so bad?

3). At one point I wanted to have one the following "odd" occupations when I "grew-up": rodeo bronco rider (cause: horses! Duh!); semi-truck driver (seemed like freedom); and voice actor (still want to do this actually).

4). I read A Little Princess by Frances Hodgeson Burnett 3 times in a row. When I was in the 4th grade, my teacher played the BEST version of this story at the end of the year (Miriam Margoyles is in it too). And as a girl who was insanely obsessed with Victorian era clothes (thanks Samantha) I was probably one of the only kids enraptured by the video, and the one who was extremely sad there wasn't enough time to watch it. Luckily, the teacher lent it to me! So I got to finish it and returned it to her the following week! Over the summer, we found the book at PriceClub and it came with The Secret Garden (which I read once...but do not remember a thing). I read that book so fast, and then, read it again, and again. I seriously toted that book EVERYWHERE! I still have that worn-out, tried and true copy! I've read it a couple times since. It's my go to comfort book! Its so bad that I actually get VERY mad, whenever the dad lives in movie/stage renditions (in the book, he doesn't...sorry) because it REALLY takes away from Sara Crewe's character.

5). I will always play Rock Band if you ask me! And if you let me pick the songs, I will perform like we're in a real band. Like power-slides, duck walk, mic twirling a la Davey Havok...the whole nine yards.

6). I still love Tamagotchi toys! I don't know why. But I do know that every time a new one comes out, I fight the urge to buy one. I often lose this battle.

7). I love to name people's cars. And if you haven't named yours: I will. (And what I name it, is what I will forever call it).

Here are the blogs:
Pho Across America
Magic Cat Jenny
You Fancy Me Mad
Harper Honey
The Geeky Seemstress
Love Vestige
A Very Sweet Blog
Rando Calrission
The Dainty Dolls House

Thank you for reading!

Fandom 5 Friday: This is Halloween--Nerd Style!

This Fandom Friday post is brought to by the letter N, for (The) Nerdy Girlie, and the letter S for Super Space Chick. And by readers like you!

This week's Fandom Friday is based around characters you'd love to dress up as for Halloween!
To be honest my five are comprised of my all time dream costumes--including when I was a kid!
And with that we begin!

1). Catwoman (Batman Returns)

Since I was a in elementary school and I saw this movie I have want to be this version of Catwoman (check out Tim Burton's concept sketch here)! She's sexy, fierce, and so stinking bad-a$$! Also, like Indiana Jones, home-girl wields a whip! (OK, I'm seriously about to watch this movie cause it's so effing awesome)

2). Cerise Hood (Ever After High)

Cerise is my fave from Ever After High...mostly cause she has cute boots! I would LOVE to dress up as her! She'd scare any Big Bad Wolf away! Also, this wouldn't be too hard to put together for Halloween! And her SDCC exclusive version was so effing awesome! I want to Cosplay as that for a con! (PS: shout out to Usagi from Usagi in Wonderland! She knows why!).

3). Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

Pinkie Pie is the life, strike that! Pinkie Pie IS the party! That, and I love 4th-Wall-Breakers! 'Nough said!

4). Rilakkumma (by San-X)

I can't! That little face is so effing adorable! I'm so addicted to San-X (and Sanrio too) for just, sheer adorableness! It's so much cute, I can't help but smile! Also, there's this kigurumi so it can function as a warm winter wear! It looks super cozy.

5). Tinker Bell (Peter Pan)

Like Catwoman, I've wanted to be Tinkerbell for Halloween! But I've wanted to be her for even longer.

What about you? What are your top five Halloween costumes...for this year? ;)

Wednesday Workout Cosplay: Green Arrow

Today's Workout Cosplay is Green Arrow! I'm so happy that Arrow season 3 has started! And I am excited that the island is pretty much done with! I can't wait to see what all is in store!

One of the things I liked about Green Arrow is the social commentary. I also REALLY like that the show

doesn't shy away from comments about the differences between the rich and poor; race; and, corporate greed! So...maybe the playlist here reflects that!

One last thing:

Yeah...I don't know if I will ever be able to do that! But its cool as heck!

5 Fandom Friday: Geeky Items I NEED in My Closet

I really do enjoy this idea by The Nerdy Girlie, and Super Space Chick! (Luv you ladies!)
This weeks Fandom 5 are nerdy, fandom-based items that I desperately need in my, yesterday! Here are mine:

Fandom Friday: Geeky Items I NEED in My Closet...NOW

1). LumberJanes Shirt- I love Lumberjanes, and I though I got the tote and badges from SDCC, I need MORE!!! And this shirt is hardcore too ;P !
2). Tiana Tee- Tiana is so cute, and I love that she was someone already trying to make her dream come true, before the aid of a prince was even a question.
3). Sestra Shirt- Orphan Black is one of the most amazing shows, and Tatiana Maslany is and amazing actress! This shirt based on the crazy--but still loveable--Helena, and I want it so bad!
4). Xavier's School Letterman Cardigan- I like this sweater so much! Her Universe makes such great ladie-type items! I love it! This one is so cool!
5). Sherlock bow & TARDIS bows!- I love bows and, YES I wear them everyday! I want both of these and would probably wear them together anyway!

Did you participate in Fandom Friday?
Leave your link in the comments below, as I would love to see what else I might want!